Last Stand (role-play)


Rolf leaves a pistol with Dante. "Dante, if you are not feeling better in an hour, kill yourself, and take this quack with you, he is annoying. And no, your vaccintation will not work. There is no vaccination. Read the literature I gave you, you'll be enlightened." Rolf hops onto his horse, with a Winchester Repeater, a Springfield Trapdoor, and 2 Colt 1845s. "Come on Kurtis, let's go."


Name: Jean Lafitte
Age: 34
Job: Rogue Confederate Squad Commander
Bio: Lafitte fought at the last battle of the Civil War at Palmetto Ranch and has fought his share of battles. After the war he went to Mexico with 40 of his men and after a few hated years in the Mexican Army returned with them to America to see if he could somehow revive the Confederacy. He is a fanatical Confedorate and will kill anyone who dares to badmouth the Confederacy.
One of my scouts, a captain Verne returns to our small encampment to tell me he spotted a town called Miracle Ranch, the odd thing was that it almost looked liked a defensive encapment and from a distance it looked like Indians were attacking the town. I give the order to head for the ranch and soon arrive on the outskirts of town....


johann, im glad that to know that if im going to to die it wont be with a cowerd. kurtis rides into the next wave of zombies.


Rolf nods, and rides behind Kurtis, shooting up the zombies. "You know what would be great right now, an epic song."


LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA.....................ther you go.Lol I dont look back starts playing as kurtis and johann start a zombie killing montage.


I ride into town only to find bodies everywhere, my god its horrible and then I see this French looking guy and ask him what happened.


kurtis looks back at lafittejean. great another one. i hope he is not french or a doctor.


Ha ha I am French ha ha, another one though, I have 60 of the finest soldiers a man could have with me.


I servd in the army but now im just a simple deputy who fights zombies.


For the North or South, oh and do you think my men should leave town or we can set up our 2 gatling guns and hotchkiss cannon and watch'em fall.


I'm sorry guys, but what the hell is this, is it a game, if it is give me a link!


North. i allready have a gatlen gun set up in a back post use that.


You dirty.. why I oughta.. look, on that hill what is that thing?!! Oh and I have 60 guys all with guns and 10 man the gatling guns and the cannon.


Wait, I just recalled something, when we were in Mexico some kind of zombie disease struck and 100s were dieing. I fact that's how I got my big guns. We stopped it by... oh dang I can't remember and... what the bleep!!! Look at all of them set up boys! Yes Sir!:blink:


meanwhile kurtis and johann are continuing the montage with kurtis(only havin one leg:dry:)keeping on his horse the hole time.
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By the way i faught in the brit army and came to america to retire but got a job as a deputy.


"Can you two shut up about the war? It's over! Just kill the zombies. Set up the gatlings on that ridge."


Good point.(did you like the montage)Kurtis kills 39 more zombies by seting them on fire.:D


P.S. Last time i mentiond a gatling gun you all laughd at me. Its still their.


Rolf kills the flaming zombies before they set an ammo depot on fire. "Don't set them on fire, destroy the brain. They still work if they're on fire."