v1.19 update !


well the most importand thing in my opinion is to increase the dueler class, than at first lvl's till 20 or so duelers are a bitt better then soldiers but afterwards soldiers have great advanteges in the proces of a duel, but duelers can only benefit outside of it, so they should give it at least some 25% to appearence in duels to make it at least a bit even between the classes, or maybe make some way to change the class for example for the cost of exp even, i wouldnt mind that

second: soldiers complain about the gear from there quests no one gets good gear and further more you have amaizing class bonuses that should make you more happy then anything else, and with the premium you can use weapons 6lvl's faster and get a 100% tactic bonus, how awsome is that?

yes i know i made the wrong decision but i didnt know when i started the game that tactic and weapon lvl is so important

sorry just had a few bad battles with sodliers for a few days.....


anholng, its being updated on Wednesday, probably early in the morning server time.

bandrall, im sorry, but it wouldn't make sense to give duelers an appearance bonus. which would you be more afraid of, a soldier coming to attack you, or some random person? you know that the soldier is trained, and can easily kill you, but you dont know about the random person, because it can really be random. the person can be scary looking, but not always.
i think it would make more sense for duelers to get bonuses in dodging, because they're duelers, they've learned to last long by not getting shot. soldiers, on the other hand, are trained how to use a gun, and know how to fire it, and while they can move fast, they aren't really trained to dodge a bullet.
and the items duelers get are pure aim and shooting. those are the skills i want in my clothes. they may not be the best clothes, but they sure as hell are awesome dueling clothes. vigor and setting traps are not going to help me win a duel, nor is horseback riding.


Update Date

Update on French Server is for the 7th May...

Should be before on the .net server, even if i have not seen date here.


.de 1 got updated earlier, and there aren't any problems that I've read about so hopefully we'll get it very soon !


Yes, its already up on de1 and seems to work well...
Just a little hint:


Can you only see items available for your class to buy ? I'm still a greenhorn on W-1 .de, and don't see any new items ...

I was just going to post asking if the update was working with the "new items".


The sets are not class specific, but some are gender specific.

That item above belongs to the mexican set, it's some kind of mexican bandana.
This and other real new items can only be found (at least nobody has them in shops, however they might appear in new built shops). Older items, that have become set items can be purchased normally.


It appears to be some sort of Mexican neckband. At least when I right click on the properties for the picture it seems to indicate that.


This and other real new items can only be found (at least nobody has them in shops, however they might appear in new built shops). Older items, that have become set items can be purchased normally.

These special items cannot be bought in stores, they can only be found!


They found a critical bug in 1.19 so the update will hopefully be sometime after 1pm.


thanx^^...for that translation..though tat thread was too short...

but i enjoyed reading about hernando...and the person finding it while work...
certainly doesnt luk possible in .net..

sorry for going offtopic..lol..


You shouldn't be able to change character, thats dumb.

I'd be an adventurer until about level 25 then switch to Soldier every world if that was the case.


I'd be an adventurer until about level 25 then switch to Soldier every world if that was the case.

Why? The worker xp bonus would be more useful at low levels than having a better chance to find items in low luck jobs.


Adventurer would be better for finding products at early levels ... get all the higher level quest items out of the way early...

Though Worker would be the best class post-quest items IMO. The only downside to Worker is you need high Str to finish the class quests and then you could switch over to Firearms for the best XP jobs ... it'd cost alot of cash but money is just money.