The Shadow City declares war on Dusty Pass


HighTower you can interpret Lizy's words any way you like, but unless Lizy has some other 40-50 friends who are not Outlaw Creek then she threw you into the ring without talking to you about it since you claim not to have contact with Lizy.

When Hefty declared on us - in our forums I predicted the other moderator/employee run towns would eventually have to join in to save him, and thats fine with me.


You Declared First!
I Declared for something Worthwhile to post in on this Forum.
i just got bored and did some pnp.


Stupidest thread ever.

Whistling, stop posting for the betterment of all of us.

Back in the wild west towns didn't randomly decide to travel to another town and WAR each other, please read up on your history.
Whether we're admins on tribalwars or mods on the west, it shouldn't matter, we're playing the game
X has joined our town ONCE, not TWICE, and never left us, get your facts straight.
I never ever mentioned another town, I said I had friends, I didn't specify, pissing off leaders of other towns by assuming is the worst idea ever.
My people are allowed to duel whoever they want, in whatever town they want. Again this isn't tribalwars - you dont have enemies and alliances - stop making up invisible game settings.

Ps. its a game whistling.
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HighTower you can interpret Lizy's words any way you like, but unless Lizy has some other 40-50 friends who are not Outlaw Creek then she threw you into the ring without talking to you about it since you claim not to have contact with Lizy.

When Hefty declared on us - in our forums I predicted the other moderator/employee run towns would eventually have to join in to save him, and thats fine with me.

No whistlingleaf, Lizy did nothing.
YOU are the one asking the OUTLAW's to step in.


HighTower you can interpret Lizy's words any way you like, but unless Lizy has some other 40-50 friends who are not Outlaw Creek then she threw you into the ring without talking to you about it since you claim not to have contact with Lizy.

When Hefty declared on us - in our forums I predicted the other moderator/employee run towns would eventually have to join in to save him, and thats fine with me.

There is more then 1 or 2 big towns full of people who are my friends. You don't know me well enough to assume its Outlaw.


Lizy if this isn't Tribal Wars then why did you say you have 40-50 friends in other TRIBES who would back you up ? Those are your words not mine.

You can argue semantics all you like but a member of your town is attacking us due to his previous town's loyalty then we shall return fire. Also if you think there are no enemies or alliance in The West then you're not playing the same game as the rest of us. I'm sorry if the way I play does not fit your image of The West ... maybe find some game of non-violence where there are no winners or losers like say jumping rope would better suit you.

When people from your town stop attacking people from my town then we shall stop attacking you in return.

ps I'm kinda annoyed my town mate KO'd Allyboo before I got there :(

pps Hightower - come on down ! You can rationalize things anyway that makes you feel good, but feel free to come on over anytime.


Lizy if this isn't Tribal Wars then why did you say you have 40-50 friends in other TRIBES who would back you up ? Those are your words not mine.

You can argue semantics all you like but a member of your town is attacking us due to his previous town's loyalty then we shall return fire. Also if you think there are no enemies or alliance in The West then you're not playing the same game as the rest of us. I'm sorry if the way I play does not fit your image of The West ... maybe find some game of non-violence where there are no winners or losers like say jumping rope would better suit you.

When people from your town stop attacking people from my town then we shall stop attacking you in return.

ps I'm kinda annoyed my town mate KO'd Allyboo before I got there :(

pps Hightower - come on down ! You can rationalize things anyway that makes you feel good, but feel free to come on over anytime.

I have no alliances and no wars, as far as I know thats the way all the sane towns are playing. If you see something else going on, its probably just your psychosis. Dueling is just part of the game, grow a pair.


I hate to break it to you but there are several wars going on ...

I'll make it easy for you though and put Outlaw Creek on the high priority list of towns to attack. Then we can stop dancing around on whether you're going to jump in or not.

Why avoid the inevitable ? Lets meet it head on !

Cya soon !


Hmm...hey another War.

Wait who won in that other war then?

Sorry I just checked this Thread again Today. So any update?


I hate to break it to you but there are several wars going on ...

I'll make it easy for you though and put Outlaw Creek on the high priority list of towns to attack. Then we can stop dancing around on whether you're going to jump in or not.

Why avoid the inevitable ? Lets meet it head on !

Cya soon !

So let me get this right.

You just randomly select towns and egg them on, and if they don't take the bait you just declare on them?

You must really hate your town.


Yes it was very random that Lizy said she had 40-50 friends who would back her up, and coincidently Calamity Creek another moderator/employee ran town fits that bill very well.

I know the alliances for most of the top towns and I'm fairly confident that Calamity Creek doesn't have those 40-50 "friends" in any other town except yours Hightower.

You are talking pretty tough and overly sarcastically for someone who doesn't want to be involved.


Yes it was very random that Lizy said she had 40-50 friends who would back her up, and coincidently Calamity Creek another moderator/employee ran town fits that bill very well.

I know the alliances for most of the top towns and I'm fairly confident that Calamity Creek doesn't have those 40-50 "friends" in any other town except yours Hightower.

You are talking pretty tough and overly sarcastically for someone who doesn't want to be involved.

If Lizy said she has 40-50 friends, you'd have to ask her what she meant.

Outlaw Creek has NO alliances, NO wars, we duel whomever is convenient. If you see the game as any other way, I submit that it comes from a personal character flaw.

The only reason I could come up with, as to why your trying to pick a fight with yet-another-town, is a simple ego deficiency. I suggest you not try to bring your town down with you.


Shadow City = 600-800 exp if I come there and spend 3-4 hours dueling. Why would I NOT attack you anyways. There are maybe 5-6 towns in the game with that much xp for me, and I already know all your duelers.

If there was never a war between Dusty and shadow, I would STILL attack all that exp.


Calamity Creek brought themselves into this by attacking us FIRST, and they can end it anytime they decide their members won't attack us.

I'm not "trying" to pick a fight with Calamity Creek - some of my guys are already on the way there so the fight has started.


Calamity Creek brought themselves into this by attacking us FIRST, and they can end it anytime they decide their members won't attack us.

I'm not "trying" to pick a fight with Calamity Creek - some of my guys are already on the way there so the fight has started.

Why? there is plenty of exp to be had without traveling 3 K's away.

Its a stupid move.


Whistling it was me attacking you for the exp. Calamity members aren't told who they can and can not attack. We are not involved in a war, it is just me.

And assuming Hightower and Outlaw are any part of this? They didn't even know about this til you messaged them with some random absurd notions.

The moderators of TW/T-W are not all rallying against you. Your town is a treasure trove of duelers who have fought weaker players and gotten high levels and give good exp for anyone willing to make the trip. You have 1 dueler that is good enough to stick with other top duelers, and only 2-3 more max that stand a chance. Don't go on assumptions.


JDraconis wins the duel, gains 129 experience points and steals $9 from Whistlingleaf.

Awww thats so sweet of you Wiltedleaf :)


Hightower you realize that X is traveling 75% farther to Shadow City (5h 43m) then we are to Calamity Creek (3h 14m), right ? Its good for the goose it must be good for the gander, right ?

X by those weaker players you mean Dusty Pass, right ? And yet HeftySmurf continues to say that they are winning ... hmm I can't figure that out.

@JDraconis - very nice job! I admit I didn't expect it after defeating some of your other town mates so easily. I'll try you again in a bit... see if the outcome is different !

ps X - no offense but if you had no idea until I told you yesterday that Morthy, Gem, Lizy and Davina are mods/employees of The West or Tribal Wars - (I miss anyone?) - then why would you expect to know what they and Hightower may or may not have discussed previously ?
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Hightower you realize that X is traveling 75% farther to Shadow City (5h 43m) then we are to Calamity Creek (3h 14m), right ? Its good for the goose it must be good for the gander, right ?

X by those weaker players you mean Dusty Pass, right ? And yet HeftySmurf continues to say that they are winning ... hmm I can't figure that out.

@JDraconis - very nice job! I admit I didn't expect it after defeating some of your other town mates so easily. I'll try you again in a bit... see if the outcome is different !

I never said we are winning, Read each of my posts, we are just *****d by noobs, wait until you see what we have for you, you are in for a big shock.