The Red Star - RPG


looked at woody while still cleaning james' wounds

"hunter...are you hiding something?" angel said as she looked back at te hunter


"Course I am. That's a greater evil than you know," James said. A candle flickered and looked like a shadow crawled across the wall. "I will tell you one day what it is," James said with a smile.

(AGAIN I connect the stories. Will the great James ever die XD?)


"I understand buddy...When the time is right..." Westwoods nodded and smiled.
"But you know I worry too much."


*thunk, thunk, thunk, plump.....rolling. as something falls through the chimney and rolls to where the group is and they hear a hisssssss. BOOM!dynamite blew up before thier very eyes.*


"gee hunter...youre making woody worried :(" angel said...

"alright...ill get us some food it make us hungry waiting for you here :p" she added then went straight back to te kitchen...


(Hmmm well since we cnt kinda fit it in there now, just throw another stick of dynamite at us later I guess)

James smiled and said,"Food would be good Angel."


(-.- DYNAMITE!!!)

*suddenly wakes up and notice he is laying by a blown house.he remembered he dropped the dynamite and he can hear fain yells and shooting,he sees his two buds over him.*(person)"hes up.Hier that blow got you too,ou got stuck in the chimney,yuo killed the mayor but you almost died,we should do it next time."(meh)"uhh foget that,lets finish the attack and take another town, you guys know whos next."*they all leave and take the town :p*

Deadly Hier and his many followers take another town.His stats are here:
Towns taken:8
Towns own:10(meh and bro. wern't takne they were founded :p)
Lives taken:910
Seems friendly he said in quotes,"im done,hough ive taken towns i am going to find a new one and live in it,im through." It seems to have all changed.



(You.....god modder. No dynamite. Explain duh dynamite. In detail so wesa dnt get confuzzled. Redo that. I ask. Or mesa just end this thread)


(Ahhh got it in PM)

James picked up his newspaper and said,"Westwoods, go back outside and find the man. Tell him that he and his group can take the empty house next to me." James sat down and looked tired.



*once done with destroying the town,hier whent back to his originaly town and sat back where he was on the rock near James town. with an angry face.*


"Okie dokie!!!! let's eat :D....same old macaoni soup for everybody :D...and milk for meh kitty^^" angel said


"Sure thing buddy...oh don't eat all the macaroni soup leave some for me when I return." Westwoods grabded his rifle and pistol, put on his hat and mounted his horse outside. He went on his way to find the outlaw.

He saw him sitting on a rock. He dismounted. "Hey! you there!"
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"woody?!" she looked at woody then back at te hunter...te hunter trusts woody . . .after eating and leaving one bowl foll of macaroni soup for woody angel decided to go for a walk tat night...she makes sure no one would see her . . .


James smiled and walked next to Angel. "You know you can't sneak away that easy from me," James whispered in her ear.


"HEY!"*pulls out a big nice rifle from the back of his shirt,jumped behind a bigger rock and stuck the gun on top.*"I'LL KILL YOU!Drop the weapons, and what do you want, You think I won't be able to see over this rock think again."*pulls out a mirror and lays it on a small rock and adjust it to where he can see woods.*