The Red Star - RPG


"Oh you'll see...It's a big enough house to let a whole garrison of troops in."


James smiled and said,"Ill try it out later. But its yours." James lit a cigarette and puffed some smoke. "Fancy model to be quite exact," James said.


"alright then.pick up your gun and walk away you turn around, POP your head is gone. ill be in the town tommorow."


"hey! how many times do i have to tell you no smoking" angel said then stand,left te gun on te floor and took te cigarette out of te hunter's hand... "its bad...cut it out.."


*as woods left hier goes back to his town and sleeps till morning, though morning is already near.*


"its getting so late ...*yawn* hunter do you thhink he'll get back soon...woody is hungry for sure. . ." angel said and started to slowly close her eyes as she hug te hunter and put out te fire on te cigarette in her hand...


Westwoods knocked and waited. He grinned. He faintly smelled the cigarette smoke.


James opened the door and said,"Told you he'd be fine Angel." James smiled and said again,"Come in friend."


"Thank God. It's freezing outside. How about some food? I'm starved." He sat himself at the table looking very hungry.


*cant fall asleep gets up and goes into the next room where his buds are playin poker.sits down and starts playing.*"Three OF A KIND ACES!Hier gets the pot."*thats another $1,000 to him ;))


*angel run into te kitchen and prepare te macaroni soup they reserve for woody*

*reheated and put into a new platter*

"woody !!!" she called from te door and ask te two to continue talking in te kitchen...


James walked over and smiled. "Told you I was right," James said with a smile and a hug.


*hugs back*

"uhm..i think it will be a long i'll make coffee for you two..and me ..milk :D" angel said as she take two cups from te kitchen drawer


"gee..hunter..something wrong? i cant move" angel said surprised wit te hunter