The Brain Farts - Brainstorm of ideas here

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Well-Known Member
why do we fort fight

ff is the main thing in the endgame, but what do you earn as a reward by being a good combatant? currently, a barrack (you prolly sleep in Friendship & Trust already), naming rights and uhh reports that show you are very good fort fighter. heck yeah i can't wait for the next one boiisss!!!

DAMN fellas, forts need something that owning one puts your town and alliance apart from other players, something that pushes your team ahead and the opposite team lagging behind. i thought about "owning forts in county gives buff there" but what if "your town owning/being part of forts gives all the townies a stacking little buff for farming" or "shared fort building that is better than church for xp and requires way more builders to grow".

maybe if they raise the stakes on ff this would wreck done the game, they need to keep it somewhat lame so you fellas don't get too hyped for it.
double the xp and steel lined box please?


Well-Known Member
increase friendlist to 200 or 250

man i have more than a network of a hundred people, most are close allies or friends, i even like being friends with people i don't really ever talked to but i still get happy to see i'm in their friendlist uwu

when i get a new fren i have to make a hard decision of removing one of the hundred in frenlist, and it's way past the hard decision line for a good while now. i was thinking of unfriend townies since i already have them on town chat and make room for more people, but the noob townies like being in their higher ranks townie frenlist; i know because i've been there and i am there, so please allow for more room to friends in friendlist i don't want to dismiss anyone anymore D:

also the friend stuff is... a bar above the other stuff bar down the screen. a sliding bar. why can't we have a proper separated window for a real friendlist? filter by level, by town, by alliance, by time of friendship, a "close friends" maybe. despite the bad fren management system i still manage to make lots of frens, and rather than doing the unfriendly action of unfriending a fren i rather add more frens. nerf event frends rewards if that is an issue, i prefer more frens than more resources anyways.

Killer Bonnie

Well-Known Member
How about these for set names
Daniel Boone
Chief Blackfish
Meriweather Lewis
William Clark
Davy Crockett
General Santa Anna
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
John C. Freemont
Kit Carson


Well-Known Member
Thomas Jefferson's Independence Set was the free set released during Independence Day event 2014 (and unavailable to collectors who started after that event). Many of the rest of those are the "gold" item to finish off a collection achievement.


Idea :)
I suggest health bonus for every year of playing the game. Not skill points on health that could be moved to other skills, just health.
It would start with 1 health first year and double every next year. Bonuses would not be summing up, its just one bonus that will become bigger every year.

year of playing | health bonus growth
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 4
4 | 8
5 | 16
6 | 32
7 | 64
8 | 128
9 | 256
10 | 512
11 | 1024
12 | 2048


Well-Known Member
Idea :)
I suggest health bonus for every year of playing the game. Not skill points on health that could be moved to other skills, just health.
It would start with 1 health first year and double every next year. Bonuses would not be summing up, its just one bonus that will become bigger every year.

year of playing | health bonus growth
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 4
4 | 8
5 | 16
6 | 32
7 | 64
8 | 128
9 | 256
10 | 512
11 | 1024
12 | 2048
Damagers would need a different bonus, they don't need HP at all


Well-Known Member
what if a FF dig took 23h instead of 24h? just like the nugget bag thing

reason: people usually dig the following battle after the current ff has ended; say today i dig 20h ST and, the following day, the fight ends at 21h ST, then someone go and dig the hatchet. keep that going and eventually we will have to dig at 1am server time!!

if digs take 23h to start you can make a dig right after the previous has ended and they always start at around the same time; you dig 21h server time, the dig starts 20h the following day, by 21h the battle has ended and someone make another dig for the next day at 20h, this way we can consistently be fighting around the same time and no need to dig right before the current battle or so

another idea i've seen around, maybe an optional alternate mode for FF where rounds lasts only 30s; as someone who follow orders, 1 min between rounds is too much, and as someone giving orders, this would be hell, but a funny one! fights take considerably long, people who die early don't stick around to watch the full fight, they just want it to end asap so they can do something else. maybe long fights also keep people away who can't partake online at them


Well-Known Member
there should be no fee for placing a bounty on others; at least none for alive and way lower for dead

there is no bounty hunter role in duelling because issueing a wanted poster caps you for half the prize, so why bother to create one if inno's dark hole sucks that amount into oblivion? the same goes for duel money when you ko someone, half of it obliterates into thin air... why? thinking that way, duels are pretty bad for the economy as the only thing they do is destroy money. maybe that is good for keeping inflation at stake, but these are very bad incentives for duelling. also, doesn't the extra $ from duels create money out of nothing? they could increase the reward from duel; like, if you earn 30% and you have a 50% income bonus on equip, you could earn 50% more on top of 30%, making it 45% of what the fella has in his pockets, limited to all he has; knock out reaps all his goods, not half being sent as an offering to the sink hole


Well-Known Member
I'd have to disagree with you on this, for a game to atleast have a decent economy there needs to be sink holes, so the amount of money isnt increasing too much. That's why taxes exist and other ways so some money is lost. A dueller makes more moeny than someone working 1h jobs or farming products, maybe only doing 15s is better than duels money.


Well-Known Member
by default duels don't create money, they just relocate already farmed money to the hands of gunslingers, also when creating a poster no new money is generated; as for sink holes mechanism, i've contributed a lot to that in 3 trys on helen/spirit chests and getting sundown/waite.....

last night i went for xp duels and in 28 encounters (consider 280 minutes) i farmed about 55k, 10k in one duel only; i could get that in less than 30 minutes of honest work; i remember when i used to duel for money, in 2 hours making 100k picking vulnerable targets and usually 60k comes from one unlucky guy. duels aren't a money generator, what i initially ask for is for bounty hunting to be worth the time and money invested as no new income is created when you issue a poster, half of it is destroyed at first and there must be another sink holes than the already low incentivized bounty hunting aspect

if you want to make a dead reward for someone at 100k, you must be willing to obliterate another 100k in the process... do you really hate the guy that much? usually allies go after your grievances when you show the reports and ask for revenge


Well-Known Member
I dont think there is much incentive to put big bounties anyway. Another reason duelling isnt much profitable is because the bank can hold unlimited money so maybe change that instead.


Well-Known Member
I dont think there is much incentive to put big bounties anyway. Another reason duelling isnt much profitable is because the bank can hold unlimited money so maybe change that instead.
I am not a fan of that . But i have an alternative solution for that.
Make bank levels unlimited like church
and the bigger the level of the bank the more money you can safely store into that .(maybe you can store more but can be stolen [maybe add bank heist mini game for that or give them to the duellers ])
so building a town aint only about church, and builders have something else to do :)

so for example lvl 1 bank can save you 5k
lvl2 10k
lvl3 20k etc (numbers can be fixed for better balance )


Well-Known Member

can we have a clear indication of the job mot you have without having to hover the mouse over it and waiting until the popup [sometimes wrong] show up? could be a straight number shown in the middle of the icon or 24 bars between the 4 circles; i track this it my current energy but that is wacky man, please fix this

also larger job bubbles and windows i mean we have plenty of room in the screen, everything should be bigger we aint on 4:3 white block cathode screens anymore bro


Ex-Team Member
View attachment 5506

can we have a clear indication of the job mot you have without having to hover the mouse over it and waiting until the popup [sometimes wrong] show up? could be a straight number shown in the middle of the icon or 24 bars between the 4 circles; i track this it my current energy but that is wacky man, please fix this

also larger job bubbles and windows i mean we have plenty of room in the screen, everything should be bigger we aint on 4:3 white block cathode screens anymore bro
Sym, you have some interesting ideas, but from a development standpoint, this game died like 8 years ago. Asking for new features is pointless.


Well-Known Member
its good to keep making suggestions imo, tho very concerned that there has years of sugggestions have been achieved or comments to try to keep game going have been eliminated. I think we all see that even during this last year with what has occurred the player base over decreased by at least 1/3 in each world as compared to 18 months ago. Pls keep supporting each other in game with questions and help, that is place found to be most supportive.


Well-Known Member
update travelling fair rewards

the very rare category has some old sets, good for collectors
the rare category has horseshoes to make you faster [ok i can travel the map in 4 minutes now i can do it in 2. 10 times] and an alligator tooth to give me +100 labor in hunting alligators for... 10 times
the uncommon category has a coupon for +50 points in LATO and 10% luck... 10 uses
the common category has a mask to give +60 labor points in some trash old jobs for... 5 utilizations

let me tell the best drop in each category:

common: circus ticket [100 labor points + 20% xp... for 10 times]
uncommon: two circus tickets [25% xp for 8h, nice]
rare: prolly the juggling balls because people collect these i guess
very rare: dude there is a mojo which gives you +5 attribute points. what? 6/327526 odds of having +5 all stats for 1h?

i believe it's not a hard request to change the tombolas here for something better than this crap; bonds, medals, xp potions, old sets from previous eras, buffs that don't apply for 1 single job or 5 uses, no speed bonus trash, plz fix that


Well-Known Member
I talked earlier about BANK heist mini game.
Imagine a map the size of adventures one. 2 buildings(on the oposite corners) and lots of hiding spots in between.
the buildings are ofc the bank and the other one is The sheriff.
its 3 vs 3 game.(
it can be 5 vs 5 but that cant be fun in old worlds as its difficult to find many people )
so 3 attackers [(the bandits )<--- from the same town . ]
go and plan a heist(similar to digging a fort . a player goes to the desired town and plan a heist )
the waiting time is 30 mins so that the rest of the players arrive (instead of 24 hours in forts ) and 20k$.
during this time every player online in that town gets notified .
The Defenders (Deputies)have to find the best 3 defenders (i will explain skill later )and travel to town during that time.

bandits start at the Bank while deputies on the Sheriff.
Movement will be similar to the adventures .
Shooting on the other hand will be automated like the fortfights, no super powers like healing, eagle shot, etc.

THE game has 20 rounds 1m each .
Bandits have one and only goal to knock out the deputies and escape.
Deputies on the other hand have either to stall the bandits for 20 rounds (lets say the sherif arrives and they win ) OR knock out the bandits.
I havent figured out an exact map yet( of someone is willing to make one i would be glad) , but i believe its gonna be fair for the bandits to have a slightly better LOS advantage.

IF bandits win they can take 10% of the town treasury or 20% if they have no losses.(high reward to hit strong towns ,for example my town in colorado has 22 millionns in that treasury :D ).
IF deputies win they loot :
Any $ OR bounties the bandits had
The 20k that the bandits used for the heist
(optional 2% of the bandits bank accounts savings ) <-- banks cooperate ,lets say thats a fine from the bandits banker.
The money always getting split equally.
BONDS (optional)
bonds to the losing side .
20 bonds to the winning side.

same as duelling.
appeareance for attack and tactics for defence.
dodging toughness and reflex according to your weapon .(meele weapons can be there just imagine that meele duelists throw them :D )

A town can be hit once every 24h .(after that the sherif has guards for 24 hours )
you cannot plan a heist on a town that has less than 15 people and that town has less than 2/3 of your town points.
IF no defenders appear bandits win automatically but only 1% of the treasury (still good money ) and that town gets on cooldown for 24hours
IF a town loses they lose 100 points on the leaderboard (duel points) ,IF the bandits win their town gets 100.
IF the town treasury is empty bandits loot the bank account of the deputies(2%).
During the battle each team will have its own chat.

Its a mix of fortfights and duels. More like a mini scale Fortfight with duel gear and sets.
IF implemented it can give life to old servers , and also make dueling a greater spec of the game along with fortfights .
I believe the $$$ rewards to be one of the reasons old duellers come back to the game .
There is no need for anything new in order of items or sets but that doesnt mean they cant get created in the future.
Finally I didnt put experience in the rewards due to the fact that i believe that the $$ rewards are high enough..

OFC THIS isnt but a mere suggestion and any changes are welcome :)