The Brain Farts - Brainstorm of ideas here

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 1278415
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Well-Known Member
private property please, Alaska as a new land to explore (higher levels like 150 or more)

i like this, supposedly the middle of the map was that before; i remember it being somewhat inaccessible before it was revealed, every job there was awesome to their time but now the best jobs are around the map, making it kinda the mid term rather than the big league of jobs. it should be not that. indeed, every other county should have no greater jobs than the middle has, for the sake of please dont make me search for gold digger in 14 counties instead of 2 job sites. yes elitize the middle, make it a desired place to be for under 120s and even under 150s so that you strive for reaching these gem jobs, being a challenge and rewarding making your life easier


Well-Known Member
i like this, supposedly the middle of the map was that before; i remember it being somewhat inaccessible before it was revealed, every job there was awesome to their time but now the best jobs are around the map, making it kinda the mid term rather than the big league of jobs. it should be not that. indeed, every other county should have no greater jobs than the middle has, for the sake of please dont make me search for gold digger in 14 counties instead of 2 job sites. yes elitize the middle, make it a desired place to be for under 120s and even under 150s so that you strive for reaching these gem jobs, being a challenge and rewarding making your life easier


Well-Known Member
Is anything done with this thing called "Duelling Honor" we all have? If not , would suggest that it is used somehow as a random balancing factor in duels so that attackers are not as assured of such an easy victory when they are when hitting players with much lower abilities? (And is it possible to have a dueling honor less than -9999?)

I understand that duelling is part of the game. However, I believe the game should be for the enjoyment of all: any element of it leading directly to people quitting should be monitored carefully. Even today, I have seen the statement on the profile of one player that they will not quit dueling another player until they have driven that player out of the game. Is this really the standard of behaviour that Inno wants to condone and support?

Ektoras BOTrini

Well-Known Member
Is anything done with this thing called "Duelling Honor" we all have? If not , would suggest that it is used somehow as a random balancing factor in duels so that attackers are not as assured of such an easy victory when they are when hitting players with much lower abilities? (And is it possible to have a dueling honor less than -9999?)

I understand that duelling is part of the game. However, I believe the game should be for the enjoyment of all: any element of it leading directly to people quitting should be monitored carefully. Even today, I have seen the statement on the profile of one player that they will not quit dueling another player until they have driven that player out of the game. Is this really the standard of behaviour that Inno wants to condone and support?
Since it's a game feature , players can use that game feature as they want to. If a player gets dueled excessive amount of times then the best solution is to leave the town he is in.


Well-Known Member



i can give alternatives.. Plenty of them..

1)survive PAST round 35
2) ATTEND an FF with MORE THAN 80% of the total players..(so attack and defence must be near full ... ADJUST the number for the dead servers )
3) kill someone OR DO 20 dodges (works for both tanks and snipers )
4) TRIPLE rewards if you win by eliminating the enemy..
5) touch the flag as an attacker (MAYBE DONT KNOW ABOUT THIS ONE)

this silly game where people suicide and cry if not ranked in battles is kinda destroying the FF spirit in any active servers are left..


Well-Known Member
@pero131 's 3) (and 1?) Change it to double rewards for people who die after round 20. Halve the rewards if those who die before round 10. This gets rid of the suicide problem.
5) This is already worth a bond, but I don't think people suicide just to get that.


Well-Known Member
@pero131 's 3) (and 1?) Change it to double rewards for people who die after round 20. Halve the rewards if those who die before round 10. This gets rid of the suicide problem.
5) This is already worth a bond, but I don't think people suicide just to get that.
yeah thats a valid alternative as well :)
they can propably play more with the way event rewards work...
they can also increase rewards x 1.5 for all (die or survive ) ...
THE THING is that double rewards doesnt boost FF gameplay and they get in the way of people trying to enjoy said battles.


Well-Known Member
battles could have different maps depending on fort size, i mean literally more stages; 1 stage for small, 2 stage for medium and 3 stage for larges,

the small one is just the regular inside of large fort map;
medium has two stages, the first one starts with grass and walls and second stage is inside the fort;
large start on meadow with trenches and terrain, proceeds to walls and last stage is on the inside.

there is a limit for people in each stage, how many are joining next is shown; offline people are auto enlisted unless removed by general, while online you can choose to join on the next stage or not, this way the off folks go first or are kept for later. to move to the next stage would require control over territory in the form of occupying slots over an extent of the areas in that stage, chosing either to clash and hold position or give room to the enemy troops. the first stage is always advantageous for attackers, the second stage is balanced and the last stage is the last stand for defence but with enough covering for attacking troops to find a breach.

before battle, fort owning town can rearrange features on their side of the map and so can the attacking town on theirs, so the map choice is not always fixated thus allowing different approachs with tactics for both leaders to develop and counter. offline troops can be rearranged by generals and troop control can be regained once online.

additionally owning a fort provides the limited number of participating towns world buffs like xp, $, luck, drop.

i am to believe no other game has a war game mode to the likes of a Thr West Fort Fight but structure and targeting mechanics were never changed. you should be able to aim manually and tank bullets for others, and nowadays owning a fort changes no much to gameplay despite all the effort into xp maxxing and upgrading gears.


Well-Known Member
please update the introduction questline to be more straightforward and gift an update for greenhorn set, something that resembles comte but in a f2p way. the introduction questline should be no longer than 12 quests and please don't lock the screen and point a stupid moving red arrow to where one click to accept quest, give a more "explore by your own" feeling to the game instead of limiting the features until you do the boring, long, outdated and stupid two intro quests that rewards trash and not make a new player familiar with set bonuses and functionalities


Well-Known Member
excuse me if i'm not aware but there should be a 2.0 collector set, many trash new town shop items were added since the first version was presented

also, old event obtainable sets should be available in more plenty ways than they do currently for antiquity collectors. i also pointed out the need to update the fair rewards, maybe more chests could be available in more categories than ultra rare


Well-Known Member
Idea for monthly mini events on .net:
(not event server)
Each month have a small contest that lasts a week only.
Month 1: duels
-example: most initiated duels won
Month 2: forts
-example: most fort fights participated
Month 3: luck
-example: highest luck job report
Month 4: crafting
-example: most items crafted
Month 5: adventurs
-example: most points earned
....repeat or other event type

Players will submit the report and mods will check the reports. Rewards would be small. Like first 3 players get an xp potion or some good buffs or one non premium set item or bonds or nuggets etc

Harriet Oleson

Well-Known Member
Minor idea :
- change the rewards of the daily quest "fort battle completed" for something more attractive. It could be xp proportional to level instead of a flat value, a chest, both or I don't know. Something not too big but still attractive enough to be incentive, make "worth" digging/participating even in inactive worlds.

I long ago suggested to give a minimum reward to battles so it would still be worth to participate/dig even in inactive worlds (knowing there is a vicious circle there, "less fighters => lower rewards => less fighters" ). But the main problem with this idea was it could be incentive to battles from isolated players like "1 vs 15" and this possibly even several times a day, just for the minimum reward. But if the "minimum reward" making it worth to participate was assured through a daily quest, this problem should be limited a lot : a same digger/fighter couldn't enjoy this reward several times a day, but only once for the quest. Even if not every day it could still be incentive to dig and participate at least the days where this quest is out.


Well-Known Member
can the sector bonus be displayed on the fort fight character profile? it already shows leadership bonus from surrouding soldiers, having a way to acknowledge the current sector bonus buffing could be real helpful to manage troops placement

here is a rudimentary first impression of it; i am not sure if there are sector bonus for resistance but who knows what comes next

the symbols are the same for the respective bonus, flat number maybe with a "+" next to it or the orange background to highlight

it doesn't show who is buffing, equal bonus category don't stack and only the highest in area counts

mockup bonus sector 2.png


Well-Known Member
Very good. It would be interesting for everyone and helpful for the more competitive players. And very easy to implement as its just adding a display of values that the game already calculates. Let's hope they actually implement this one.