

Jazzy12 came there and looked here and there ... but there was nothing ... just a piece of paper ... and it says...


James yawned and said to Dante,"I need your help. I need you to help ME kill Sam." James smiled and got up.


Angel didnt take her eyes off te man who approaches her and to sam...

"i think its betterif i'll just sit here and wait... *thinking not to fall asleep *"


Morning came by really fast, so I got up and out through the window and got on to my mustang. I rode outside of town to an Indian village and asked for a healer. The chief gave me a big, mean stare in the eyes. But he nodded and a woman from the crowd led me to a tent and started working on me....


I didn't even have to think about it. "Yeah sure, I'll help you kill him," I replied, "but first, I need to fix up my arm."


"Ok. Theres an Indian village nearby. They owe me," James said as he grabbed a donkey. "I stole a donkey. He killed Bill, my first donkey. He must pay," James said as he gave the donkey to Dante. James got on his black mustang and they rode off to the Indian village!!!


I took te doneky with a nod then got on and tried to keep up with James mustang. We arrived at the Indian village. I tied up the donkey on one of the fences around the village. Never been to an Indian village before I though to myself as I walked into the village. I started talking to James, "So James, where excatly do I get-." I stopped in the middle of the sentance as I saw Sam inside a small hut.


James walked over to the chieftain and spoke with the Indian. James pointed to the Indian tent and the man inside was his enemy. He told the chieftain to kill the man. So the chieftain did what he said and went into the medical tent. He whispered to the medical Indian to pretend to get rid of one of the bullet wounds, but instead, kill him by draining out blood without his notice.


After a few minutes, I felt great. "Thanks for healing me!"
But she insisted that I'm not healed yet. I looked outside and found James outside.
"Great. You again. We were both on the same side for quite a while. But you doubled-crossed me last night. Does this have anything to do with our accident few months back?" I asked in a firm voice as I pushed the healer aside...
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"No this involves both that and I've been bought. You have a PRETTY LARGE SUM on your head. That will become my money," James said as he fired off a shot.


The bullet shot right through my shoulder, and killed the healer as well. Shocked by what James has done, few Indian warriors jumped on James and attacked him.While they were busy, I got on Jame's horse with one arm, and rode off to an abandoned town close-by.
"My new gang empire awaits me." I laughed as the Indian camp disappeared in the distance. I wonder how many animals James has left....
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I shot off a few shots at Sam but he got away. I reloaded my revolver and shot at a couple of Indians who were attacking James. They fell to the ground, dead. I could not follow Sam with only a donkey. I ran to the Indians small coral and grabbed one of the horses. I jumped on and looked over at James. "James, come on," I yelled at him as I chased Sam.


I turned my head and saw that Usaywhat was after me again.
"WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO LEAVE ME ALONE?" I yelled back at him. I pulled out my pistol with my good arm and fired five shots at him. Sure enough, his horse fell dead, making Usaywhat fall and slide his face in the dirt.
I laughed victoriously as he disappeared in the distance.....

Hours later, I made it to the abandoned town. "Alright guys, I'm here!" I yelled. Two men armed with rifles and revolvers emerged from a rusty saloon.
"Did anybody follow you here?" One of them growled.
"Yes, and I took care of them." I laughed.
"Good. Glad to have you as a member of the Black Assassins, kid."


I fell into the dirt again. Man this happens way too much I thought to myself as I got up quickly. Sam was too far away for me shoot him. I started my walk back towards the village.


"Hey, what happened to your arm?" One of the assassins asked, pointing to my shoulder.
"An old partner of mine tried to kill me. But instead he made some instant enemies."
"Well, Shovel here was a healer back at his home village." Shovel nodded and took me into a small building. Then Shovel started working on me.....


James got on a horse. James threw a bag of gold to the Indian chief. He spoke Indian and said he did not try to do anything and he was forgiven. James and three Indian warriors chased after Sam.


After Shovel helped me with my shoulder, I walked outside thought suppose James would pull some fast, but valuable excuse to have the Indians join him? But then again, he has to pick up Usaywhat on the way here. That will buy me some time to get away.
But the other guy knew what I was thinking.
"Dont worry kid. We set up some good traps around here. And some of us are hiding, waiting to ambush your foe. So don't worry about running away."
"Well, just to be on the safe side..." I walked into a rusty outhouse........