Peter Pan v Jesus: A comparison


first what is 9 and i am serous about my religion we burn the dead bodies and belive there souls will reach god where there fate is decided.and sorry deni i just lost my temper
Gracias amigo
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Ok great. Well this is a debate about religion. So if you want to share with us details about your religion that would be great. What makes your religion different from others. What does your religion mean to you personally. Those sorts of things.

By the way BK, I find it hilarious that you are now spamming me ingame calling me names. Please, grow up.
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ok i will not call you anything if i am not called troll or i will......


Elmyr said:
No it isn't. A theory requires a testable hypothesis. The hypothesis of creationism cannot possibly be proven.
The same is said about the theory of evolution.

hellstromm said:
Justin Michael, there is no "evolution model" and there is definitely no "creationism model." Again, giving labels to something in an effort to provide a strawman that can be punched.
This is no straw man. You know very well what the creation model is.

There are no facts to 'fit' creationism. There are merely unanswered questions that "ANYTHING" can be posed as an answer.
Yes, there are. If the universe is constantly wearing down, as predicted by the laws of thermodynamics, you would expect that at one time it was "completely wound up" or at maximum potential energy. This is predicted by the Creation model. At one point, God created the universe.

However, the evolution model does not predict this. If the theory of evolution were true, we would expect entropy to be decreasing; not increasing as it is.

But you are correct on one point (and one point alone). There is no friggin' way someone could prove or disprove creationism, other than to find an alien's registered trademark tattoed to each dna molecule and, of course, we meet this alien in person, or at least his ancestors. But, even then, creationists will contend aliens were 'created' by God, and so the cycle never ends, because there is no 'verifiable' means to determine WHO, only HOW.
It makes me laugh to here you people talk about aliens. You don't deny the possibility that there could be little green men (who you've never seen), but you adamantly refuse to believe there is a God because nobody has ever seen him (that you know).

The real reason that you (or any evolutionist) believe in the religion of evolution is because you are an atheist. You refuse to believe in God because you don't like rules. You don't want to be told that you're doing things wrong (i.e. sin), and you don't want to hear that you deserve hell. You're rebellious, and you would hate any being like God.
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Denisero said:
I like this idea. Lets do it. Oh and don't forget Buddhists and Hindu's and Wiccans and Atheists too! I'm sure there are more religions out there. Let's get them all.

Atheism is a religion? I'm glad you realize it.


NOTE: Justin, there is a little button next to the "quote" button which is for selecting multiple posts to quote. You really should use it. Because when your first quote is attributed and the following ones aren't, it implies the source of what follows is the same as the first one. (Like the way Ibid. is used in footnotes.) Misattributing sources is just rude, in my opinion, especially when there is a tool right there to put in the correct attributions for you.

It makes me laugh to here you people talk about aliens. You don't deny the possibility that there could be little green men (who you've never seen), but you adamantly refuse to believe there is a God because nobody has ever seen him (that you know).

Having clipped out all the other stuff you have repeated ad infinitum despite being told how many logical and factual fallacies they contain,I'll just say this... The only person whose arguments are made to look foolish by references to aliens is you. Anyone who says categorically that there are aliens as as silly as you. And once again, you are misrepresenting the opposite side in order to set up a straw man.

The real reason that you (or any evolutionist) believe in the religion of evolution is because you are an atheist. You refuse to believe in God because you don't like rules. You don't want to be told that you're doing things wrong (i.e. sin), and you don't want to hear that you deserve hell. You're rebellious, and you would hate any being like God.
What a load of rubbish.
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The same is said about the theory of evolution.
By people whom do not understand it; IE people like you.

This is no straw man. You know very well what the creation model is.
Yeah, a strawman.

Yes, there are. (...)
No, there aren't.

The real reason that you (or any evolutionist) believe in the religion of evolution is because you are an atheist. You refuse to believe in God because you don't like rules. You don't want to be told that you're doing things wrong (i.e. sin), and you don't want to hear that you deserve hell. You're rebellious, and you would hate any being like God.

I do belive the whole "evolutionist" terms has been covered already, but I am not surprised you fail to grasp this, as you have failed to grasp anything else thus far.

I don't belive in any god not because I dislike rules, but because it doesn't make any sense.
I rather approve of rules myself, as long as they make sense.
Neither do I have much of a problem with people telling me I am doing things wrong, if they got a reason for saying so. Doing "wrong" and "sinning" are two completely diffrent terms. Christians do not have a monopoly on ethics, or rules at all.

I take it you love hearing how you deserve hell?

Lastly; I applaud you for getting one thing right though.
We would hate a being like that god of yours, simply because he is a total *******.


This is no straw man. You know very well what the creation model is.
I know what Creationism is, but there is no model, at least no scientific model for it. Nor can there be one, since it is not testable. Perhaps it would help if you use lingo you know, instead of using the internet and guessing at the blanks.

And when I said there is no evolution model, I was being mean-spirited. There is no "single" model, but a multitude of models (i.e., plural). The study of evolution is not a simple little light switch, and thus there is no simple, single model you can flick.

Yes, there are. If the universe is constantly wearing down, as predicted by the laws of thermodynamics, you would expect that at one time it was "completely wound up" or at maximum potential energy. This is predicted by the Creation model. At one point, God created the universe.
Although the initial statement was not quoted from me, I think i'll add my two cents.

You're wrong.

Oh, did you want me to go into details? Hmm, which part? The 1st part where you're wrong, or all the other parts where you're wrong?

How about if I go by the numbers?

1. It is not determined if the universe is wearing down, since "wearing down" isn't even remotely a scientifically accurate description. Therefore, in order to comprehend what you mean by "wearing down," you would need to provide a more precise definition.

2. Creationism does not indicate that things were at a 'maximal' state when God created it, only that He created it. In fact, Creationism infers something quite different, which is that all things are constants, even our very existence.

3. A model doesn't consist of "poof." At least not a scientific model. Then again, maybe you're referring to a Playboy model who puts her cute little bunny tail in a wall socket.

4. This particular discussion is not about the "Big Bang" theory, or any other tangential debate you can present in an effort to redirect the limelight.

However, the evolution model does not predict this. If the theory of evolution were true, we would expect entropy to be decreasing; not increasing as it is.
You are completely confusing what you don't know about cosmology and physics with what you don't know about evolution and biology. Since the discussion is not about the "Big Bang" theory, or any other tangential debate you can present in an effort to redirect the limelights, pulling a rabbit out of your hat isn't going to impress a bunch of magicians. Let's stay on topic to our already existing tangent, shall we?

It makes me laugh to here you people talk about aliens. You don't deny the possibility that there could be little green men (who you've never seen), but you adamantly refuse to believe there is a God because nobody has ever seen him (that you know).
And this, my dear man, is a straw man. I made a joke when I introduced aliens into my comments, as I would have thought obvious with the reference to registered trademarks. But, just to be sure you're not still on the delusionary path of righteousness, I don't believe in intelligent aliens in outer space (stupid ones maybe). If one provides evidence to support the notion that such aliens exist, I would treat it with typical scientific scrutiny. Belief, on the other hand, left me around the time I found out Santa Clause didn't actually live at the North Pole. Serious bummer that was.

The real reason that you (or any evolutionist) believe in the religion of evolution is because you are an atheist.
Again, the convenient labeling. I suppose you call an electrician, who has all too often verified the existence of electricity, an Electrianist. Gee, I wonder if he bows down to Thor?

Btw, I'm not an athiest, I am agnostic. And while some of your comments may not have been directed at me, I nonetheless presented plenty of fodder for athiests to shoot in your bible-thumping direction. :)

You refuse to believe in God because you don't like rules.
Gee, did you meet me? Wow, omg! Like, totally. Rock on dude!

Or maybe I should indicate few people like rules, but you never met me, and likely nobody else in this forum community, so you don't actually know any of us, nor do you have any inkling of what any of us like or dislike. Give it time and maybe you'll find out. That's, of course, if you're able to control your judgemental nature. And I thought God was the only one who was supposed to judge? Silly me.

You don't want to be told that you're doing things wrong (i.e. sin), and you don't want to hear that you deserve hell. You're rebellious, and you would hate any being like God.
That's nice, so you like being told you do things wrong, eh? Well, that would explain all those priest molestations.

Look, flaming idiot, I have a moral compass and it didn't come from the Bible. It came from proper upbringing, a conscience, and an inate sense of right and wrong. And, i've met plenty of agnostics & athiests who are considerate, respectful, and law-abiding. Contrastly, there are plenty of Bible-pounders in prison, lubricating their rectum, serving sentences for crimes I couldn't even visualize myself doing to another human being, so save your righteous indignation for the flock of miscreants you call brethren.

Note: In fact, you would be surprised to find out the percentage in prison who are religious is significantly higher than that in society.
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Nashy (as himself)
Hellstrom pretty much everyone is agnostic, considering nobody has enough proof to know.

A redundant term, don't you think?


See but here now is the issue as Miss Virginia is claiming the Universe is only 6-8000 years old fossils don't enter the discussion. She will tell you that fossil evidence was placed here by the almighty as a test. As for the question about the light from distant stars OBVIOUSLY Einstein was wrong and the speed of light is not a constant......Einstein is one of the scientists people like to cite when talking about religion using his "God doesn't play dice with the universe" quote regarding Quantum mechanics.......

Mind your step I left a big puddle of sarcasm on the floor in here.

Regardless of the fact that I was the target of your sarcasm, I find your post humorous. ;)


I don't know whether to laugh or cry when Einstein is misquoted by creationists with his "God doesn't play dice" used in connection with evolution rather than quantum mechanics.
After all the very same Einstein said:
"The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive."
and also
"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."


Hellstrom pretty much everyone is agnostic, considering nobody has enough proof to know.

A redundant term, don't you think?

Not really, given that agnostics don't beleive either way. Belief is in no way related to knowledge. People may believe that god doesn't exist, they cannot know that he doesn't, and vice versa.


Nashy (as himself)
Not really, given that agnostics don't beleive either way. Belief is in no way related to knowledge. People may believe that god doesn't exist, they cannot know that he doesn't, and vice versa.

The only people who are not agnostic (assuming there are any) are the people who know god does or does not exist, that requires absolute proof. So we're all agnostic no matter what we beleive.

I'm an agnostic-Atheist, I don't beleive in god and I believe god doesn't exist although I don't believe a higher power can not exist. It is highly unlikely that Justin Mitchell is not a agnostic-Christian either with a belief in Christianity, YEC and his own opinions.

I think the way you are using the word agnostic, an agnostic person would automatically become an Atheist or specifically agnostic-Atheist.


Not really, given that agnostics don't beleive either way. Belief is in no way related to knowledge. People may believe that god doesn't exist, they cannot know that he doesn't, and vice versa.
I can't believe you wrote that!

sorry, just had to go there


I prefer to think of agnosticism as the recognition that not believing, in and of itself, constitutes a belief (a belief in the absence of), but that believing constitutes dancing with potentially imaginary butterflies. Given the choice, an agnostic would prefer not to make a fool of himself but will still take pictures to see if butterflies actually show up on the negatives.


I'd have to agree with Hellstromm on that one. Of course if people found the Divine in the manifestation of the Universe around them instead of a Man shaped box ruled over by superstitious rules we wouldn't be having these entertaining arguments.


Some people take pictures when they find jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich. Somehow I don't think that will change anyone's mind tho :(