Peter Pan v Jesus: A comparison


lol, now i'm just being mean-spirited again. Let's return to a more direct, if not more civil tone.

Virginia. It's interesting how you take on the role of being offended, yet are completely oblivious as to just how offensive some of the things JM and you posted in regards to 'non-christians,' the shotgun comments about scientific studies, and anyone who doesn't just bend over and take the cross in the cheeks.

As to your inability to locate the insults presented by Justin: I can only surmise he already edited them out, you didn't look sufficiently, or you saw it but decided, since it was directed at a non-believer, it's okay.

As to my reference on claims: you cited JM, who cited others making claims, and both of you used those statements as your arguments. Therefore, they are, de-facto, your and JM's claims.

Returning to the name calling and criticisms on beliefs, relgious options, etc, there's an immense amount of hypocrisy going on in the non-denominational and denominational christian communities. Along with name-calling, a gross disrespect of others' beliefs (Islam and Judiasm, for example), and a general dismissal of the very sciences that brought you the internet, vaccines, modern transportation, air conditioning, earthquake-resistent buildings, printing press, modern-day printers, spermicidal condoms, tupperware, stainless steel, the iPod, your computer, phones, wireless, satellites, etc and so on.

So excuse me not --- for showing little hesitance when it comes to closing the book on Bible-thumping arrogance.

And excuse me for not tolerating your groupology. Each poster here had something different to say, but you have the audacity to bunch us all into a single, convenient package, and cry foul. I will not explain, nor apologize, for the actions of others and have had very little to apologize for on my own right. Had there been arguments presented, by JM and whomever else, in a more civil tone, in a knowledgeable and sincere manner, I may very well never have entered into this discussion, and definitely would not have entered into it with such blunt force.

But, as it was, I entered into this discussion in the manner I did (and likely in the manner others did), because I recognized that a firm and responsible presentation of argument was needed in order to quash the ignorance beget before us. And what has become of it? While this may not be a win/lose debate, acting all hurt and bothered denotes a sense of loss. An interesting turn of behavior from before, I very much say.

So, stand hurt, stand proud, but don't stand in the way of reason. This discussion, without further contra-debate on the subject matter, is effectively over and those who feel they may have lost, can pout off stage. Good day.


It wasn't too bad actually, once I got around to reading it.



But, as it was, I entered into this discussion in the manner I did (and likely in the manner others did), because I recognized that a firm and responsible presentation of argument was needed in order to quash the ignorance beget before us. And what has become of it? While this may not be a win/lose debate, acting all hurt and bothered denotes a sense of loss. An interesting turn of behavior from before, I very much say.

So, stand hurt, stand proud, but don't stand in the way of reason. This discussion, without further contra-debate on the subject matter, is effectively over and those who feel they may have lost, can pout off stage. Good day.

They will both rise phoenix from the ashes again, starting a new thread plagiarising bad science without citations and exhibiting no understanding of the terms they use while continuing to label us (agnostics, atheists, other Christians and at least one animist) for their own convenience despite the fact that doing so makes their position no less weak.

Up to a certain point, I would simply consider it an diverting intellectual exercise, all the more so because their own tactics give us license to use our knowledge and logic as blunt instruments. (Not a particularly admirable pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless.) If only their personal positions were without consequence in the real world.

I can only be thankful that their views and behaviour is not representative of the majority or Christian/religious people.


unfortunately the vocal minority outweighs the silent majority in these things. Prayer in school, "intelligent design", abstinence only sex education, constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage, and scores of other harmful and ludicrous ideas have gotten in to the political process and aren't disappearing anytime soon. They cause (in the US at least) more divisiveness and keep political discourse off topics that are truly important to good governance because they wish to push a moral code on others. Any time you try to enforce your moral code on someone else it ceases to be moral. (see also Prohibition, the war on Drugs, the Taliban, the Iranian Revolution, Mao's "Cultural Revolution" et al)


unfortunately the vocal minority outweighs the silent majority in these things. Prayer in school, "intelligent design", abstinence only sex education, constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage, and scores of other harmful and ludicrous ideas have gotten in to the political process and aren't disappearing anytime soon. They cause (in the US at least) more divisiveness and keep political discourse off topics that are truly important to good governance because they wish to push a moral code on others. Any time you try to enforce your moral code on someone else it ceases to be moral. (see also Prohibition, the war on Drugs, the Taliban, the Iranian Revolution, Mao's "Cultural Revolution" et al)

Well, it is hard to judge from overseas, media coverage being what it is. But, yes, that small majority seems too have far too muich money and power and cause a huge ruckus. That issue of intervention is government is how I gott involved in these discussions in the first place. They can think whatever they want but in order to justify making their (minority) opinion public policy they require sound argument

Of course, they have failed to make any. In fact, they have failed to make any even in terms of it being in accordance with their own "infallible" religious text before even getting to the secular arguments which are required for democratic nations to make laws.


Let's just take the sanctity of life issue. The religious right is against Embryonic stem cell research because it requires the destruction of fertilized eggs. However they support in-vitro-fertilization that results in the creation of more embryos than are actually implanted and used in the procedure. These embryos are eventually destroyed (but they conveniently ignore this fact.) Also a large % of these same people support the death penalty even though it is more expensive than life imprisonment and serves no purpose except to sate a blood lust for revenge. Also many of these same "right to Lifers" (good lord how I hate that euphemism) seem to have very little problem justifying the murder of DOCTORS who give access to legally sanctioned abortion.

To paraphrase Apocalypse Now " I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning"


Oo, perfect opportunity to necro my earlier post that hardly got the mileage.

---- You know, if you really want to get to the bottom of this, grab an embryonic stem cell from a Catholic, a 'Christian,' a Muslim and a Jew, and see which one cures cancer.


Hellstromm, I'm not in this to win or lose, and nor do I feel hurt by offensive words. I told JM not to call you a "flaming idiot." Was I hurt by that? No. Was I hurt when Denisero posted that disgusting picture of my God? No. Was I hurt when I was called names? No.

Secondly, none of you have any idea who I am. To insinuate that I am rude towards atheists is wrong. My ex-boyfriend was a liberal, atheist and we got along beautifully.

I'm in and out of recitals; I'll reply more extensively later.


Secondly, none of you have any idea who I am.
"Who you are" is a nebulous concept at best, like "essence" or "soul". And in reality, when people talk about "who they are" they are really only referring to a relatively static self-image they have constructed which is not necessarily in line with their actual behaviour or thought processes.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't really care "who you are" when your ideas and behaviour here on this forum are the only things salient to these discussions. You can continue telling us you are a "fun-loving" person as much as you like. And I can tell you I'm the life of the party or something equally fatuous. So bloomin' what? It has no relevance.

Crying "personality" in an impersonal conversation about ideas is playing the victim. It also racks up another point for you on the list of logical fallacies.

To insinuate that I am rude towards atheists is wrong.
Considering you have had it pointed out to you several times that not all those to whom you refer when you say "atheists" are actually atheists, it might be possible to argue that you aren't rude to atheists, but you surely cannot argue convincingly that you aren't rude to other people's beliefs or positions.

My ex-boyfriend was a liberal, atheist and we got along beautifully.
Which suggests a flexibility in your values when it comes to your life that you do not show to others. Indeed... Incoherence, self-deception, self-justification, hypocrisy and a lack of integrity both in thought and deed are beautiful things.


blah, blah, blah.

Incoherence, self-deception, self-justification, hypocrisy and a lack of integrity both in thought and deed
And your trying to tell me I'm judgmental? Maybe I don't "show to others" what I showed him because he didn't treat me like others.


And your trying to tell me I'm judgmental?

When you set yourself up to be judge, jury and even executioner, you should expect to be closely scrutinised. Personally, I don't care about what you do in your private life, but when you consider yourself qualified to judge others according to your values, it is rather foolish to expect people will not examine how well you measure up to them yourself. And find you wanting.

Please note of the words in italics there. It is what gives me leave to make an assessment of you, based on your own espoused values and the way in which you measure others. If you learn to deal with the people and the world at large with a little less harshness, the standards you are judged by will be less harsh.

I'm pretty sure your god gives you that advice in your bible too, although you seem to ignore that part along with many others. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

Or in the language of common sense... People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Maybe I don't "show to others" what I showed him because he didn't treat me like others.
And you fail to understand my point. You make huge statements about how horrible/selfish/evil/disgusting etc other people are (whom you "don't know") because they fail to live up to your values.

Your bible tells you quite specifically in 2 Corithians "Do not be bound together with unbelievers..." (a fairly easy instruction to follow) yet you are telling us you have done the exact opposite of that in an effort to prove you are "nice", essentially bragging about behaving in a way contrary to what you say are your priciples. As both thought and deed, that is entirely incoherent and to behave so incoherently and yet speak so judgementally of others requires the mental gymnastics of self-deceit and self-justification.

As for you not showing your niceness to people unless they are nice to you, I'm pretty sure there is some advice in the bible about that too.

When you can display that you even make an attempt to live up to the values you use to rain brimstone on everybody else's head, perhaps you might have the right to speak. Until then, you really should take a course in humility.

Otherswise, expect others to continue to hold the mirror up for you.
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And now you're judging me.

Violette, I don't judge you for your actions or anyone else. I just state my opinions in the debates just like you and all the others. I'll be the first to tell you that I am not a good person. I don't match up to God's standards; I fail more than I care to admit. However, debates aren't about our personal lives nor personal insults for that matter. In debate hall you can't bring up the opponents personal life or personally insult him. My life has no bearing on my opinions in the debates. Furthermore, there is absolutely no reason for any of us to fight. Debates are supposed to be enjoyable, not petty cat fights over nothing.
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