declaration of independence


with tombola things , i was not against them while that new sets give more big advantage for people who have them as people can spend ingame money and buy them too ... but now ?! can we get them with ingame money ?! only we can get them with real life money ... bonds ?! with this 2000 bond thing , this means " QUOTE FROM INNO GAME : we put 2000 bond price so people force to buy nugget hahahah "
come on in each world 20 players have over power for another players while another players can not get them without using nugget and as they can transfer for another worlds ... so we will have more people with this products in active worlds like colorado very soon

i want say morething for innogame now but i will say for who ?! they dont care to anything except money ...


Well-Known Member
its scary that inno could think this was a good idea, even if they are desperate for cash. even scarier is scamp being civil in a forum post ;)


Inno is a business. It's not a suprise they try to earn as much as possible as quickly as possible. The only thing that really amaze me here is why I'm still here getting ripped off by them??

It is one of the actions we have taken to not disrupt the balance on the worlds to much.
Sure. lol


I'm all for a business trying to make as much money as they can, it's the world we live in now unfortunately.
But tossing out an item that will give a big advantage to just a handful of players is a bit much, pretty lame in my opinion. It feels like this is becoming "the one with the most money wins" game.
This is just one more thing in a long list of things that will only aggravate more players, like there wasn't already enough to cause much frustration. :D
A totally screwed up product drop rate comes to mind, working a job 24 times for a quest and only getting 1 product drop, repeat 1 product drop, that's just downright sad and pathetic. I didn't expect much from a 15% drop chance but geez only 1? LoL

My apologies for drifting off subject, as far as this declaration of independence is concerned, in my opinion this is the most bone headed idea in the history of bone headed ideas. :D
To somewhat quote a previous post, wonder if inno does think about anything else besides ChaChing!

It's time to shut up now before I get in trouble. :) Just wanted to add my 3 cents worth. lol

Deleted User - 1693871

Like Aqua, I realise that Inno needs to earn money to pay its company overheads and make a profit. But I wonder how it managed to cover the costs of The West in the old days when there were just the four premiums if it needs tombolas, declarations, and shop items to make ends meet now.

It seems that the game is moving away from being one where you gain special items as the result of days and weeks of work and questing ... to one where you can gain whatever you like as long as you have enough real life dollars to spend.

Wallet warriors FTW. :)


Well-Known Member
This really pi.... me off!!!

I logg in at 12 am, get an announchment from inno about an item in the shop, but no items are there to be bought. Now other players tells, that there was 20 item to buy all in all!!
And now you expect me to buy nugget?? :eek:

How come you keep making these unfair things?? The players are online at different times, and people are logging in at different times, due to job / school in real life

I have played for more than 3 years now, but I am really serioiusly thinking os quitting now. This is no fun, that only a few lucky players, get them selves boosted, and others dont have a chance.

How about people who are starting to play in March. They dont have a chance to get any of the 3 new set, that came in the calenderlottery.
So they will never have a chance in neither duels nor fortfighting.

This is a REDO Innogames!!

PS: Just realised that the item costs 2000 bonds/nuggets. Now I can only laugh. I would never ever buy anything at such a price. :D
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I don't like to call people who spend money to be better in a game out, because it is not their fault that the game makers made the game that way.

As a game developer in these kinds of games I think it is vital to have a line somewhere that you do not cross, EVER, to earn money.

Next thing you know you don't own the game anymore, the game owns you.


lol on colo in 1 town 6 people got it, so almost a third of all declarations are owned by 1 town :p


Well, at least I got a server message about the fact that they had been available, at some point. I never saw them (not that I can afford to buy one as this is not my pay week).

The bottom line here is this: If ANY item is made available for outright purchase (meaning not earned through hard work/questing or from a luck drop, or even purchasable on the open market) than it should be readily available for ALL players. Period.

Non-premium players already feel disadvantaged enough; I'm sure this item will only widen the canyon-like divide that already exists between Prems/Non-Prems. And limited availability? Like the 2000 nugg/bond price didn't already limit the availability enough??

You all know I love The West. Have since I first set foot on w12 back when it was new. And over these years, I have given an uncountable amount of money to Innogames. Just to give you all an idea: I just did the math on Dakota. Assuming all nuggets I've used were purchased in the maximum size bulk packages, I've spent just a hair shy of $1,700 USD on Dakota. JUST Dakota. To break it down even further: That means I have spent about $425.00 usd per month on Dakota since it opened. Now then, as I have stated before: I love The West and generally support Innogames and their business. But I could go play 6 or 7 different MMO's and not spend near that much. In fact pretty much any other MMO out there, if I were to spend that much money religiously, I would be a God.

So why don't I just go play a different game you ask? That's a great question...
Partly because I love the old west (and this is a stand-alone for it's genre); partly because of the friends I have here; partly because of the enemies. I love the struggle and the sweat and the edge of your seat "OMG they're gonna grab the flag" moments of fort battling. I love finding someone out working innocently and saying, "Why don't you go have a nap in your hotel?" as I duel them into a lack of consciousness. I love random luck and quests and grinding out products to build a bigger, better fort. I really love it all!

But I generally cannot get behind this recent "limited availability over-powered item available in the shop if you buy nuggets in the next few minutes" business model. I don't see how this move will be beneficial to Innogames in the long term, although I'm sure it was a huge income boost over the short term.

The end result is that Inno has left long term players such as myself questioning whether or not I wish to continue financially supporting a business who is capable of such a horribly short-sighted business decision. And that, my friends, is where the real trouble begins to brew... :(


I'm also an old veteran of The West, and I think this is a sad day for all us old players who remember when premium was extremely basic compared to now. I think some premium is great, refilling energy, nuggeting products etc.. but introducing buying skills and *events* like this are spoiling the spirit of The West.
Part of the fun (for me anyway) is about skill placement, working out the best duelling method in each world as it was released and tweaking it accordingly. Now it's nothing like that - it's about who is willing to spend the most real life money on a browser game...that is not a healthy thing to encourage.



After 2+ years in The West I have never registered for the forum, but this item release has upset me enough to do it and to post. I understand Inno is here to make money, Lord knows they have plenty of mine, and while I don't necessarily agree with all the things made available with nuggets I do enjoy them. But the introduction of this hugely powerful item has been so poorly handled I to am questioning my loyalty to this game. Something like this has to be made available to ALL players who want one, not just the few lucky ones who happened to be online when it came out. If you want to limit the number introduced then you release a few every few hours so everyone has a fair opportunity at it BUT you do not just randomly release them all at once and watch them disappear in a few minutes. This release was blatantly biased to whatever part of the world happened to be awake at release and horribly planned.
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just to point at my first posts

the devs said it was an experiment i hope this(and on german forums as well) intense negative feedback makes them reconsider their strategies

secondly i would vouch for making that declaration just a standard item you can get in the bond shop, so also non super prems could acquire it by building up 2k bonds, which is already a very heavy task or burden, for instance a non forter will take around 200 days to achieve that number with 5 bonds average a day, 4 from tasks, 4 from quests and 1-2 a day from jobs or the end of the week bonus


Well-Known Member
Wow, something I agree with Helen on. You aren't getting any huggles though.

OMG!! Elmyr agrees with me??? :eek: Better mark this one on the calendar... lol :p How about a little huggle? :laugh:

Are we serious?! 10 items available, without any prior notification, without anything? So what I should do is stay awake 24/7 and keep logging in and out of the game so as not to miss anything? This is what you call healthy gaming? This is what you want us to do?

This is just outrageous. This thing was released after midnight here!

Yup Musa... But they also made another 20 of them available... There are still a few left in some worlds. Apparently Dakota sold out pretty quick. The last release was about midnight-ish my time (I think).

introducing overpowered items for high nuggets is'nt good for gameplay , and that's what suffers in these deals , i think the games already had enough damage done , shop products for a start have put a big gap over the prem and non prem players .

the xmas tomfoolery showed just how much some players are willing to spend (some worlds had a highest spin number that was hard to fathom) ,but the advantages in the new sets is massive ,and definatly a big advantage ; my point , just because there is a market within the player base that will spend high amounts , is it worth that the overall player base feels unfairly treated because of it ,i think inno should start to look at thier p.r ,because the 4 yrs ive played this game there's (in my opinion) been some real blunders in how players are treated , it's arogant and .net i think has really suffered in player numbers .

I really couldn't agree more... The gap between Premium and non-Premium is getting worse with every "update"... What Inno doesn't seem to realize is... If you tick off the non-Premiums enough by making the game so unbalanced, they will give up and leave. We're already having issues with filling fort battles... Especially with onliners. I remember the great days back in w10 where we had 100 onlliners in over-full large fort battles. Now we're having issues filling a small attack on the "active" worlds. I believe a lot of non-Premiums have given up because of the huge wedge between them and the Premiums... and our overall numbers are suffering.

What would really be nice is a hard quest for them instead, the rule also would state no premium till you finish it! But you cannot get the items while in premium.

If any premium player says anything about the hard quest of being unfair, just go non premium for a month.

I doubt many full Premium players could stand to go non-Premium for a week, never mind a month... Also, they already bought all those SP and AP... Which are permanent Premiums. So, it still wouldn't be "fair".

Yeah, I'm not sure I agree with this one, it's so superior to other items. I understand Geronimos for Hassan's case (kinda) but this is just crazy lol.

also damn why they gotta be $50 :p can't decide which server to buy on!

I did consider buying one when I did finally see it available... But then realized it would cost me about $62 CAN. So what world would I buy it on? I decided... NONE. If I had 2k Bonds, I would get it... But I'm not about to buy it with real money. I have plenty of other things I need in real life... No way I'll spend that kind of cash on a bit of pixels in an online game that seems to be in a downward spiral. I still may wind up leaving if more people I know leave.

I am sry to say this but this is the end.....this is how other game end up only whit few hundred players on each serv and whit only 30-40 active.Even those taht have premium,but don't spoend mroe then 20-30 euro per month will fell insulted...this is to much.Putting this kind of items on the market will make happy lets say 40 players and really unhappy 2-3 k at least.Nice move INNO.Lets see the numbers oft he accounts being deleted in the next few weeks.
Thx guys for simply making a a fun and pleasent game into a really pain in the ass.

Inno doesn't seem to care about keeping the players happy... They only seem to care about bringing in as much cash from the peeps who are still playing and willing to pay.

none available at dakota ofc they prolly were gone again in no time, if you release such an item why keep it limited, no one walks around with 2k bonds, thus its a pure nugget item

if you introduce it keep it atleast available in shops for the nice sum of 2k bonds so actually people who don't wanna spend 40 euro's\dollars\pounds on 1 heap of pixels can get it as well after a long and excruciating build up to get to 2k bonds

I totally agree with this... It should be made available so that EVERYONE has the chance to get it. Even if it takes some players a longer period of time to get it... They at least have the chance to work for it.

But tossing out an item that will give a big advantage to just a handful of players is a bit much, pretty lame in my opinion. It feels like this is becoming "the one with the most money wins" game.

My apologies for drifting off subject, as far as this declaration of independence is concerned, in my opinion this is the most bone headed idea in the history of bone headed ideas. :D
To somewhat quote a previous post, wonder if inno does think about anything else besides ChaChing!

It seems that the game is moving away from being one where you gain special items as the result of days and weeks of work and questing ... to one where you can gain whatever you like as long as you have enough real life dollars to spend.

Wallet warriors FTW. :)

I totally agree with what a lot of other posters have stated... (vitamin2002 and canufeelit too) The fact that Inno only cares about money and the game is turning into a "Pay to Win" game. Wow... I even agree with Felicity!!! :eek: :laugh:

This really pi.... me off!!!

How come you keep making these unfair things?? The players are online at different times, and people are logging in at different times, due to job / school in real life

I have played for more than 3 years now, but I am really serioiusly thinking os quitting now. This is no fun, that only a few lucky players, get them selves boosted, and others dont have a chance.

Unfortunately... You aren't the only one who is teetering on the edge of leaving the game. Seems that Inno really doesn't care as long as it can milk as much cash out of the game as possible in the short term. If they were concerned about the long-term effects on the game, they wouldn't keep introducing "Pay to Win" options. Again... If they keep treating the non-Premiums like cannon fodder, they may wind up losing all of them. It's the "cannon fodder" that fills up the game to make it worth playing. If there were only people here that paid to play, the population would drop drastically.

Well, at least I got a server message about the fact that they had been available, at some point. I never saw them (not that I can afford to buy one as this is not my pay week).

The bottom line here is this: If ANY item is made available for outright purchase (meaning not earned through hard work/questing or from a luck drop, or even purchasable on the open market) than it should be readily available for ALL players. Period.

Non-premium players already feel disadvantaged enough; I'm sure this item will only widen the canyon-like divide that already exists between Prems/Non-Prems. And limited availability? Like the 2000 nugg/bond price didn't already limit the availability enough??

So why don't I just go play a different game you ask? That's a great question...
Partly because I love the old west (and this is a stand-alone for it's genre); partly because of the friends I have here; partly because of the enemies. I love the struggle and the sweat and the edge of your seat "OMG they're gonna grab the flag" moments of fort battling. I love finding someone out working innocently and saying, "Why don't you go have a nap in your hotel?" as I duel them into a lack of consciousness. I love random luck and quests and grinding out products to build a bigger, better fort. I really love it all!

The end result is that Inno has left long term players such as myself questioning whether or not I wish to continue financially supporting a business who is capable of such a horribly short-sighted business decision. And that, my friends, is where the real trouble begins to brew... :(

Dean... I totally agree with everything you said... From the non-Premiums feeling disadvantaged to the reasons you love the West. Okay, maybe not about trying to get products for forts... :hmf: I decided to stop buying Nuggets back when they added the ability to buy skills to w11 and w12 (after those worlds had already started). Actually, that was the beginning of the "Pay to Win" downward spiral of the game.

I would have left right after v2 hit .net if it wasn't for the people I have met and consider some kind of strange, eclectic, dysfunctional extended family. lol You know I lubs all of ya... You're just as nutty as me! *HUGGLES!!!* (Even for Elmyr!)

BTW... Just out of curiosity... Can we get Zet back?


Apparently availability was changed to x per world, because there are currently 7 available on w1.


For fairness they should have made the item available over the course of 24 hours, rather than a specific number. If the reason given for not making more available is because it would imbalance the system, that's essentially admitting these items do imbalance the system, but they didn't want it to be a widespread imbalance.

Pretty much a cash grab, really.

That said, I bought one. I'm 38 and I spend money on shiny objects.


Well-Known Member
Just one thing in which i wont go into blaming etc.. I wont participate in this because it aint balanced. The day Inno promotes "elitism" is the day the game starts to die off. I am gonna be sincere about this, i go by the rules but such narrov path for only few cannot be tolerated.

Sorry but im just pid about this!


I understand that the company wants (and is entitled) to make money, but this is ridiculous...

1) Limited availability
2) 2000 bonds/nuggets
3) Poor advance notice

So Inno gives the users the option to pay in bonds for the item, OK... but how many users have 2000 bonds just lying around? In the very least, this shouldn't be a limited supply item, and sufficient time should be allowed in-shop for users to even have the chance to build up enough money or bonds to buy the thing.

The amount of points that this item awards is not minor, and it does further the gap between paying and non-paying players. If we're going to take this tactic, why not just open up the flood gates and put up a nuclear bomb for a dueling weapon for exorbitant amounts of nuggets? You'll still have buyers, and you'll get a small group of invincible players who will play forever, while everyone else decides to quite over the imbalance.