Liberty Valance
One way to get more Fort Fight participation could be making the Daily Task for Adventure participation also include FF.
Agree with all of these comments and I would like to add even though I'm not the greatest at FF why can't it be better balanced? Maybe NPC's added to make it so?
It is a fort right where are the bullet sponges? It's rather disheartening to finally have a ff and it can't be filled no matter what side you are on.
My favorite part about FF is the team work. But they are too long in my opinion.
Random rewards and no no no not a another blasted clover please would also be great.
My favorite parts of Adventures is also the team work, strategy and its quick but its horribly unbalanced. There will always be cheaters and people who enjoy gaming the system but you could make it a little harder for them!
Why can't these simple and almost best parts of this beloved game be balanced better?
I've also played long enough to realize inno isn't listening to us so Thank You to fellow players and cm who are trying to make things better.
To anyone saying nerf towers - good luck surviving 1 round on towers when you do that (unless you mean to only nerf attack buff, that I can agree with)
i'm really curious though, in your imagination...let's consider a real life hypothetical version of a fort where 70 people are shooting at a single target. how many times do you get alive out of there in 10 identical situations?
towers are supposed to be mounted when you have LOS advantage, with onliners that are responsive to orders and so on. not tank all shots from beginning to end of the game. if every single tank that exists in a battle would dodge more than 3 rounds those battles would end tomorrow
in small fights tanks do dodge a lot more in the current state because the number of fighters is reasonable
you know very well the tower bonuses are one of the main reasons the game is in this state...this seems to me like raidertr mentality
In your imagination... I'm a tank. I have to stay awake for a fort fight to have 1 round of fun when tanking on point so that you can have fun shooting people for 55 rounds... No, that sounds completely fine, everyone in their right mind would like to be a tank.
Also, it might be raidertr mentality I don't care. But there's a reason as to why 3 classes think that duellers crits are way too good and complain about how they often can't survive a single round and then there are duellers saying that tanks are op. I wonder who should inno listen to
No, it's not going to solve the underlying issues, but it might keep the scene alive for long enough to implement real changes to address the core problems.Above anything, we are not told what Inno willing to change order to make this work. We came up with different ideas, trying to contribute. At least knowing what can be changed or what cant be changed properly we could offer more specific suggestion if not, opening a test server that starts from 150 with pre built forts town and merchants selling fort sets can provide immense data about whats up. As far as i see and experienced just tweaking numbers of attackers/defenders not going to solve any problem.
No, it's not going to solve the underlying issues, but it might keep the scene alive for long enough to implement real changes to address the core problems.
It has to be worked out on the individual worlds, not in a laboratory setting that won't apply to any of our game worlds.
I would say that there's a strong chance things could be improved, mostly because after the last IFBC, we had two formula changes to test that were both better than now. The main issue, i believe, was that someone wanted to increase the level cap so it would be pointless to implement these changes until that was decided and the damage assessed. Two years later we are here...We should know if we are trying to put Ferrari engine under Lada hood.