If Inno Games really wants to find a solution for Fort Battles, if you really mean it there i go.
First of all, i dont see much of a problem to be honest. Also changing any class bonus might upset certain amount community members so it would be nice if they stay untouched.
Secondly, i suggest giving sector bonuses according to height of structures. High ground should be advantageous not because of Kenobi memes but because we have more than enough historical evidence/example about benefits of holding a high ground except Flag and L sectors around flag.
My suggestion; (for simplifying i will refer height as meters)
-> x 0.03 attack value for every meter.
exp: Towers are 11 meters tall so tower attack bonus will be 0.33 instead of 0.35
-> x 0.02 defense value for every meter.
exp: Towers are 11 meters tall so tower defense bonus will be 0.22 instead of 0.25
I will talk about beloved premium set, the Union Officer. I am still curious about which laws preventing games nerf premium stuff when asked, i really would like to know those laws but sake of this post i assume we know the laws and premium stuff can not be nerfed under any situation. Please do not sell any fort gear with nuggets.
After completing bonuses that fort providing to defenders, i have one more suggestion. This might upset some people so think this as a last resort.
Switching James Wilson set with J. Cortina set. For sake of out beloved tanks who put themselves barrages of enemy bullets for their team mates i suggest making James Wilson defensive by just changing "hiding" skill with "setting traps" same as J. Cortina's "setting traps" switching to "hiding" because with sector bonuses provided by fort combined with generous amounts of pure defense values it really makes J. Cortina set annoying to play against it.
-> For sake of post i will provide current bonuses for both sets and bonuses for according to my suggestion.
*Cortina(full set at 150 without upgrade):
985 health points
744 dodging
1125 setting traps
502 leadership
+29,5 defense
+190 resistance
*James Wilson(full set at 150 without upgrade):
580 health points
649 dodging
465 hiding
387 aiming
454 leadership
+7 defense
+2,3 attack
+93 resistance
If the problem isnt obvious enough J. Cortina literally destroying James Wilson about being tank(i didnt include setting traps coming from dexterity on Wilson set), adding sector bonuses provided by fort makes literally puts attacking tank player under stress. As attackers more likely miss than defenders, attacking tanks getting lower and lower rewards when fort battle ends by being able to do less than their defending counterparts. Speaking personally here; i have several friends who done with fort fights.Also we have players that playing LDR soldier/worker/advent to get some bonds and trying to be more useful.
So order to "balance" tank buisness;
-> My suggestion:
*Cortina(full set at 150 without upgrade):
985 health points
744 dodging
1125 setting traps hiding
502 leadership
+29,5 defense +25,5 defense (only horse and saddle will go down from +5 defense to +3 defense)
+190 resistance +150 resistance (as cortina will have huge amount of hiding no need to have tanks with extreme resistance with summer spirits + resistance from animal set will drop to 0 from 45 also crossbow will give 20 resistance instead of 25)
*James Wilson(full set at 150 without upgrade):
580 health points
649 dodging
465 hiding setting traps
387 aiming
454 leadership
+7 defense +10 defense (+1 for defense for dog and glasses also +1 defense increase as set bonus)
+93 resistance +125 resistance (75 resistance set bonus from clothing instead of 55 also 50 from animal set instead of 38)
+2.3 attack +0 attack (set already has aiming, dropping 2,3 attack will not make set useless but only nerfing one side isnt fair)
I know, we all know something big as switching sets might be head ache also some players will not like it. Additionally it might take long time to implement into game for you also for us players to get used to. Reason i took from J. Cortina and add to James Wilson is simple. Cortina nearly doubles Wilson on primary skill for their purpose.
Also putting extra component on bond criteria, "hp spent" like 1 bond for each 2000hp the player lost so tank players feel more appreciated. This might also encourage people to bring more HP to fort battles.
Cactus Poke: The main point is increase both bonds with class redistribution and quaduple the xp, give the 12, 18, 24 (based on fort size) as another option. More rewards = more fighters, more players fighting/interacting or less church building case in point the gm battles and fort battles should have the best rewards.
**Some might argue/point that James Wilson set doesnt have weapons and thats why J. Cortina doubling on primary skill. Go on twcalc or west wiki and see yourself how much extra Cortina getting from weapon set even if you think it isnt significant remember that we dont have accordingly made weapon set to complete Wilson if it changes to defense set from attack set.
**Some might argue/point that i only talked about tank sets but said nothing about damage sets. Yes i play dueler on my main world, Colorado but on my entire The West play time i always played worker/soldier. This is my first/last/only dueler on entire game. As i talked about tanks but you are not happy with my suggestions, please contact with me and provide otherside of the story. We need to ensure happiness of both sides(damagers/tanks-attackers/defenders) order to be successful/balanced.
**** I will ask my close friends and take their suggestions/advices so im going to edit and update this post regularly.
Hope you like it.
not so friendly big black dragon