Website - English support


Can any1 tell me is there a way to install/import "Userscript" on android version of firefox? Or some other way to use calc/script on android.

Bad Billy Jack

Well-Known Member
Any idea on when cloth calc will have new fort formulas? It appears that right now it is picking pure health.

My solutions

I use these Cloth Calc custom jobs for new formulas (2 different for each, pick one. Second gives more leadership/less health)

attack {"type":"custom","para":{"8":0.5,"9":0.4,"12":0.1, "15":0.1,"20":0.3,"id":10}}

stamina 0.5, health 0.4, dodging/aim 0.1, leadership 0.3

change to stamina 0.5, health 0.3, dodging/aim 0.1, leadership 0.4

attack {"type":"custom","para":{"8":0.5,"9":0.3,"12":0.1, "15":0.1,"20":0.4,"id":10}}

Defend {"type":"custom","para":{"13":0.5,"9":0.4,"12":0.1 ,"15":0.1,"20":0.3,"id":11}}

hiding 0.5, health 0.4, dodging/aim 0.1, leadership 0.3

change to hiding 0.5, health 0.3, dodging/aim 0.1, leadership 0.4

Defend {"type":"custom","para":{"13":0.5,"9":0.3,"12":0.1 ,"15":0.1,"20":0.4,"id":11}}


just saying but last few days the site really been slow as hell!

dunno whats up

also if you check your inventory link tehres way to many ? these days :D


just saying but last few days the site really been slow as hell!

dunno whats up

also if you check your inventory link tehres way to many ? these days :D
As for the slow down, the server is no longer able to handle the amount and especially the difficulty of people's calculations. With the ever increasing amount of sets, our algorithm is just not fast enough. I would really like to do something about that ASAP, but calc's author scoobydoo doesn't answer our messages anymore and I didn't have enough time to study his code and optimize the algorithm.

I have to say that if I fail to do that very soon, I'll have to temporarily disable around 15 newest sets to reduce calc's load for the sake of our website's speed. :(

As for the missing item data, I'm currently switching the database format (for tech folks, due to a very old bad decision we've been using item 'short' names as a primary key for items and now have to switch to using id's instead), which is very time consuming and I won't be able to update items on the site until I'm done. I'm expecting to get it done this week. Afterwards, those ? should be gone and TW-DB should get updated much more often.

I know things have been a little rough with TW-DB lately, but don't worry, we're still alive. :)


I know things have been a little rough with TW-DB lately, but don't worry, we're still alive.

I'd hate you if I was still as into the game, but my declining interest seems to be mirroring the decline of TW-DB.


Wouldn't it be possible to run the algorithm client side instead of on the server?
Yes, we could pretty much simply use InnoGames' JavaScript calculator code, but calculation for all 129 jobs might be too slow. Of course, there are ideas how to deal with that anyway, like running the calculation in background prior to actual demand and only for jobs that recent activity might have influenced. Some other calculations would still be better off running at our server and the calculator on the website might need a complete remake as well. I would still like to try to optimize our algorithm first, as server-side calculation is the most comfortable way for the user, furthermore, big changes to ClothCalc will be very difficult without scoobydoo...




its back online ! i can say now , the game has no meaning without this site for me !


Yep, I was talking about viewing items by skills in the Inventory section, I think I fixed that problem 2 days ago. However, due to content caching, this error may persist as long as 24 hours after fixing it. That should be gone by now, so please if you find this error again, give me some link and I will look at it again.