Website - English support


Ah, now I get it, thanks... It will require some coding, as this sort of stuff has to be implemented separately, but I'm adding it to our to-do list.


I've noticed that for the last couple of days,the quest reminder on the splash page of the website doesn't show up and coming quests.Would it be possible to re implement this please?


Don't want to rush or anything, but it would be great if the Thunder and Lightning set is added to TW-db. Right now the job calculator doesn't give me the best gear for each job because the Thunder and Lightning set bonusses are missing.


anyone else having issue with cookies.. the log in doesn't seem to stay logged after you close in game tool. keeps asking you to log in each time. on n off.. intermitent. strange as didnt close chrome or clear cache


anyone else having issue with cookies.. the log in doesn't seem to stay logged after you close in game tool. keeps asking you to log in each time. on n off.. intermitent. strange as didnt close chrome or clear cache

I am having this issue since I have registered on a year or so ago :)


this is only new for me as of 2-3 days. im normally logged in all day and browser left open so its not any change ive made.


getting a 504 Gateway Time-out error when trying to access


TW-DB has it wrong for this quest and when you get the hat. I love TW-DB not a knock, just posting if you don't get it when it says

Level 10 - A Western nightmare



If you used to get the TW-DB Calculator JSON parse error or ClothCalc would never finish loading data from our server, it should be fixed now. Also, all calculations should be faster and the website load levels much better.

Minutes ago, I have updated the TW-DB Calculator (and ClothCalc server side components as well) with a brand new algorithm for computing best set combinations. This was the slowest part of our calculator for players with many set items and in cases of really good inventories, the calculation was so long that we had to interrupt it in order to prevent server overload, causing the issues mentioned above.

I've been trying to get myself to invent a new algorithm for months, but I never had enough time to do some really intense thinking. Yesterday, that thinking finally yielded an adaptive algorithm using some nice tricks, which should make a good job of knocking your socks off. :) Where some really good inventories would not have their calculation finished even in a minute, the algorithm should now handle anything in a few seconds. Users with average inventories probably won't notice that much of a difference, but there's a fraction of a second too.

If you know about someone who's ClothCalc didn't work because of this issue, spread the news!

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Love the site Petee(been using it for years). Anyway to fix the annoying logging/relogging into daily? Sometimes it is good for a few hours, other times only good for a few minutes?


what do you mean? It is updated... (custom activity - speed is little bugged, it'll be fixed soon hopefully)

wrong wages, wrong xp and in some cases wrong luck! and Jobs section is still based on old job system.