Worst injury when working?


You get a bad sunburn. You lose 3 health points. :(

Where is the sun cream!


Chuck Norris comes with his cowboy goodness outfit

You look ashamed and you loose 10 bagilion fezilion health...

:eek: WT*???


You cut yourself on your knife. You lose 4 health points.
my first injury! i'm so proud!


i only get sunburn as i havnt done any of the jobs with knives, bullets or so and got a injury from them yet.


Your penis is too big. You have back surgery. You lose 45 health points.


why are the bullets so weak, at this rate no wonder the indians never experienced massive death in their little wars :)


You get hit by a bullet. You lose 6 health points. Maybe the enemys can't aim at all, you see even turkeys hurt you more than bullets.


You get hit by a bullet. You lose 6 health points. Maybe the enemys can't aim at all, you see even turkeys hurt you more than bullets.

Maybe the reason the bullets don't hurt much is because there are no guns, yet.:D

Someone must have thrown it at you... ;)