World closure

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 4230896
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Well-Known Member
Honestly I've no idea where could I move my Idaho guy if I was given choice.

All are meh at this point.
Even Kansas fading slowly.
They won't allow it in newest anyway.

As for Jordy, he is already level 150 in Colorado but he is lacking his Union Officer :'P


Well-Known Member
As for Jordyn, he is already level 150 in Colorado but he is lacking his Union Officer :'P

And, his Idaho char is also very much a prem character, so I guess to compete with those that have been there in Colorado all this time, he would need that one from Idaho instead? Just a guess, I really don't know...(and yes, his Union wasn't cheap, afterall)


Well-Known Member
He (or we) can compete alright but I would agree that it's wasted in Idaho.

Idk why people are so afraid of "Old" servers.
If anything, Colorado was easy mode for me (and some others) after Idaho.

Idaho's every stage was a bumpy road.
Especially the start, thanks to DotD money scam.

Lots of (nuggeter) people were already over Level 125-130 within a month.
Which is why I think we were "scammed" with the Recommended world being newest only.

Took 3 years but finally there is another Recommended one.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I have been to Colorado...years ago when it first opened, I was there awhile...I have tried it another time or 2 since just is not for me. I do not like it in the least and will not be attempting to be active there again. I do have a little character there right now, just farming and to help keep up with things ... pop in from time to time, but other than that, I have no interest in it at all.

I have no problem with "old" servers at all, I'd rather be in any of the others over Colorado though...


The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
Forum moderator
I spent a lot of time to complete a lot of quests, achievements of all kinds, collecting items, crafting and many other grind aspects of the game that I don't want to do twice because I have a life. There is no time to do it all again as times change. Many players have faced this aspect and have either quit, became inactive or decided to make some noise about it like I do.

Even though I am a Level 150 Soldier with close to 35k HP in Colorado, I would give this character up in a heartbeat for my Idaho account because of the TIME spent. Time is the only thing one can't purchase. I am glad I found this out in my 20s and not 40 years down the road.. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree you accomplished an awful lot in just 1 1/2 years, You accomplished as much in that short time as many players do in several years. I'll give you that and I really and truly hope a way can be provided for you to "escape" to Colorado. Some of us are still working on a lot of those accomplishments and it may take a bit of time to accomplish those, and we are happy to work our way through them at our own pace, as well. While I support your desire, Jordy, I do not see that deciding to "make noise" about it is the best way though.


Well-Known Member
talk about a way to demoralize the playing of entire game - closing worlds is NOT the answer. It makes a person to not even want to show up in the worlds that seem to be in the closing queue. What is wrong with INNO anyway? They had a super winner with this game and then it seemed they just got all techy and greedy and forgot about content, and player's having lives other than online.

Our infinite 'clothing sets' are so far away from old west dress that it is pathetic.
How about a new adversary for us, and letting us team to fight it, as recurring.
Let things evolve in the 'old west' theme that is still unique just lacking fresh air.

And another pet peeve - why the stupid push to Face Book???? How totally dull. Forums are far better for discussions and don't intrude on our typist's personal lives.

What is wrong with having a game that you need a big screen to play best? You can use your little one to check in and set stuff, but to play and think and create - the big screen is optimal.

What is wrong with having us have to 'plan' a FF attack, shoot I remember having to use an off site format to do that. Make us think again INNO! How about playing with us again and STOP this closing worlds plan!!!!!! Rinse and repeat is just that.


Well-Known Member
For those who like ff'g, Houston is far better than El Dorado, Dakota and Briscoe - hard though that may be to believe.. I don't see how forcing players into worlds where ff'g is pretty much non-existent will actually cure ff'g issues on these.

I would like to understand what Inno's strategy really is. For example, why does Inno think that there are so many inactive players these days? How does closing worlds address those problems? There are some serious fundamental flaws in this game now and papering over them will not solve them. Has Inno done any properly structured player surveys, with focused questions, to get regular players views?

There seems to be an inherent unfairness in closing worlds if you are to be forced to worlds where you have already got a character. Certainly you can work round some of the issues. However, and not sure that anybody really is in this situation, you have say a toon on Houston that you want to take to Colorado, but both have the Union Set, then you are doomed to losing one of them with no recompense. I would like the whole transition process made easier so that you can 'merge' your inventories if replacing characters or send your inventory there if simply deleting your toon.


Well-Known Member
And another pet peeve - why the stupid push to Face Book???? How totally dull. Forums are far better for discussions and don't intrude on our typist's personal lives.
Yea idk what's up with this either.
Believe it's LCM level issue however.

Migration options instead of closing right away would be good I guess.

And they should actually work on getting actually NEW players.
While making a Mobile Version already.
What is wrong with having a game that you need a big screen to play best? You can use your little one to check in and set stuff, but to play and think and create - the big screen is optimal.

For the interested..
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Well-Known Member
talk about a way to demoralize the playing of entire game - closing worlds is NOT the answer. It makes a person to not even want to show up in the worlds that seem to be in the closing queue. What is wrong with INNO anyway? They had a super winner with this game and then it seemed they just got all techy and greedy and forgot about content, and player's having lives other than online.

Our infinite 'clothing sets' are so far away from old west dress that it is pathetic.
How about a new adversary for us, and letting us team to fight it, as recurring.
Let things evolve in the 'old west' theme that is still unique just lacking fresh air.

And another pet peeve - why the stupid push to Face Book???? How totally dull. Forums are far better for discussions and don't intrude on our typist's personal lives.

What is wrong with having a game that you need a big screen to play best? You can use your little one to check in and set stuff, but to play and think and create - the big screen is optimal.

What is wrong with having us have to 'plan' a FF attack, shoot I remember having to use an off site format to do that. Make us think again INNO! How about playing with us again and STOP this closing worlds plan!!!!!! Rinse and repeat is just that.
I can give you answers on all your questions. Exactly the same I have been asked multiple times and you wouldnt like the answer. I didn't.

I have also inactive toon on w1, migrated my w10 account there, which I liked. and same issue , no worlds where i could move it.

as someone said before migrating w1 to Colo could be a good option. There is no perfect solution to this and impossible to have it all good balanced and fair :(

Joe Kidd

Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree with the anti-closure/migration narrative. There needs to be a sea change with this game that has been put out to pasture by its creator. If there is any chance for this game to continue, it needs to be reorganized and updated. @lulumcnoob is the only person, player or staff, that has come up with a concept that is worth considering that would solve the reorganization issue if not reinvigorate the game.

@Laural said something really poignant today in another thread: The staff needs to actually play on NET and be educated not just about the game but the player base on each server group. Right now I feel that NET is not represented in the staff nor has it been for years. No offense to @Hr.Nyborg, but you are from a EU server as was the last CM. You really have no buy-in yourself outside of the general premise of the game to run NET.

Maybe this is another "elephant in the room" problem: just merge all the various servers into one set of international servers with all new names to which anyone from any server can migrate into. Since it seems that staff origin is limited why not just unify everyone that plays and staffs this game. I'm willing to wager without any data that EN Kansas is 50% populated with players that play regularly on a EU server.

I suppose once all the "big new changes" come that were hinted at a year ago actually happen, new life might be invoked in the game. However, I can't say that doesn't seem blue sky thinking from the last LCM since there's literally no communication of concrete deliverables.

Bad Billy Jack

Well-Known Member
Howdy folks! I am almost a West original having played nearly every world at one time or another over the years under this same name. I currently play 5 worlds. This is not rocket science.

1) Do not allow anyone to migrate to our two most active worlds colorado nor kansas and this includes non-NET foreign language servers coming to NET.

2) Definitely do not allow combining of character inventories to the same world or you will produce super nugget toons.

3) Close one world at a time allowing migration to ANY other world (not colorado/kansas) and wait a few months before closing another to see how the populations of worlds has changed. This will save as many characters from account deletion as possible.


Well-Known Member
I might have missed it on the actual migration information page..are we told by email that the character has been migrated to a new world?

Kidd Kalypso

Well-Known Member
I say we all migrate from all worlds to idaho and just get this over with
To be honest.....after reading random posts from peeps I don't really interact with, this is one I can really get behind.
And why not? All worlds are hurting on members, activity, etc.
As we all know, nugget purchases keeps the inno gears turning, and dead world's means no one has any inclination to buy nuggets, why bother?
For that matter, I would be happy to pay to 1k nuggets to xfer to another world....think of the money for inno right there :)


Well-Known Member
So what "Average population" "Highly populated" actually based on?

Quite misleading..

This is a bit off topic. But never the less, here is "my" view of the worlds View attachment 2531

And world closure-ish
Is a lot of stuff in comparison. But mostly it is about active accounts of course, and then if it money-wise "Run-cost" is not good, that is another thing.
Hence Galvaston and Houston will be the next in line to be looked at. When all this world 1 stuff is over.

Deleted User - 4230896

I guess it is based on how many account is made in total on each world. And not just active ones.