video games you would like to see made into a movie


Sorry, i saw a trailer for it months ago and i didn't read the article that it was a April fools joke.


Let's talk about Zelda.

I think a good climatic scene could be when Volvigia is released,
and Kaepora Gaebora helps Link to fight it as they circle the Tower of Winds.

Or maybe Death Mountain could begin to erupt, and Link, using the Pegasus Boots and Roc's Feather,
could ascend his way to the top of the crater to battle Twinrova.


Well Jeez Dedon, you just pretty much killed this thread.

Well that was not my intention, but some of those wont even make it,and in the span of ten years some will make something no one has thought of.


Just as long as Metal Gear Solid isn't based off MGS2.

how about the World of Warcraft movie?
Will it star Leeroy Jenkins?


Final fantasy ( all of them ) except 9... blah.


Worms Armageddon


In a time...ages past...a sphere was banished to the void.
This sphere wielded a power over early mankind, to tranfix them with its visage...

Now, in the 21st century, paranormal activity indicates the return of this creation.
Two heroes must find it, and stop it, before it can once again release its influence across the world...

Starring Stromm Hells, and Iggy Berto.

Coming to your side of the screen, in 2009.


What, no reputation points?

I stand by my previous statement for VG movies, by the way.