Feedback Update 2.184


Well-Known Member
yeah more base XP for new jobs is needed to catch up to church builders, buff some jobs to give at least 60 base xp (and more ofc)

and it will be worth it to spam 15s jobs every now and then

old jobs in the centre of the map dont really need to messed with, only thing that is needed is to buff new jobs and since you need a ton of LP to even have a couple of blue pickaxes, a better reward in terms of XP is expected.. its not really anything spectacular when after many years of development (?), a new jobs gives 3 xp more over hunt alligators and requires 1k more LP

tldr: give more base xp to new jobs

Stating the obvious here. Change XP rewards to XP potions (1% for small ones, 5% medium, 10% large, 25% story mode?). Give people an incentive to do them, because to me they seem like a waste of time. Reward the questers!
i agree with this, remove flat XP rewards from quests and replace them with potions (but avoid doing this to quests that are under level 100)

Goober Pyle

The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
yeah more base XP for new jobs is needed to catch up to church builders, buff some jobs to give at least 60 base xp (and more ofc)

and it will be worth it to spam 15s jobs every now and then

old jobs in the centre of the map dont really need to messed with, only thing that is needed is to buff new jobs and since you need a ton of LP to even have a couple of blue pickaxes, a better reward in terms of XP is expected.. its not really anything spectacular when after many years of development (?), a new jobs gives 3 xp more over hunt alligators and requires 1k more LP

tldr: give more base xp to new jobs

i agree with this, remove flat XP rewards from quests and replace them with potions (but avoid doing this to quests that are under level 100)
I completely disagree with using wisdom potions. That holds everyone at the same relative levels and the l200 whales get the same out of completing quests as the L150 trying to become competitive with them

Fixed is good, it just needs to be massive and matched to the unlock level for the quest. Eg a level 150 quest giving 200k xp. A level 168 quest giving 1m xp


Well-Known Member
All the positive feedback you're getting is from people that have built the church for the last 7 years, the time between the level 150 update and now, they're all happy because they haven't had anything to do for the last 7 years other than log in, queue church and log off.
All of the negative feedback is from the side of the player-base that keeps the game alive, players who are now, at best, 7 years behind our PvE counterparts in terms of levels because we had fun and engaged in the social and former award winning aspects of the game, secure in the false knowledge that we'd never be forced to do the "not fun" parts of the game again.
ironically the higher your level the less church building xp compares to your daily login bonus xp

and can we cap levels at 200 for now please?

Ektoras BOTrini

Well-Known Member
sorry for this old thread revival but I wanted to ask if someone has any table that shows from which job you can find each new product like Lodgepole Pine , American Aspen etc etc ( i mean those that give 5% product chance , +1 attack +1 defense , 5% luck , 10% speed , etc etc )