The Tiran Wars


the orcs came once more, and teer fought harder, he smashed his foot into the pelvis of an orc who reeled away in pain until teer put him out of his misery by smashing his sheild into the orcs face. he took out his dagger and threw it, it stuck home into the eye of an orcish officer. teer ran over to the body, retreived the dagger, and sheathed it before running back to his men. there was too many orcs, and teer and his men would have to retreat soon unless he received reinforcements, which he knew was unlikeley, seeing as from what he knew, the elves rareley got involved in the wars of orcs, men and goblins.


Dosot woke up to see his friends being attacked by orcs. He sighed and lifted his hands. He yelled out,"By the power of the light, I reject your evil presence from here! Begone!" A wave of light shot out from his hands, and the weaker orcs were repelled, flying away into trees, rocks, into the river, even through the trees. He jumped to the ground and pulled out his sword. The only orcs that were left were the stronger ones, the captains of this attack force. There were ten of them in total. They were bigger, uglier, and they were better trained.

"Everybody ready? These guys will pose a challenge," Dosot said as he got into his battle stance. He moved his feet out, his left one ahead of his right one, his left hand below his right hand on the hilt, and the blade ready to be swung and to cleave.


I already got one of the more important Orcs, if you were reading my posts.

"Looks my work here isn't done", Témalad said to himself, preparing to engage the remaining Orcs. He engaged one of them, slashing into it's fingers with his szabla. The Orc groaned, but did not release it's grip on it's sword. However, the move bought Témalad time to Go for a direct attack. With all of his strength, he threw himself at the Orc, hacking at it's neck. After cutting a large gash in it's neck, he jumped back with barely enough time to escape being crushed by the Orc's falling body.


Through the orcs that he was chopping down, Coenwulf saw one of the companions chop down the leaderish looking one. Although this caused some worry, most of the orcs kept on fighting. "*My God!* Do these things ever stop fighting? Guess we have to keep cutting them down. Keep going *comrades*, we've nearly killed them all!" A moment later, a bright light, on the order of magnitude that won't generally be seen by humans until far into the future, repelled most of the orcs away, except about ten of them. "Good job strange light! Now, for the final attack! CHARGE!!!" Coenwulf charged into the 10 orcs, bringing down about 5 of them in as many blows. Coenwulf, not wanting to show off too much, decided to leave the other 4 that he and the leader destroyer didn't bring down, to the rest of the group, such was the courtesy of the great Coenwulf.


Dosot laughed at Coenwulf. "So much brute force," Dosot thought. He waved his hands around, and a small ball of light appeared in his hands. He pulled his right arm back and his left arm forward. The light shined and it turned into a bow. He pulled his right arm back and fired the arrow of light. The arrow went through another two of the orcs, decimating them completely and leaving their bodies just a body of bones. He sat down on the ground and said, "Finish them. I'll make food. Do you want mana-summoned bread, which is a favorite? Or do you wish the mana-summoned cookies, which is very tasty?"


Témalad's jaw dropped. "However shines your blade, I'm not a picky eater", he said to Dosot, eyes bulging. He picked up a large Orcish sword, four and a half feet in length, and used every last drop of strength he had to swing it at an Orc's neck. It more than halfway severed it's head, killing it instantly. Picking the sword up again, he cumbersomely swung it at another Orc's knee, crippling it. As the Orc fell to the ground, Témalad picked up a dagger off a dead Orc and buried it in the soft spot under the first Orc's chin. He picked up two more daggers, and with a fierce jumping attack, lodged them both in the last Orc's eyes. The last Orc stumbled about blindly, until it tripped and fell. Témalad turned back to Dosot and asked "how's the mana coming?"

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F'lar staggered upright, drained. From what he could tell, all the orcs had been killed, so he made his slow way over to Dosot, where he could see he was preparing food. He collapsed facing Dosot, looking like a ghost in human form. "That old man who imbibed my axe-lance with that spell wasn't blast of it wore me out more than the days running...two left me unable to move...three would have killed me, I'm sure..." He trailed off, shivering as his body tried to make up the lost energy.


((Forgive my inactivity, I'm not doing so well this week.))

They shaved her head, her long golden locks fell to the ground, as if they themselves had been disgraced. Captain Silvar was thrown, bound, into the ocean and sank to his doom. Marie had the branding Iron taken to her now bald head and the crude tattoo of the unfaithful was pressed there for all eternity.

She was cast out from the castle, the king was beside himself with rage and despair, so much so that the affairs of state began to wearon his weakened pschye. He took to the bottle, hoping to drown out his sorrows in copius amounts of alchol. This further weakened the bond between church and state. The brothers of Saint Eve'lyn of the Guiding Light began to dissent their king, disobeying his orders in favor of their Father Abbot's.

Disgraced Marie Dun Eff'ngham disappeared from the public eye, after she had been thrown from the castle, in nothing but a dirtied white dress. The world had beeen suddenly, inescapably ruined for the queen.


Ranger Ryn'ntar Toro'eth used his blade more for defense then attack. He used his elven sword to send his enemies' swords into other orcs. His movements were perfectly balanced and unlike his companions, his moves were measured, neat and deadly accurate.

Two of the larger orcs rushed at the ranger. Using his sword, Ryn'ntar parried a sloppy overhanded slash and sent the blade spinning out of the orc's hands with a kick. The sword flew from the orc's grip and plunged to the hilt in the belly of Ryn'ntar's second attacker. Followinng through with his kick, Ryn'ntar spun around his blade leading the way and made a leathal gash through the orc's breastplate. Each orc was dead, before they hit the ground.

Fumbledumb the Bold watched as one of the humans killed two of his comrades, no not his comrades simply buisnesss associates. As the first fell, a sword plunged through it's stomach, Fumbledumb took the opportunity to scramble under the corpse. He lay very quiet and still, not even disturbing the dust being kicked up by the combatants.

Ryn'ntar backed up a step, as a minion of the Demon Giant stabbed at him with a long spear. As the Orc withdrew hsi weapon, intending to stab at Ryn'ntar again, the ranger stepped in and took ahold of the shaft of the spear and tore it from the orc's grip. He spun with his momentum and brought it around to crack intto the orc's head with enough force to snap the orc's neck, ina sickening crunch.

The battle raged and Ryn'ntar, honed from eleven years of preparing for combat, never tired. His blade kept him energized and his movements were to quick for the eye to follow. The blade moved silently through the air, each move perfectly balanced and executed. The elven sword dance became more noticeable in his attacks.


Dosot had finished summoning some mana bread and cookies for everyone. Then, he waved his arms, and a table made of light appeared, with chairs. "Mana summoned food for everyone! And we have water for everyone to drink so now we can have some dinner!!!" Dosot said with a hearty laugh and smile.


teer smashed his mace into the head of the last orc. "well that's them finished!" he said. his men gathered around him. teer climbed to the top of a rock and looked around. he could see a fire in the distance. "looks like there are people over there, we make for the fire. come, we must get there before it gets dark the orcs come a'hunting." teer said as he began to walk in the direction the fire was coming from.