P&P The Battle of My little Pony


Fuzz - your town is in your profile, which pretty much renders your eraser job pointless :)

Also, last time I checked that Fort - Armageddon were one of the towns that owned it. No-one from Armageddon turned up for the fight. What happened?

I got the KO. And I'll most likely get it again in two hours.

I would assume the same thing that Domination did when they asked someone for help the other week then attacked those same people :)

Talking of profiles you need to change the links in your main town as one of those forts is no longer yours


I erased it cause i'll only be in this town a few minutes more...i just joined it right before the battle to shop for dancer heels....i'm out of it now. Probably won't update till i join the next town on my list though. Got all the purchasable dancer parts, thanks for your tip on the necklace.

Well good luck finding it, I'm having none.

I found a bunch of other crap but not that.