

It's at me too.

The point is u can't have a spelling bee over the computer.


electroencephalogram => EEG

Do I win?

You always win. Every time you poke your head in to see what we brangling fools are up to, we all return shamefaced to our corners and remember that a little dignity wouldn't go astray. :D


Yes, It is, But the thing is i like to type fast =) .

learn how to touch type I did and make very few spelling errors. Last time I was tested (10 + years ago) I was typing at 125 WPM and the test takes into account accuracy. The corners you cut by misspelling diffuse whatever argument you had.

Back (kind of) to the last tack this discussion took. Any insurgent army with support of the local community and outside funding will prevail in the long run. It was true during the American war for Independence remained true during Viet Nam (let's face it the French got beaten soundly in Indochina before American involvement) and STILL remained true in Afghanistan in the 80's. It takes more than manpower and technology to win wars it takes Material and tactics.


Alex if you type at light speed and no one can understand so what is the benefit and my speed will be 50 WPM


How do you define Material as something seperate to manpower and technology? I understood Material, in warfare, to refer to the physical assets for waging war, i.e. men and technology.
I think it also takes motivation to win a war. Any insurgent army with local support will always have high motivation and continue to fight. Any forces fighting in a foreign arena will have lower motivation, both personal and political, to keep battling.


learn how to touch type I did and make very few spelling errors. Last time I was tested (10 + years ago) I was typing at 125 WPM and the test takes into account accuracy. The corners you cut by misspelling diffuse whatever argument you had.

Back (kind of) to the last tack this discussion took. Any insurgent army with support of the local community and outside funding will prevail in the long run. It was true during the American war for Independence remained true during Viet Nam (let's face it the French got beaten soundly in Indochina before American involvement) and STILL remained true in Afghanistan in the 80's. It takes more than manpower and technology to win wars it takes Material and tactics.

in many cases training wins not number and equipments
in Somalia Americans are outnumbered and out gunned but still they kill thousands at loss of 50(i do not say it is right):sad:
and Somalians have support of LOCAL COMMUNITY
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in many cases training wins not number and equipments
in Somalia Americans are outnumbered and out gunned but still they kill thousands at loss of 50(i do not say it is right):sad:
Does that have anything to do with what I said? I jusy wanted some clarification from DC about the definition of Material. Why did you quote me? It seems to me you are replying to DC's post, not mine. But even then he was talking about winning a war, not a battle.


sorry and US win the war against Somalia but they have to withdraw which is a GOOD thing


The US did not have a war with somalia!! They were part of a UN force that was attempting to defend human rights. Pulling out may not have been that good. Now Somali warlords still act with impugnity, and have even started wholesale piracy in the Suez canal and Indian ocean.


Out of curiosity, what is your country bk200?

And are you now talking about the Somali Pirates, or the Americans?


How do you define Material as something seperate to manpower and technology? I understood Material, in warfare, to refer to the physical assets for waging war, i.e. men and technology.
I think it also takes motivation to win a war. Any insurgent army with local support will always have high motivation and continue to fight. Any forces fighting in a foreign arena will have lower motivation, both personal and political, to keep battling.

Manpower=warm bodies
Technology= Radar, A-bomb, Jet Fighters
Material=Raw materials (oil steel foodstuffs)

just to use WWII as an example the Allies won (and were almost guaranteed a victory once the US entered the conflict). But their biggest advantage was not superior Technology (even without the Bomb) Japan would have fallen to invasion. Or even superior numbers. The biggest advantage was having access to most of the planet's Natural resources. The Axis powers were limited to what they had within very limited borders especially after conquered lands were retaken.

As for your other point I whole heartedly agree (I think I already stated that fact somewhere else)


Out of curiosity, what is your country bk200?

And are you now talking about the Somali Pirates, or the Americans?

India and in Indian ocean many merchant fleets have been attacked by Somalian Pirates some of them are indian and also the navy of india has been placed there.(Indian ships are very advanced because they all are Russians like our Air Force)