Sign Ups are Closed
Intro: Alright, despite what you're thinking, this is not a web based game, this is a forum game and the rules are going to be a little bit tricky to explain. This isn't as complicated as it initially sounds and I can guarantee that it will be a LOT of fun. I will be the moderator and impartial to all the players, I don't care who wins. I will randomly assign roles to people and PM them their appropriate roles. I will be part of no team. In future games, perhaps other people will step in as moderator once we're all familiar with the game, I would like to play as well!
The setting: You are in a small Italian community and the mafia has infiltrated the village. At night time, they senselessly murder villagers and act as common folk during the day, they are indistinguishable from common villagers. The town ruler (me) has decided to hold a meeting everyday to lynch one person that the town suspects is a mafia member.
Characters: There are eleven members; three mafia, one seer (more about that later), and the rest villagers. Everyone is assumed to be villagers, however I will PM four randomly chosen people of their secretive roles of mafiosa and seer. It is vital to the game that these identities are kept secret.
Gameplay: There are two rotating phases of play, each lasting roughly 48 hours, they are day and night. If all votes are accounted for during either day or night, then the results will be posted immediately (no reason to wait around) and the next phase of play will begin immediately. There are two sides: Good (the villagers and seer) and bad (mafia). The good people win by eliminating all mafioso and the bad guys win by staying alive. If there are, at any time, less than 2 villagers alive, the bad guys will win.
During the day, the entire village (all eleven players) will get together and choose one person to be lynched (this will be determined by a majority vote). At that time, that person will be removed from gameplay and their identity will be revealed (whether or not they're a mafia members, seer, etc.) All interaction will take place by posting in this thread. Important: When voting, please, please, please bolden the name of the person you are voting to be hanged (ex: "I vote for Bobby to be lynched.") If you change your vote in a later post, go back and strike out the original vote (ex: "I vote for Bobby to be lynched.") Also, the purpose of voting is to DISCUSS and give REASONS why you're voting for that person. This game is about deceit, not randomly voting.
During the night, no more voting will take place discussion will be had and the three mafia members will discuss (via private messages, of course) and choose one villager to kill during the night. Once they've decided, they will PM me and I will announce and remove the player from gameplay. Also, during the night the seer will send me a PM and ask me the identity of one other villager which I will reveal to them (that is the role of a seer). If the seer discovers a Mafioso, then by all means, reveal it during the day!
Strategy: The purpose of this game is deceit and observation, so use that to your advantage. A good example of deceit is that anyone can post and state that they're a see (including the mafia members) during the daytime, so choose your allies carefully. On the other end, if you reveal that you're the seer and really do reveal the identity of a mafioso, you can rest assured that they're probably going to eliminate you the following night. On the other end, if you notice that a certain three people haven't really been voting for each other in any kind of majority, then use your skills of observation and post your observations when you cast your vote during the day. This game definitely favors the clever. There are soooo many strategies that can be employed it's ridiculous.
* This is a long and involving game, DO NOT sign-up if you're not clear on what you're doing, or if you're not going to be able to post at least once every 24 hours.
* Cheating will not be tolerated. Communication between Mafia members is obviously allowed but communication between villagers is not encouraged. If you would like to communicate, feel free, but remember that everyone is deceiving each other and it's safer just to avoid private message communication altogether if you're just a common villager.
* If you're dead then please, please, please change the color of your words to blue. This will make this whole thing much easier on me.
* This isn't really a roleplaying game in the sense that you really act out a character, but getting into it and acting as if you ARE a character makes the game A LOT more fun for everyone involved.
* If you're disruptive, I will kindly ask a moderator to ban you from the thread and you will be denied a spot in any future games.
* If you're not willing to commit to finishing the game, then don't sign up at all. It's summer time so most of you should be done with school. I'm going to school but I will definitely be able to keep up with my moderator duties, all you have to do is essentially communicate and vote once every 48 hours.
* This game is a modified version of this party game of the same name.
Sign Ups
1. Divest
2. Johannmaximus
3. Darknoon5
4. Artemis Gordon
5. Nakshtra
6. Iggyberto
7. George Hurst
8. James the Hunter
9. Jordon987
10.Sam Solo
11. Anhlong1122
2. Johannmaximus
3. Darknoon5
4. Artemis Gordon
5. Nakshtra
6. Iggyberto
7. George Hurst
8. James the Hunter
9. Jordon987
11. Anhlong1122
As soon as all 11 slots are filled, roles will be handed out and the game will begin. Roles will be chosen by me: I will drop all 11 names in a hat and randomly select 4 to fill the various special roles, don't bother asking for a specific role.
If this works out I will definitely be modifiying and improving it over time, making it more accessible and intense for everyone. This isn't a complicated game, but the long description might make it a bit intimidating. Don't worry, it's really simple to understand and play once gameplay gets started. It's a VERY exciting game to play.
New Rule: If any player participating in the game is banned from the forums during game play they will automatically be hung by the villagers.
New Rule: If any player participating in the game is banned from the forums during game play they will automatically be hung by the villagers.
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