Legalization of marijuana

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Well, as far as that goes, I've never murdered anyone and wouldn't if it were legal, but a lot of other people do. As long as they do it anyway, why not just make it legal?

No, I don't really believe that, but it makes as much sense as using that as an argument for legalizing illegal drugs. There may be reasons that it would make sense to do it, but I don't think that the fact that people do it even when it's illegal is a good one. I know you're smart enough to come up with better arguments than that.

Well, I would also point out that she was the one who brought on the example that it being illegal was a deterrent, my example was only to state that it really isn't, but that this in and of itself would a sound argument for why it should be legal.

I would also like to state that I think that there being a law against murder is a huge deterrent and the examples you drew are a bit like comparing apples to oranges. Actions to substances, if you get what I'm sayin.

Yes actually Morph96070 I do recall all of that. But he isn't talking about something that was legal and then was made illegal. Drugs have never been legal.

Actually, there was a time when marijuana was not illegal. Do you know the reasons why it was made illegal? Actually, I should state, do you remember why it was made illegal and by whom? If not, look it up, I think you'll learn some interesting information.

Regardless of if it is ever made legal or not still doesn't give him the right to call people names and put them down because they don't believe in his view point of things. I have just as much right to my opinions as him or anyone else does.
I like how you're completely avoiding all the points I've been making and playing the part of the injured victim. It really doesn't help your case and makes you look even more silly than you originally did.

Also, just because people are entitled to express their opinions, doesn't make their opinions foolish and naive, which is what I've been pointing out this entire thread.
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Yes actually Morph96070 I do recall all of that. But he isn't talking about something that was legal and then was made illegal. Drugs have never been legal.

Regardless of if it is ever made legal or not still doesn't give him the right to call people names and put them down because they don't believe in his view point of things. I have just as much right to my opinions as him or anyone else does.

Every "Drug" was legal, until it was explicitly outlawed.

Marijuana was outlawed in 1937, due to both economic pressures,from the Paper industry and Chemical Companies, and because of racist propaganda which tied marijuana use to mexican immigrants and poor black males.


Hahaha I love those articles and especially the commercials they used to make.


Actually, there was a time when marijuana was not illegal. Do you know the reasons why it was made illegal? Actually, I should state, do you remember why it was made illegal and by whom? If not, look it up, I think you'll learn some interesting information.

You're just too quick for me tonight! I had a long post ready to submit, but saw yours when I previewed it, so I'll just add the highlights from it.

During WWII, the U.S. Department of Agriculture launched its Hemp for Victory program, encouraging farmers to plant hemp by giving out seeds and granting draft deferments to those who would stay home and grow hemp. By 1943 American farmers registered in the program harvested 375,000 acres of hemp.

Later, enactment of federal laws (Boggs Act, 1952; Narcotics Control Act, 1956) set mandatory sentences for drug-related offenses, including marijuana. (There has been a lot of controversy because marijuana was included in spite of it not being a narcotic.)

A first-offense marijuana possession carried a minimum sentence of 2-10 years with a fine of up to $20,000.


Also, in the "resettlement and reservation" treaties we forced on the American Indian nations, Marijuana and Hemp as SPECIFICALLY Listed as suggested crops to plant, due to their economic usefulness as building and weaving materials.

Hemp fiber is stronger than cotton, cheaper, and easier to grow, and the remainder of the plant can be used in Biomass reactors to create cheap fuel or electricity.


The History of Marijuana

Marijuana has been used throughout history in many different cultures to change mood, perception, and consciousness - in other words, to get high. Its effects range from increasing creativity to provoking mystical experiences, to heightening the capacity to feel, sense and share. After alcohol, it is the most popular of what are called "recreational drugs." It has been used around the world for other purposes. In some primitive tribes of South America, Africa, and India, "cannabis" is used in religious ceremonies and for medical purposes. African mine workers have used it to ease the drudgery of their work and many Jamaicans use it at the end of the day to relieve fatigue. It has been used as an intoxicant in various parts of the world for centuries and in the United States mostly in the 20th century. Marijuana was first described in print in a Chinese book of medicine, "Herbal," in the 2nd century B.C., and was used in China as an anesthetic 5,000 years ago. The ancient Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and East Indians used the drug to control muscle spasms, reduce pain, and to treat indigestion. It was commonly used in folk medicines in Africa and Asia. The Assyrians began using it as an incense in the 9th century. As early as 1611, marijuana was cultivated for its fiber in Jamestown, Virginia. In 19th century America, it was used by the medical profession for treating spastic conditions, headaches, labor pains, insomnia, and menstrual cramps. It is still used as a medicine in the Middle East and in Asia.

Marijuana, cannabis sativa, or hemp, is one of the oldest psychoactive plants known to humanity.Cannabis has become one of the most widespread and diversified of plants. It grows as weed and cultivated plant all over the world in a variety of climates and soils. Cannabis preparations have been used as remedies for thousands of years and the active ingredients of the hemp plant (THC) can be put to use in a multitude of medical conditions. A native of central Asia, cannabis may have been cultivated as long as ten thousand years ago. It was certainly cultivated in China by 4000 B.C. and in Turkestan by 3000 B.C. It has long been used as a medicine in India, China, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Africa, and South America. Today, people all over the world are beginning to use the cannabis plant for its unique medicinal properties. Neolithic archaeology grounds in China include cannabis seeds and plants. The first known mention of cannabis was in a Chinese medical text of 2737BC. It was used as medicine throughout Asia and the Middle East to treat a variety of conditions. In India particularly, cannabis was associated with Shiva. Cannabis was well known to the Scythians. Germans have grown hemp for its fibres--used to make nautical ropes and material for clothes--since ancient times. In the Elbing Prussian vocabulary from around 1350, hemp is recorded as knapis (derived from cannabis). Large fields of hemp along the banks of the Rhine are featured in 19th-century copper etchings. The hemp plant has to be soaked to harvest the fibre. This liquid was used as a drink. In today's Germany there are bars that serve hemp beer and hemp wine. Cannabis was used medicinally in the western world (usually as a tincture) around the middle of the 19th century. It was famously used to treat Queen Victoria's menstrual pains, and was available from shops in the US. By the end of the 19th century its medicinal use began to fall as other drugs such as aspirin took over. It was outlawed in the USA in the 1930s. It has a prominent religious role in the Rastafarian religion. Although it has probably been used as a recreational drug thoughout its history, it came to prominence in the jazz scene during the fifties, its use taking off in the 1960s. It is now one of the most widely used illicit drugs in the world.

And yes I did read a lot more then just what's posted on that link and in the above quote.

It's about as harmful as a normal cigarette is.

No I don't remember when it wasn't illegal. I was born in 1958 not pre 1937.
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Maybe I'm a bit slow right now but I don't understand what you're getting at with your post.

(Admittedly I have a headache and reading the quote was too much for me right now, I'll read it tomorrow when I've had some rest.)

Feel free to summarize but I didn't see any immediate point.


Maybe I'm a bit slow right now but I don't understand what you're getting at with your post.

(Admittedly I have a headache and reading the quote was too much for me right now, I'll read it tomorrow when I've had some rest.)

Feel free to summarize but I didn't see any immediate point.

Maybe just the simple fact that yes I read up on it and no I wasn't around in 1937 so I wouldn't remember a time when it was legal.


So, are you like, looking for me to pat you on the back for reading about or something?

Cause uh... good job?


So, are you like, looking for me to pat you on the back for reading about or something?

Cause uh... good job?

Truthfully when I posted that it had nothing to do with anything you had said. I was taking Morph96070 advice and did some reading up on it. And was in sorts agreeing with him that it being legal wouldn't be any worse then cigarettes being legal.


i think that it should stay illegal some poeple are messed up enough already


Really, when you think about it. Pot is just like smoking a cigarette while drinking a beer. Its bad for the lungs and impairs ones judgement. As such it should be treated like it. Citations for being high in public just like being drunk in public and a dui if your driving. I see no reason why people shouldn't be able to smoke in the comfort of their own homes.


I'm going to assume you've never been high before, scwanobi, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupid statement. Being high and drunk are two different worlds. Drinking beer and smoking pot are two completely different things. I don't believe that someone should be ticketed if they're in public high. That's just stupid and doesn't make any sense, much like your original statement.


Just as being drunk, getting high affects people differently. I have a number of friends that smoke pot on a regular basis. Some you can't even tell they are high and others you need to keep an eye on or they will do something stupid that might get themselves or others hurt. If you can handle being high out in public then the a police officer wouldn't be able to tell you are high and you won't get a citation just like how I have been drunk in public many times and no one has noticed or cared. I wasn't saying officers should go out on some sort of witch hunt trying to find you, but if you are one of those people that are really obvious when they are high and could potentially pose a risk to themselves or others than I think it should be treated as being drunk in public.


Let people screw up their own bodies if they want to, if they wanna die, lettem'. Lets all OD on Anti depressants!


Personally,I think de-criminalization over legalization.You know,the guy with tons of it selling in the schoolyard SHOULD have to pay.But ,the guy who smokes a few joints a couple of times a week isn't hurting anybody but himself.Age restrictions are not the answer.How many underage drinkers are there? I have seen adolescents with ADHD who decided to "experiment" actually respond better to marijuana than to prescription medication.And there are some medicinal benefits as well.But ,alas, this is a topic that will continue to raise controversies no matter what is decided.


Ehm I don't really know what point you are trying to make but let me make a few things clear. I'm Dutch and in the Netherlands we have a sort of legalization, or at least the (controlled) selling and using is allowed.

Coffeeshops have to get a permit from the local government and they may not sell to under aged, cannot hold more then a certain amount of Soft Drugs in stock and Im sure there are counless of other rules I dont know off.
1st infraction: A big fine
2nd infraction: Temorarily closed
3rd infraction: Closed forever, end of story

In my opinion having coffeeshops in certain areas reduces drugs criminalisation by 50%. Sure, the "hardcore" users and dealers wont pay more for the same amount of stuff but alot of the people take good use of these coffeeshops and wont hurt a fly.

Myself for example, I think I can consider myself fairly addicted to smoking joints. Now watch how I said this. This is becouse the working substance in weed (THC) isnt physicly addictive by itself. Only mentally, "we" just like smoking a joint, and the feeling it makes you have. I allways get my weed in a hounest way and will never hurt anyone to get it.

Apart from that I think smoking joints on a daily basis is not half as bad for you as using hard drugs like cocaine or even drinking alcohol on a daily basis. This, becouse in contradiction with THC, cocaine and alcohol IS phisicly addictive. And then Im not even talking about what it does to your braincells.

Now I may or may not agree on the fact that smoking kills your brain. Ive heard, and Im not entirely sure of this. That TCH does not in fact kill any braincells, but just temporarily shuts down connections between them.
This is supported by my experience with smoking weed. When you start using it you will feel very odd, giggle alot and eat alot. This is in fact not how a regular user feels. I am an experienced user and what I get out of my joint is a clear mind. While I "suffer" from problems like ADD (not hyperactive) I find myself much more relaxed in a stoned state then when sober.

So what Im basicly am trying to say is that Legalizing will not actually solve the hardcore drugs problems. But it will help "normal" users who by nature wont hurt a fly keep themselves out of criminal world.

Maybe in addition to my Weed vs. other Drugs (including alcohol) point. I need to say that when being actually stoned or high you can actually control yourself. While many drunk people or high on harddrugs have no power over themselves at all.

Also about age restriction, I think this does work, in a certain way.

Set the minimum to 18 and 16 year old can still get their hands on hit. But for a 14 year old its a lot harder.
Set minimum to 16 and Children of 14 years of age will be able to acquire it.

This is because most 16 year old are likely to have some adult (18+) friends. 14 year olds though, aren't very likely to have 18+ friends. But they WILL have 16 year old friends who will be able to visit coffee shop for them.
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