I Welcome the Revolution

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Age has nothing to do with that. I've been "old" longer than most of you have been alive, and I still haven't learned not to babble. Thomas may have some, or even a lot, of his facts wrong (or maybe just mixed up), but I think it's a good thing that he has an interest in politics, history, world events, etc. Most 12-13 year olds I know don't really care much about anything that isn't considered fun or profitable.


then its perhaps I came from a different background or school (I am studying in an "elite" Secondary School in Hong Kong, China. THE best Girls-only school (okay maybe I exaggerated a bit, AMONG the best three ^_^)

I see that as very normal, studying things OUTSIDE the syllabus. In fact those who don't are frowned upon a lot, and my parents brought me up around encyclopedias and history books.

Though I must say, it never ends XDD Chinese History, I mean. Thousands of years of it...

Note i am NOT a racist, but I am curious how reading stuff outside syllabus can be seen as special . . . in America, I mean o_O


An African American has MORE rights than a Caucasian; millions of Hispanics flood our borders and take our jobs.

If 84% of our GDP is government spending, everything collapses. We are over 30% right now, and raising alarmingly fast.

But debt is what made the white race great.... true story :unsure:

Adam Smith:


The rulers of Great Britain have, for more than a century past, amused the people with the imagination that they possessed a great empire on the west side of the Atlantic. This empire, however, has hitherto existed in imagination only. It has hitherto been, not an empire, but the project of on empire ; not a gold mine, but the project of a gold mine; a project which has cost, which continues to cost, and which, if pursued in the same way as it has been hitherto is likely to cost, immense expense, without being likely to bring any profit; for the effects of the monopoly of the colony trade, it has been shewn, are to the great body of the people, mere loss instead of profit. It is surely now time that our rulers should either realize this golden dream, in which they have been indulging themselves, perhaps, as well as the people ; or that they should awake from it themselves, and endeavour to awaken the people. If the project cannot be completed, it ought to be given up. If any of the provinces of the British empire cannot be made' to contribute towards the support of the whole empire, it is surely time that Great Britain should free herself from the expense of defending those provinces in time of war, and of supporting any part of their civil or military establishments in time of peace; and endeavour to accommodate her future views and designs to the real mediocrity of her circumstances.
More evidence that debt made white supremacy:

"The South, Slavery and Free Trade"
by Frederic W. Henderson


The southern economy had become almost exclusively a slave based, cash crop agricultural one, totally dependant on British markets, and totally indebted to British or British allied finance. As a result, close to between 80 to 90% of all land in the slave states was owned by the approximately 2 to 3% of the population who were slaveholders....
The southern economy was totally dependant on outside markets for the sale of its two major export commodities, raw, unfinished cotton and to a lesser degree rice; it was similarly totally dependant on outside markets for the bulk of its foodstuffs, almost all consumer goods, and virtually all capital goods. Almost no other of the extensive mineral and natural resources in these southern states were developed or harnessed.

...While cotton, and rice were still produced in the states of the old south, they generated such low yields, that they no longer were economically viable without massive increases in labor intensity. With little or no investment in any other form of economic activity, by 1860 these areas of the old south were themselves enslaved to a slave based economy, with their productive capacity at feudal levels, and the indebtedness to British "factors" reaching astronomical proportions
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even a 17 years old teenage girl like me can tell the Americans how to help stem the increase in debt - namely, stop the endless and senseless war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Every Black Hawk or Humvee destroyed will inevitably lead to the taxpayers buying them in turn, stuffing money into the Armament's Business pockets through the Government. Or simply the millions of M-16 or M4A1 rounds sprayed. Every shot costs money :S Instead of blaming everybody and waving your pen around, let's try to see your own problems ROFL

Or better yet, learn from the Tsar-era Russians. Start a Socialist Revolution and wipe out the greedy capitalists and armament business (Nobody wants war anyway, we're not the Americans. I am pretty sure neither the Russians nor the Chinese want to conquer the US simply because it doesn't worth it :)) and establish a society of peace for all o_O
but i believe this is way more than waht the Americans can handle, so oh well, I will keep dreaming about the day...


i would like to say that this is a very interesting thread.
it seems to be parts of a news paper, many failed to notice that,
finance economics, bizz, social, and other.
a good chance its an American paper (or ideas of(not French)

1. first you bust out is a poem very much like Corinthians, (watch end of ghost in the shell,famous Christian poem)
"when i was a child i saw with child like eyes"

2. being aware does make you smart, knowledge is not intelligence,

3. people do live in fear, they fear everything, and they like to be feared and not to fear.

4. national debt is something very different to what people think, how do i explain?
imagine the world banks and government's treasury's being like a big bowl of spaghetti sauce , all stringy and mixed up.
and i have to add , banks like the people of the world being in debt, they earn money off of the debt and credit cards, the more you owe them the more they smile, but the national debt is very much the same.
lemme explain further.
if you all recall a few years back, the banks were toppling one by one, so was the housing markets and the insurance companies. this was all due to a due to people selling shares of debt(your debt, African debt),,selling shares of debt to people in order to make more money,,,but for some unknown reason this money disappeared...too much to be stolen.
and money does not disappear, it actually travels from one user to the next.
(ask a investment banker, they will tell you the same..it just plain disappeared, and where?)
now back to the national debt, so we have concluded that money is all over the place, invested here, borrowed there, placed in banks over there, and very soon we get a log jam....traffic stops and people are not able to get to there money.
i must remind you , many countries ow America billions upon billions, and trade is also a borrowing factor,,,so the money is there, ...just they cant get to it....log jam of the epic Godzilla style.

if you think about it, certain countries ow America large sums of money, africa , Argentina, Mexico and other, 250 billion here, 370 billion there, that sorta thing,,,,what do we do,,make money for the bank, or for the people.

5. nanny state, yes when your own ability to raise people is taken out of your hands and given the legal rights to another, where they have the right to pull in at any moment and rearrange your live,,,like a child care, hospital, old age,,blah...its getting stricter, not better.

6. erm. yes and no, a black dude does not have more rights then a white dude, but this is a good observation of the people, now with the past election, a few nutso people have thought that they now rule the roost and have tried to turn around the world into slavery of the white man.....and crap really ...(like that one obama church dude)
..nobody has more rights over the next person, but it can be persevered as being so.
because in reality who's "football " team rules the field, and do they have a "good captain"...<-----important part.

7. reason i thought this was from an American paper, christainity and judaism ar in some aspects being ruled out in Europe, certain holidays and in schools, yet in other countries very enforced,,,reason i say this is an American thing,,America has incredibly good ties with Israel,,(incredibly)
and its a money connection, Israel spend more on its military then all of America does(wow)
i dont think religion will ever die out, government's may clamp down upon them, but they will never really die out,, but culture will.

and last
right wing vs left wing,
one very strict with the cash and harsh ideas...money to make money
the other give it all to the trees and starve.
if a socialist,,but over the years i have been staring tio thing about that one.
and have been sliding over to the right, i work hard for what i have, why should i give it away?
to feed the bunnies and tree's??? well them please do it and not talk about it.

this a gooid thread and the best one so far, covers a lot of ground,,two thumbs up thomas.


even a 17 years old teenage girl like me can tell the Americans how to help stem the increase in debt - namely, stop the endless and senseless war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Every Black Hawk or Humvee destroyed will inevitably lead to the taxpayers buying them in turn, stuffing money into the Armament's Business pockets through the Government. Or simply the millions of M-16 or M4A1 rounds sprayed. Every shot costs money :S Instead of blaming everybody and waving your pen around, let's try to see your own problems ROFL

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, From a speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1953


Born October 14, 1890(1890-10-14)
Denison, Texas, United States of America Died March 28, 1969 (aged 78)
Washington, D.C., United States Birth name David Dwight Eisenhower Nationality American Political party Republican

My, my, how times change...


I am kind of a slow-learner - did you agree or simply laughing at me :S

I must insist there are other options better than firing at your 'opponent'.


i agree with you there,
but im pretty certain the enemy does not think that way, and im pretty certain he wants to kill me.

and i must add, the American economy does profit from every war America goes into,,money spent here,< ----money goes in here...>
but i must agree, there are way more efficient ways and methods of spending the money.


I must say in Hong Kong I am a Form Five student, in US it is known as 'Grade 11' (I am NOT starting to explain why HK's general education level is higher than the US, I don't want to convince ANOTHER group of people :S). I am studying Economics, in a quite basic sense...

indeed, US Economy calculates GDP and GNP. Problem is, Government spending on military equipments, guns & bombs and all that is paid by the Americans - taxpayers, namely - and the armaments corporations get all the profit.
so to name it for real, its the Armaments Business making a whole bulk of the 'war-money', plus the Oil Companies (I heard M1 Abrams *hope I got the model right, never studied that field much* and Apaches drains oil pretty quickly :S). Not really the American citizens. so in a sense, its only them making the money and profiting from war...


true, its not the place you want to spend all the money on,,it is a drain and a heavy one.
the funny part about it, is that many American combatants dont even use American equipment, they are far out dated and obsolete.

got nothing to do with education level, its the people you hang around,
Americans generally learn American history, other countries learn an overall aspect of things, and i heard china does a lot to promote education.
but if you wanted to study in America, it would be near impossible, you would have to do an extra international bacoloriat, and then even an extra exam paper on American only (its hard)


the point is, GDP/GNP tends to be very inaccurate in the American's sense. the general mass certainly DID NOT benefit from the armament corporation's dividends :mad:

SAT/IELTS isn't really that hard :) *'cept SAT's English Paper. the use of words that you only use 'em for once in your lifetime is simply stupid >.<*


for a person who is not a native of the country its harder then you think,
getting into a European schools is a breeze.

the only people who get dividends are people within the armament company, a divident is when i have shares or investment in the company, and every year or few months i am paid out a certain amount.
..so your correct,,we didnt profit one single bit from it.....but we sure did pay for it.


I know about the dividends, hey I have been studying Macro-Economy for a bit now ^_^

Any way to stop the foolish conflict in the M.E.? sick of deaths and downed helicopters that the American Taxpayers will have to eventually pay for 'em again...


macro..wow,, thast difficult, not your norma micro(company mangers suppliers sort) but actuall non company such as govermental law, and politics that effect ones person.

most of the world is like that, i dont like seeing any more then you do, but what can you do when you have a "bull headed tyrant monster, who does not liten to rules , regulations, takes money from places that need them, is asleep at the wheel during a disaster (but lets not turn this to hate speech)

macro ? wow whats that like?
may need it in the revolution


really, a BIT . . .
Let's just say a year later if I decide to specialise in Economics I will be going a BIT deeper again, and in University if I happen to take Economics as my final subject I will be going a LOT deeper.

but this won't happen rofl :)


who knows, you may run into prince William , he did economics.
dont worry too much about univesity, loads o fun but do the work as soon as they give it to you,,that way its not a mad crunch to get things done at the last moment.

i know this one guy who did law, for four years he did absolutely nothing, then 2 months befor hand did he actually open the books.
still passed will brilliant marks.


Helldtromm is so nice to people.

I think that we should use the west as a training camp for the revolution to come.
Of course I have my own personal stash Just in case the next civil war breaks ou.

I think the politics outside the game and inside the game are similar someone trying to control another. I personally believe in ANARCHY! Is this really important for the game though?


Helldtromm is so nice to people.

I think that we should use the west as a training camp for the revolution to come.
Of course I have my own personal stash Just in case the next civil war breaks ou.

I think the politics outside the game and inside the game are similar someone trying to control another. I personally believe in ANARCHY! Is this really important for the game though?

What the hell are you talking about?



Seriously though, this is the wrong section, Micheal.

I believe a good way to cut down on buying Armaments for our Military is the Private Military. They buy everything themselves, not to mention that they arre better then regular military.
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