has affirmative action gone too far?


It is at least imho quite closely linked to affirmative action. It has in some cases done some good, such as the N word no longer being acceptable.

IMO, affirmative action is trying to level the playing field. To try to break down some of the white privilege that still exists (although, there is not as much as there was 40 years ago).

Some affirmative action measures probably are outdated and need to be abolished. But, considering the white privilege that still exists in society, I have a hard time believing that it is no longer necessary at all.

As for "political correctness", that is a nice buzz-word from the right. It has been made into a joke. What isn't funny, however, is the racism and downright meanness that "political correctness" was created to combat. You never hear about that stuff in those "political correctness" jokes...


for white people to say. if you are black it is ok.

and how is this one there is craker (not a swear) that is used by white people that originated at the same time

first of all the term you were looking for is cracker. And perhaps you should do some research into where that term came from. As for the use of the "N" word (which n-word nutmeg? sorry euphemisms suck but I digress) It was used in it's present form by gang members to dehumanize rival gang members. It's easier to kill someone if you look at them as less than human. Even in it's most recent use it is a term used for subordinates not equals (this is never explicit but implied). which is why there has been public outcry among the black community about it's use recently. It is losing it's acceptability in all circles


IMO, affirmative action is trying to level the playing field. To try to break down some of the white privilege that still exists (although, there is not as much as there was 40 years ago).

Some affirmative action measures probably are outdated and need to be abolished. But, considering the white privilege that still exists in society, I have a hard time believing that it is no longer necessary at all.

As for "political correctness", that is a nice buzz-word from the right. It has been made into a joke. What isn't funny, however, is the racism and downright meanness that "political correctness" was created to combat. You never hear about that stuff in those "political correctness" jokes...

I never said that affirmative action should be got rid off. However I do question at what point does it stop? I as a UK citizen see a some affirmative action and PC behaviour actually discriminating against the white british male.

Of course in an ideal society we would all be treated equal regardless of race/sex/beliefs etc. However that will not happen imo, what will happen in the near future will be the oppression of white males, and should we stand up for our rights then we will be deemed as acting sexist/racist.

Just a couple of examples:

Gingerbread "persons"

Banning Xmas Decorations

I personally don't see how either of the 2 above examples are actually offensive.



I have been reading this thread with interest as it has unfolded. What has warmed my black heart is that there are so many white (my assumption) anti-racist's that have been prepared to air their views so eloquently. I have read your fairly inflammatory posts in the past and have let them slide. It is hard being black on these forum's when discussing race, as I do not want people stereotyping about 'chips on shoulders'.

Whilst I have already stated that I am fairly well-educated, my family are not rich - I am no Obama from a privileged background - my father was (and still is) a carpenter and my mother is a nurse. I was the first member of my family to go to university, although back in Jamaica, lots of my peers have also gone.

My life chances have been pretty numerous, but I have had to fight a number of battles based on racial lines. Sheet happens. Giz, I don't think that you are a racist - no pointy white hat for you, but I do think that you are prejudiced. You need to open your heart and your head to people that are different to you. You will genuinely find the experience enlightening and your world view change for the better.

Billy the Beautiful ;)


lol "Ginger persons" doesn't that discriminate against redheads?
XDDD Yeah the ginger bread articile was sheer stupidness. May I have a ginger person please?
[spoil]I wuv you billy the beautiful. Btw, good post![/spoil]


Political correctness is and always has been absurd.....as I mentioned somewhere else in this thread I detest euphemisms. Political correctness tries (unsuccessfully) to control/change thought by hiding potentially offensive ideas behind twisted labels. Myself I'm not vertically challenged I'm short and I'm not visually impaired I'm nearsighted. Changing the name of the condition doesn't change the condition.


Nashy (as himself)
Baa baa Rainbow sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master, one for the dame,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.


Political correctness is and always has been absurd.....as I mentioned somewhere else in this thread I detest euphemisms. Political correctness tries (unsuccessfully) to control/change thought by hiding potentially offensive ideas behind twisted labels. Myself I'm not vertically challenged I'm short and I'm not visually impaired I'm nearsighted. Changing the name of the condition doesn't change the condition.

We have gone from the N-word to colored to black to African American.

Would you say that we should drop all political correctness and go back to calling people the N-word?


I never said that affirmative action should be got rid off. However I do question at what point does it stop? I as a UK citizen see a some affirmative action and PC behaviour actually discriminating against the white british male.

Of course in an ideal society we would all be treated equal regardless of race/sex/beliefs etc. However that will not happen imo, what will happen in the near future will be the oppression of white males, and should we stand up for our rights then we will be deemed as acting sexist/racist.

Just a couple of examples:

Gingerbread "persons"

Banning Xmas Decorations

I personally don't see how either of the 2 above examples are actually offensive.

Yes, yes...we can find examples of people acting silly with regards to just about anything...

Sometimes, that silliness has a point to it -- gingerbread MEN comes from our language that has a lot of sexism to it. "MEN working". PostMAN. PoliceMAN. Etc, etc, etc... Considering the abject sexism that was rampant in your and my society not very long ago, there is a point to neutering the language a bit. Can it go too far and to the point where it becomes ridiculous? Of course.

But here's the rub... "Political Correctness" comes from the need to address a very real problem in our society. Something that was completely ugly (such as sexism, racism, homophobia, religious prosecution, whatever). To call any attempt to equalize society as "Political Correctness" and make a joke out of it, is absolutely disingenuous.

Affirmative Action is NOT "political correctness" and a joke. It is a (admittedly flawed) attempt to correct a very real problem in our society.

BTW, it has been my experience that the US has a lot more overt racism than the UK. I may be completely wrong in that impression...but that's the impression that I get.


No, we should just call people the p-word (people, in case you were wondering). Why is that so hard to understand? So far as I can tell that is the common denominator and all that really matters.
Also, doesn't mentally challenged sound like a good thing? If everything were easy wouldn't life be boring?


We have gone from the N-word to colored to black to African American.

Would you say that we should drop all political correctness and go back to calling people the N-word?

And what would you call someone from Chad or Niger or Angola........hey they're African or black NOT African American but you wouldn't know the difference. Most African-American people prefer to be called Steven or Kareem or Joe or Barak. They have names. They are people. I have an issue with black people using ****** myself because it shows a lack of self esteem. But there are plenty of terms preferred by political correctness that hides more sins than solves any condition. It conceals prejudice behind evasive language


No, we should just call people the p-word (people, in case you were wondering). Why is that so hard to understand?

Easy to understand... People acting like that is the way it IS rather than just SHOULD BE is what is hard to understand...

Ignoring the problem won't make it go away.


And what would you call someone from Chad or Niger or Angola........hey they're African or black NOT African American but you wouldn't know the difference. Most African-American people prefer to be called Steven or Kareem or Joe or Barak. They have names. They are people. I have an issue with black people using ****** myself because it shows a lack of self esteem. But there are plenty of terms preferred by political correctness that hides more sins than solves any condition. It conceals prejudice behind evasive language

Again, that's all nice to say IF our society isn't very race conscious. It is, of course.

Walk outside of your specific neighborhood and see if our society is often times physically divided along racial lines...

It's very easy for white people to ignore racism...they aren't being subjected to it. But ignoring it doesn't make it go away.


Well, perhaps my society is not particularly race conscious, but I think David is absolutely right. The only time a persons race comes into any discussion with me or my friends is when we are giving a physical description of a person.


I'm not saying it should be ignored. But hiding it in the cloak of "politically correct" speech doesn't solve the issue. Education and tolerance do. As does teaching by example. White people may not be subjected to the same kind of institutional prejudice that other groups are BUT you'd be horribly misguided if you thought that there weren't bigots of every race religion and creed in this world.


Nashy (as himself)
I think if people take offense to a word that has meaning they shouldn't change the word, the word isn't the problem at all and making another word for it will just push the problem aside.

But before you go any further, why don't we start using the politically correct term for "white people".