Gold Greed


*background music FOREVER HaUNTED*

"james!!" yelled angel as she threw back te revolver to james...then she jumped in front covering jordy while holding her young daggers. . .


"what the!FIRE AT WILL!"*shootey gets up but ducks down so gang members cover him and he takes aim at angle, while other members duck,run hide and shoot toward James*


James holds his revolver and while bullets fly by him, he fires a shot at each bandit he sees. An explosion roars from each posotion. He continues to all six rounds and reloads. "YOU COULDNT HAVE SURVIVED!!!!"


*all dead axcept a few hiden in a building or another and those hats still sittin on top of the row of buildings, then.......BAM!shootey took the shot at angel from the window of the tavern as he ducks down the bullet hits angel in the arm*


James screamed and jumped up. He saw where the bullet had fired from and tackled the man in there. He grabbed the man and threw him out the window. He then pulled out his revolver and put in reguler rounds. He fired off all six to the mans skull.


".......NOW!"*the hats above the building were replaced with heads and barrels next to them.*"POUR IT DOWN!"*they dumped buckets of hot,smelly,burning ful stuff that is hard to get off and they dump some trying to get James*


James looks up and rolls back into the building.


James runs up the roof and kicks two men off the building. He throws a knife at one and punches him off the buidling. He then puts his explosive ammo into the gun and fires over to the other buildings. He then grabs the last man on the roof hes standing on and picks him up. He then throws him straight off the building into the pit below.....


*all is dead,all is lost, but we do not accept defeat*
"I am yours James"*as a man kneels on the ground with arms out*"you win"


James grabs the man and shoves two blades in his shoulders. "Just in case," James says. James then goes back downstairs dragging the man by the head to see if Angel is ok.....


"i am fine hunter." angel said when she saw te hunter looking at her bloody arms..."dad can help me heal up this wound faster" she said tho feeling a bit dizzy from thinking to much. . .


*the LEADER,the master-mind,of the Gang, still in the clutches of James and leedin from the stabs,awaitin for Jail*


"i think tis guy needs to be medicated first before he would be jailed. . ." angel said looking at te bleeding man...


"ahh...what a sweet girl, but I still would of had them choke you till Jordon would of told us or just had you both dead."


*hides behind jordon and lean on his back feeling weak...*

"jordy i think im gonna..." she said and then pass out


James punched the man in the face and grabbed Angel. He picked her up and sat down on the platform. "You'll be fine. I promise," James said.


"ow.You'll die girl, you are not fine, you are sufferin now, and you will die."


James put Angel on the platform and held the man in the air. He punched the man in the stomach and then kicked him straight off the platform. James threw a flask of oil onto the man. "Go to hell," James said as he lit a match and dropped it.


"AHHH!"*runs toward angel and hugs her.*"SHE BURNS WITH ME,HAHAHAHA, AHHHHH!!!!"


James rips the man off her and throws the man straight off the platform. James quickly pulls out his last knife and throws it. It lodges in the man head. James shakes his hands. "DAMN THAT HURT!!!!!!!!"