Do you think teen violence can be blamed on T.V, video games, or music?


It's not the games/music/t.v. that makes teenagers violent. These sources just give them more ideas to choose from. Take away the guns, man will just go back to killing each other with sticks and stones, for we are very violent by nature...


So you're saying that the media has had no part in it whatsoever? Think about that one long and hard my friend. No one is blaming them exclusively, but let's face facts: They're an influence which I've said all along. It glorifies violence. I used to think that suicide by cops was the most glorious way to go out. Then I turned 14 and realized that's silly. If they can influence me, they can influence anyone, especially those who are impressionable, badly parented, or naive.


I (and I think, my parents as well) grew up with Wile E. Coyote, who's trying to blow up Roadrunner with dynamite and rockets and whatnot in like every episode, Yosemite Sam shooting like a madman and of course Spencer&Hill, who always end up in a serious bone-breaking brawl a couple of times in each of their movies.
Yes, violence runs strong in our family.


Sure, those things can influence violence but any parent that lets their child run around and have access to whatever they want is a truly bad parent. MOST of the influence should come from the parent. That is, a parent should teach their children well. I don't want the government to censor anything, that is my job. One of the most common factors in people who commit violent acts is that they have a parent who did something horrible to them as a child.


Agreed absolutely. That's one thing I forgot to mention and that's my strong stance with anti-censorship. In my opinion, the MPAA are goddamned crooks and everyone knows it. Not to mention the ESRB. Gah. Grand Theft Auto is a prime example of the mega-corporation that can pay off the ESRB as opposed to other smaller gaming companies who have been rejected and flat-out denied ratings.


I keep forgetting that not everyone on these forums are the same age! Not really, but sometimes it does kind of slip away from me that the differences in what we all grew up with are pretty amazing.


movies and watching violent acts can only influence the teens, but they should be able to decide for themselves whether it's right or wrong.

[will posts in this section be counted or is this like the off topic?]


I am not concerned with post count so much. It doesn't really matter so long as Gem is the only one that can be a Boot Thief.


Thinking back to when I was a teenager, I knew some kids that were violent. In all fairness, they didn't sit around watching television or playing video games all day. They were doing drugs (don't do drugs very bad), they were skipping school, they were committing petty crimes, etc. They had for the most part horrible home lives where there was either one parent raising them that didn't give a crap or have a clue about what was going on with their kid, or two parents that were the same way.


Yeah. That seems to be the way of it. I will almost always blame the parents. There are exceptions to that though. There are some people that are just glitchy. I didn't have the best home life but I am more into creating things than destroying. I did get into a few fights though because I moved a lot and was always the new kid. (6 h.s.'s in four states)


I don't blame parents completely. Community has quite a bit to do with it as well. Where I grew up there were no activities for kids. No skate parks, youth centers, public swimming pools, youth organizations, etc. Pretty much if you weren't in Boy or Girl Scouts or were too old for those and too old to enjoy playing at the park there was nothing to do. Kids always find something to do and if there isn't structured activities then I think you find more and more kids getting into trouble. But that is my small town experience. I'm sure large towns have other problems regarding lack of community activities and teen violence that small towns can't even begin to address.


One thing I have noticed by living in so many different places is that they are all the same really. Sure there are some differences, but kids form cliques, rebel, and ultimately push buttons. I like to call it bursting bubbles. Kids grow up in their own little bubble, created by parents for protective reasons, but it is the child that needs to break out and figure out how things really work. Sometimes those bubbles don't cover everything though, or the child learns things early on that cause them to view the world differently than they should. Misconceived notions are what being a kid is all about though. Ever met a 13 year old that didn't know everything?

Heck, I lost my train of thought... I was going for something though.


Lol. My 12 year old told me when she was 6 that she knew everything! I told her "good, now you won't ask so many questions". Everyday is a learning experience for children. What they learn can not entirely be controlled, especially how they perceive their experiences. All we can do as parents is try to give as much positive experiences as we can, let them form their own thoughts and opinions on issues, and pray we have done a good enough job so that when they are out in the world making more and more decisions for themselves that they won't end up in therapy or jail.


Well-Known Member
Related, but not the cause. It's more the bad parenting plus the community influence. (As Artemis and Denisero said.) As far as I'm concerned if you teach your children to differentiate between virtual/fantasy and 'real violence', then they should not be any more or less violent.

Perhaps virtual violence even allows you to "let out" your natural aggression, making you LESS violent, as a counter example...


can you blame my mom and step father on being a bit violent -- not letting us watch TV, dun let us play video games, dun cook food for us ---becuase they are still on te front of te TV playing Battle City?

so its a 'NO'


Nashy (as himself)
Only if a rapist or murder was just under the surface of everyone, in that case videos games would have to be strictly controlled but that really isn't the case. I hate how it's suggested that a video game is all it takes to push someone other the edge, or that you can leave the TV to parent a child.

I think that the children that can be controlled by TV, video games or music are very likely to be isolated, not being a real part of the family.


I would think sometimes. If the parents act that way as well, the teen will think that is normal and will behave like that. But from that I've seen most teens just act like idiots. They cruse 24/7, don't care if they get ISS, in school suspension, and a whole list more.

I know this isn't every teen because well I'm one. But most of the kids in middle school seem to be like this. The exceptions tend to be the kids in the advanced program, because if we don't care about school then why are we in advanced, and the few kids who sometime hangout with the depressing group of teens.

One day my science teacher said " About 1% of the US population is in prison, I can look through these hallways during class change over and tell [which student will be future criminals]."