Dear Hellstromm

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Dear Hellstromm,

Why do you answer these stupid and illogical questions?

- J.


Dear Hellstromm,

You've been having busy day today answering to many questions here. Why not, just hire a secretory to organize the files for you?
Dear ag3352,

I have other uses for my secretary.

Dear Hellstromm,

which is better? Coke or Pepsi?
Dear gizmo501,

Why don't you grab a straw and snort both of them, let me know which one you prefer.

Dear Hellstromm

Could you recommend a good movie for me? I like action/thriller.
Dear Cowdy,

Yes I could.

Dear Hellstromm,

Why do you answer these stupid and illogical questions?

- J.
Dear James the Hunter,

Knowing the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is important to some people.


Dear Hellstomm,

In a fight to the death, who would win, you or Elmyr?


Dear Hellstromm,

Have you ever had a near death experience, and if so what was it?


Dear Hellstromm

Why did i read all these posts and then feel sorry for you?


Dear Hellstorm,
Why are you so greatlly worshiped by your peers, yet the church of hell has not been started yet, I'd assume it would of been opened instantly after Gem saw your horns.Your favourite, Alex.


Dear Hellstromm

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Dear Hellstromm,

What do you mean? African or European swallow?

- J.
Dear James the Hunter,

The one that tastes like chicken.

Dear Hellstormm

..what happends if I don't use "dear"?
Dear Cowdy,

Then the dear will "use" you.

Dear Hellstomm,

In a fight to the death, who would win, you or Elmyr?
Dear king david,

Depends on who we're trying to kill.

Dear Hellstromm,

Have you ever had a near death experience, and if so what was it?
Dear teh train robber,

I nearly died laughing at your baby picture, does that count?

Dear Hellstromm

*Bump* in front of Celxius.
Dear David Schofield,

Please phrase that in the form of a question.

Dear Hellstromm

Why did i read all these posts and then feel sorry for you?
Dear gaffey,

Alas, the travesty of righteous indignation, set upon by impotent, genetically inferior masses, can tug firmly on the heartstrings of humanity. Woe but there is wont for words to illicit an emotional response worthy of the calamitous circumstances wrought on by these most trying of times.

Dear Hellstorm,
Why are you so greatlly worshiped by your peers, yet the church of hell has not been started yet...
Dear thealex90,

Churches are but false gods on concrete foundations, created by men envious of the attention given to Another. Let it be said that whenever a church arises, so too does the vanity of man. ~ Idiot Proverbs 4:15

Dear Hellstromm

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Dear ir.ufis,

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, would he chuck wood or would he ... oh who cares, they taste like chicken.


Dear Hellstromm,

I still wonder, do you do this to satisfy your needs to make fun of the illogical people that ask these questions? Or do you do this cause you feel like it?

- J.


Dear hellstorm,

Why did you change your signature for an amazingly cool signature ?

From jamesrebel


Dear Hellstromm,

If i dig a hole 4 feet deep, One meter wide, and 12 inches off the Plain, how much money would it take to kill Bob?


Dear Hellstromm,

Have you ever been stalked with reputation messages, and if you have did you like it?
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