Break A Wish game


Granted, but you drop the drop the lamp and the genie escapes,
I wish for re-incarnation .


Granted, but the genie hates you for your carelessness and turns you into a fly at the same Kill the Spider convention, where unfortunately for you, you are caught in my web, paralysed and eaten.

I wish to regurgitate the fly (yeuk) and return to my former self.


(heh, I liked that one.)

granted, but now you are the only human at the giant alien fly kill a meaty creature from earth who was once a spider and ate an earth fly convention.

I wish I actually felt love.


Granted, but you turn into Superman and rescue me, from said convention *points up*
I wish for another icecream ....


Granted, but you turn into Superman and rescue me, from said convention *points up*
I wish for another icecream ....

Granted, but you don't like
pistachio flavored ice cream and you feel slightly dissatisfied while eating it. MWUHAHAHAHAA!

I wish I wish, upon a star to fly with dragons, in a land apart.
( no, that
probably wasn't ripped from Dragon Tales.)
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(actually I adore pistachio ice cream !)

Granted but the dragons, are a little too hot too handle and you wish you had wished for an icepack also.

I wish for another pistachio icecream ... no ... vanilla and pecan please !


(actually I adore pistachio ice cream !)

Granted but the dragons, are a little too hot too handle and you wish you had wished for an icepack also.

I wish for another pistachio icecream ... no ... minty lollolloll please !

Granted, but I change your quote so you wish for mint ice cream >:D

I wish I had an icepack.


Granted ... but the ice pack quickly melts and unfortunately the spiny hide of the dragon you are flying on, soon punctures your icepack, allowing the melt to escape.

Minty ice ... mmmmm
I am still wishing for vanilla pecan :D


Granted ... but the ice pack quickly melts and unfortunately the spiny hide of the dragon you are flying on, soon punctures your icepack, allowing the melt to escape.

Minty ice ... mmmmm
I am still wishing for vanilla pecan :D

Granted but it is not ice cream. Now fear the wrath of...


...Possibly filled with rat poison....

I wish I wish I was a fish :D


Granted ... but you forgot you were still on the superheated dragon ... chips anyone ?

mmm yummy, I will take the chance .. most rat poison is only wafarin these days .. makes you hypothermic in large amounts ;)

Wishes for a stomach pump ....


Anyway, Granted, and you became a chewtoy of a nearby shark

I wish I wish I wish.... meh.... To become the ruler of the planet

Umm hi Rose, you beat me to it lol


*blinks I am a rubber chew toy* ...

Granted you become the ruler of the Planet ... shortly afterwards it implodes due to bad management ..

I wish to escape from the jaws of this darn shark .... >.<


The shark was for kamikaze -_-

Granted, you escape... but there is always a bigger fish....

I wish whatever Rose is kind enough to give me :~


Granted ... Offers the fish and chips ... wanna share with me ?

! wish for a nice cup of of tea ;)
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gives 1/3 of all food to Rose... You are on a diet...

Granted. but since you forgot to put 'cup' there, the tea just spills all over the place

I wish a girlfirend =/


But I am so thin ... dabs tea with tissues ....

Granted, hands over the catalogue full of generic girl friends, blondes, brunettes and red heads, all heights, shapes and sizes .. the world is your oyster young sir :) ...unfortunately .. the choices are so numerous you can't make up your mind.

I wish for a CUP of tea, with lemon ...


puff Which to pick which to pick?

Granted, the lemon is the last year's pick I found behind the fridge. Bon Appetite!

I wish to make up my mind on a girl I like (or however it is grammar-wise)


eep ... takes tea without lemon .. has a sprig of mint I found behind my ear instead.

Granted ... umm whilst you were dithering and fussing about your grammar, the girl you made your mind up on went on an extended vacation, now you will have to wait weeks and weeks.

I wish for a long glass of iced tea ...


She still has a phone somewhere there :D

Granted, it's 40 stories high. Drink up :)

I want the cell phone number of the girl I made up my mind on =D