About Wars and Coalitions of world 10


ya i would say GC has to be our fav farms too. there are just so many to choose from.


Gc could say the same, as there are just to many MC Towns to choose from.. But only a few of these GC towns are capable of fighting...


Well-Known Member
I have been absent recently, so I only just found time to read this thread.

If you find something offensive don't come and whine about it, you'll probably just get yourself in trouble too. Instead please use the
button to report posts, that way myself or Crag can quickly deal with them.

Discussion may continue, but please stay on topic.


Well I don't consider IJ and IJ2 as two seperate towns, that's why I always use IJ+ for them! ;) :)


Ayt then, can I ask permission to use your patented "IJ+"? :)



Ok let me settle: MC is not an empire. Towns operate independantly and seperately, but communicate on everything regularly...MC towns from what I can see can leave at any time if they wish, except if they are founding town. In MC cummunication is the key as I see it, and everyone knows who the ohter towns are. Period

I can't speak of GC much cause I dont deal much with them a whole lot, but I see that will be fixed shortly by IJ since they are now ALLIES.

IJ since they are a simpple one town operation, needs only telegram each other and whine to their leaders, and IJ immediatly jumps to action on anything anywhere without much planning or strategy as I can see it. Also they are clearly players that instigate, and not even try to keep peace. They say right on their town page that they will attack workers, which indeed they do without any cause whatsoever!

IJ is also very sophisticated in several other "innormal" areas of playing which sdjx would like to be contacted about if you wish to participate.

I say if you want a town sophisticated int he wrong ways, join IJ, but if you are looking for a town that follows unspoken rumes of the game Go to an MC town...


Err before another flames in MC towns are allowed to do as they wish regarding hitting workers some do some don't... there is no prefix or rule on that.

i'll happily state now that MY town hits anything that moves ... what we do not do is beat relentlessly and bully independent towns exclusively. we save that for our real enemies.


MC is a mega alliance for the weak that hopes to overcome their lack of quality with numbers.

Hope this helps.


MC is a mega alliance for the weak that hopes to overcome their lack of quality with numbers.

Hope this helps.

Says the member of GC who have some of the worst towns in a alliance and you are alliance with FoM who have the worst towns now thats funny :laugh:


Says the member of GC who have some of the worst towns in a alliance and you are alliance with FoM who have the worst towns now thats funny :laugh:

You know what's ever more funny?

Plagiarizing from your own alliance member.

Now that is really funny, don't you agree, gaff?:laugh:


MC is a mega alliance for the weak that hopes to overcome their lack of quality with numbers.

Hope this helps.

I'll take it you don't read class Mortician stats as a guide to quality then :rolleyes:


I'll take it you don't read class Mortician stats as a guide to quality then :rolleyes:

Victor, I am not in the least surprised that you can't even figure out how to post a picture on the forums.:laugh:

Quality of MC members again on display here.


I didn't expect that from the leader! LOL :D

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My word, there is some BS (and that ain't another empire!) on this thread.

It seems clear they are all as bad as each other and they all try to deny they are an alliance on these pages for some reason?

I really can't decide which one I dislike the most...


Victor, I am not in the least surprised that you can't even figure out how to post a picture on the forums.:laugh:

Quality of MC members again on display here.

And your point is ? mistakes happen so what :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Is this really the best you can do and come up with minor jibes and name calling ???? lets look at some hard facts shall we ?

As far as quality is concerned you have what ??? one or two towns in the green.

lets get back to the main facts that your towns are crap your morticians are crap and your duelers hide behind muggeridge long enough to level up and then guess what ? they go out and duel and are crap..

You got 7 duelers in the top 15 yet your mortician is still crap hows that possible ? if i so chose to i could be rank #1 in dueling within a week once at 100% motive.... it means nothing other than ending up with a ridiculous duel lvl for people like me to pick off later at our leisure :D

I had a lvl 37 dueler hit me the other day lvl 37 mind NOT duel lvl and i handed his ass to him TWICE even tho i was out and he had all the time in the world to figure out the right moves... I am lvl 24 ... how sad :rolleyes:

Face it GC are a bunch of builders who would rather play building and lego than actually fight whereas MC talk the talk and walk the walk as do THP

Show me the stats to prove me wrong i dare you..... Or like every other time iv'e asked just like a stupid politician avoid the question and attempt to divert attention