A case for Scotland Yard


Not trusting the boy to stay on his own he took his hand and said "Come with me." gently standing up and pulling the boy to his feet he walked along checking the boy was there and went to inspect the butler.



'I am afraid he is in one of the private rooms sir,' the butler replied to Albert. 'It is by invitation only sir but I can take him a message if you wish?'

In the Duck

Tommy nodded when the description was given. 'Yeah, that's the guy. Stinking drunk he was but I still didn't fancy taking him on.'
Tommy turned back to the Irishman. 'So do we have a deal my good man?'

The Princes House

For a while the boy followed but as they neared the staircase he stopped. He wasn't far behind but he refused to go any further, shaking his head violantly and saying 'no,no,no,no,' over and over again.
Inspecting the butler there appeared to be nothing unusual about him. The knife was cluthced loosely in his hand, the point angled awkwardly so that it stuck slightly into his flank. Esay checked the clothing and pockets but found nothing until he lifted his right sleeve. Hidden beneath the shirt sleeve was a small tattoo. A long bladed sword pointing down with a single rose stem winding its way around until it flowered at the hilt.


The sword and the rose.... What had the boy meant? Climbing back up the stairs still perplexed about it all he led the boy back to the library since he seemed more agitated by the stairs and obviously so, there were a load of dead rotting corpses down there. "Earlier you said the sword hides the rose. What did you mean by that? Whose sword is it?"


Albert was disappointed at the butler's reply, but did not show it. "Yes, I should take him a message." He began. "Tell him that I am a Detective Inspector from Scotland Yard, and if he does not present himself to me immediately I am afraid that I shall issue an arrest warrant, escape would be unfeasible, I have assigned a police cordon in the area with a description of him." Albert bluffed. "Run along." He finished.


The Princes House

'The sword and the rose,' The boy replied to Esay's question. 'One hides the other.'
From there his babbling descended further until all that remained was gibberish recipes for breads and cakes.
It was at that time that several uniformed officers arrived at the house with wagons for transporting the boy and the bodies.
'Where do ya want us ta start sir?' asked the police sergeant.


'Yes sir, of course sir.' If the butler was surprised or shocked by Albert's words, he did a very good job of hiding it. In fact, he returned just a short while later and asked Albert to follow him. 'It appears you have been invited to join the Captain sir. Follow me.'

The private room was towards the back of the building, though ornately carved mahogany doors depicting trailing roses. The room itself was only small but well appointed with a large fire, high backed armchairs and a large collection of books, spirits and cigars.

Stood in the centre of the room with a definate frown on his otherwise unblemished face was a man in the red jacket of the Queens Guard. He had a neatly cut gentlemans moustache and his hair was oiled back in a queue. He did not smile as Albert entered but watched him carefully.
There appeared to be no one else present.


"Do a search all over the house, look for reasons why the butler killed them. Take this boy to a mental asylum, his mind has clearly gone over the edge however see if anyone can coax information out of him. There are a lot of bodies downstairs. Search them for clues as to why they were killed and if they have any info of the prince. I want every possible clue, every lead we get brought to me. And have a specialist examine the butler, he has a sword and a rose of the inside sleeve of his jacket pocket. I want you to check with your other police stations if that insignia rings a bell. I will watch over the whole operation. Come on then! Do just stand there! Get moving!"


Albert stepped into the Captain's room, the DI stopped in front of the Captain. "I am most sorry for my rather frank method of obtaining an audience with you, but it had to be done."
He explained.
"Now, I am aware that a while ago you had talks with Prince Costello, who is now missing, I demand that you tell me what these talks were about, and that you tell me everything you know regarding the disappearance of the prince. If you do not, then I am afraid that I will have to take you into custody."


Peadar was impressed with Tommy's elaborate scheme to keep himself safe. Also, he seemed to not mind the fact that Peadar was Irish, which was good. He explained that the prince traded Tommy a watch for a safe house. Unfortunately, Tommy didn't know why the prince needed a safe house. When Tommy mentioned that the watch was stolen by a drunk, Jack quizzed Tommy and found out that the drunk who stole the watch and the drunk who ran into them were one in the same. Jack left to go find Brynn, and probably the drunk too.

Tommy and Peadar were left alone in the room. Tommy promised to tell the location of the safe house, if he was promised a new identity in Yorkshire. "I can't imagine why you would want to live in Yorkshire, Tommy. I'd rather live in the worst gutter of Dublin than the greenest field of Yorkshire. But, I think I can arrange something. I can't promise anything, being only a DS, and an Irishman at that. But there are a few people at Scotland Yard that like me, and I may be able to get one of them to get you new documents. We may need to ask you questions again regarding this case, but I won't needlessly harass you. Your information better be straight though. This is probably the most important case facing this dreaded empire in a century."


Outside the Duck
(OOC: If Alawa doesn’t return when the time comes, I will take control to keep the watch in play)
Jack stepped out of the Duck and after a quick glance around he noticed Brynn stood with the dock workers. As he approached and ordered her to follow, the leader of the dockers stepped in his path and looked at him with a hard stare.
‘What do you want with the girl?,’ he asked, clearly misunderstanding the situation, ‘Cos if you are having any funny ideas you should no that me and the lads don’t like people who take advantage of kids and we would be more than happy to beat those ideas out of your head for you.’

The Princes House
After what felt like hours the police sergeant finally reported back to Esay. ‘Sir. I have the reports from the medical examiner and the Asylum. It appears that the boy is offering no new information but will return to his normal self after only one month of treatment. Also the staff were all killed by blood loss from multiple defensive wounds and all received further wounds post mortem. There is no clue to the princes whereabouts however there does appear to be damage to the rear window leading out from the drawing room. My guess is that someone used it to escape. It is unlikely that the boys duties would have seen him in there so it was possibly the Prince himself.’

‘My dear Inspector,’ the Captain replied with a slightly mocking grin. ‘I have been told you are a man of standing but please take my advice when I say that you should not make threats to me lightly. I have a great many important friends. People you could only hope to hold in distant acquaintance. Now if you would be willing to sit and discuss matters like a gentleman, I would be more than happy to help in any way I can.’
The Captain took a seat in one of the armchairs and motioned for Albert to take the other. Albert, being an accomplished investigator and having a keen eye, noted that Frederick toyed with a silver ring on his finger as he spoke about his powerful friends. He twisted it absently between the forefinger and thumb of his other hand. At the distance it was impossible to make out the details of the ring but it appeared to bear some kind of seal and it clearly had a bearing on the Captain’s words.

Inside the Duck
‘Oh I aint yankin ya chain,’ Tommy replied to Peader with a smile. ‘Ta prove it an all how about I take ya word that ya will sort what I want an I tell ya where I sent the Prince. That sounds fair don’t it.’
Tommy lifted himself from the bed and moved to the window. He pointed out to the river and an old trade barge that was docked on the opposite side. ‘Just behind that ship there is a warehouse. It stores...let’s just say it stores spices. Anyway, the owner is a greedy man ya see an he will hide anybody if they pay more than the men looking. The Prince assured me that he was a rich enough man to do that so that’s where I did send im. Now don’t ya go stiffin me on this. I trusted ya and I don’t want ta regret it like.’


Peadar smiled when Tommy agreed to give his information first. That was the way he liked it. He couldn't trust these people to fulfill their part of the deal if they already had what they wanted. The fact that Tommy didn't need to be argued with to get him to fulfill his side first, made Peadar feel more generous toward Tommy. "Alright, Tommy," Peadar said. "Since you've been such a good sport, I'll let you choose the details of your relocation. Your job, your name, your residence, we may even get you a woman to keep you straight. Just write down what you want, and I'll get you to Yorkshire in a week."


James listened to the info and made a mental note of all of it. "Well that's probably all we will get from here, so I'd better go make my report. Detective, go do whatever you do now." he said, as having never worked with the police he had no idea as to what they would do next so instead he stepped outside and summoned a cab and got in and set off to see Filps.


"My dear Inspector, I have been told you are a man of standing but please take my advice when I say that you should not make threats to me lightly. I have a great many important friends. People you could only hope to hold in distant acquaintance. Now if you would be willing to sit and discuss matters like a gentleman, I would be more than happy to help in any way I can."
"Of course, we are English gentlemen after all." Albert replied as he sat in the proferred armchair.
He placed his top hat on the armrest, and leant his cane there as well.
"Now," He began. "As you may be aware, Prince Armand Costello has disappeared. I have been informed that you talked to him some time before his disappearance. I am afraid that I must know the exact nature of these talks, and all other knowledge you bear regarding the Princes disappearance."


Jacks eyes narrowed as the dockworker misunderstood his intentions towards Brynn stepping in front of her in order to block Jacks path "She's my niece...my brother is a drunkard and a fool so I have to look out for her" he lied smoothly with a clear edge to his voice as he sized up the groups leader, his hands slowly bunching up into fists "Now tell me friend is she in need of looking out for?"


Arriving at Filps' house James paid the cab driver and turned around and walked into the house, walking up to the study he explained to Filps everything that had happened since he left the house finishing off with what the detectives had recovered. "What do you want me to do next sir?"


The captain recounted a number of encounters with the Prince to the DI. They were all long winded tales that involved various tours of London and countless trips to gentlemen’s bars. He explained how he had been asked by a mutual friend to keep an eye out for the Prince and to keep him happy during his stay. All of the stories were innocent enough with little real information and though Albert could detect the truth to them, there was still something missing. Something he wasn’t being told. He just couldn’t put his finger on it and more importantly, he couldn’t prove it.
‘So that’s when we left Little Gate,’ Fredrick finished another tale. ‘I really do hope you find the Prince Inspector. I really do. I was entrusted with keeping an eye on him and I fear I may have fewer friends if I have failed.’

Inside The Duck
Tommy couldn’t write but recounted all the details of his move for Peader to jot down and then gave the Irishman the full address of the warehouse where the Prince had been sent. It wasn’t far and if they could find a boat to ferry them over the river it would be even quicker. Probably no more than half an hour.

Outside the Duck
The Dockworker regarded Jack a moment and then nodded. ‘Okay then,’ he said. ‘We don’t want no trouble. Just looking out for the lass. You understand. These are a dangerous place to be but I guess if she has a bloke like you watchin’ her, she will be just fine.’
The Dockworker regarded Jack again, this time there appeared to be more thought behind his eyes. ‘Say, you don’t happen to be a soldier or something do you? You have the bearing. It’s just that we’ve been having a load of your sort sniffing about recently. They been pretending to be normal folk but you can always tell someone who has been drilled.’

At the Yard
Filps listened intently while Esay recounted the tale of the house and the boy.
‘Interesting,’ he said after some thought. ‘You have done some good work James. Very good work. I need you to dig into this sword and rose stuff though. I don’t know where to begin if I am honest but it strikes me that it’s our best lead at the moment. I’m sure your contacts will have some theories.’
Filps looked up from the pile of papers that seemed to be growing on his desk and then he pushed a purse of coins towards Esay. ‘Here. This should be enough for you to grease some wheels without dipping into your own pockets. It’s a long night too so if you want to get some sleep and have something to eat too I understand.’


Brynn had been busy warming her hands and staring into the flames when Jack came up and said it was time to go. She smiled gratefully at the dockworker who stepped up to protect her and listened carefully to Jack's lie so as not to ruin it. She sniffed as she rubbed her sleeve across her nose and nodded as she said, "Tis' right guv'nuhs. 'Ees my uncle. My dad is nothin' but a drunkard. In debtuh's prison ee is. My Uncle Bill 'ere is watchin' after me until 'ee's out." She nodded again for emphasis as she stepped closer to Jack.

She looked at the faces of the men as Jack was asked about outsiders in the area a lot of late, and then up at Jack. She kept quiet as she slid her toasty warm hands into her pockets and rolled back onto her heels for a few moments. She waited for Jack's answer and glanced around the area, before returning her attention to the conversation at hand.
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James listened to him and replied "Yes, sir." and taking the bag of coins around said "I shall be finished tomorrow and then I'll be back with a report for you." He generally liked working independently, however, he got the feeling that this case could end up needing everyone to coordinate all of the information they could. Setting off at a brisk walk from the house he began crossing into the shadier parts of London making sure he watched for pickpockets. Seeing a pickpocket nearly ten watching him he waited for the pickpocket to try, stumbling into Ben he felt the hand, but the pickpocket didn't feel his as he reverse swiped two other pouches that he must have grabbed earlier. Waving the two pouches at the boy he said "Follow me." walking down a side alley he asked "So then, Firstly can I have my money back, and secondly, Where is Harry Estor? Tell me and I'll give you your money back."
"'Ee's down at the local pub. Can 'a 'ave me money back?" the boy said, passing him back his pouch, handing back the two purses he'd swiped James left and carried on walking until he reached the pub. Stepping inside he began to scan around for his old friend.
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Albert intently listened to the Captain's apparently innocent little trips with the Prince. There was something missing, he couldn't put his finger on it, and he didn't have any proof, but that didn't mean he couldn't push harder.
"I really do hope you find the Prince Inspector. I really do. I was entrusted with keeping an eye on him and I fear I may have fewer friends if I have failed."
"Of course, we will do our best." Albert began. He remained silent for a few minutes, contemplating the questions he could ask, eventually he spoke.
"Did the Prince have any encounters that you did not witness?"

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Peadar wrote down the details he was given, both about Tommy’s new life, and where the prince was hiding, or supposed to be hiding. “Alright, Tommy, I’ll get that sorted out. You stay tight, and I’ll send a DC over to get you moved. It will take about a week. Have a good day, Tommy, and thanks for the help.” Peadar exited the room, and headed downstairs. The barmaid tried to get him to buy a drink, but Peadar shook his head. Exiting the Duck, he looked around for Jack, and found him at a nearby fire barrel, talking with some dock workers.

He walked over, and heard the worker talk about soldiers, asking if Jack was one. Peadar wasn’t a soldier, but decided that maybe they could get another lead. He assumed (or at least tried to assume) the demeanor of the soldiers he had seen in his youth, and marching around London in his adulthood. He waited behind Jack, and listened for their conversation to finish before announcing what he had discovered.


With the prospect of a fight averted Jack visibly relaxed and offered Brynn the kind of smile an uncle would offer to a favourite niece "How have you been doing? Not been causing any trouble I hope" he asked the girl in order to keep up the lie fabricated on the spot by himself and Brynn rather than any real concern for the girl.
At being asked whether he was a soldier Jack paused to study the mans face for any sign of aggression knowing from experience that not everybody was fond of her majesties soldiers however seeing none on the mans face he merely shrugged his shoulders before replying "ex-soldier… I served in Africa for a few years...what makes you think these other men are after something?" it wasn’t unusual for ex-soldiers to hang around the docklands “You sure they weren’t just looking for work?”