A case for Scotland Yard


‘I am sure he had a great many encounters that I did not witness.’ The captain replied with a cocky grin but seeing that Albert was not sharing the humour his face quickly straightened. ‘I do not think I can help you any more Inspector. If you happen to find out mutual friend though, please let me know.’

Outside the Duck
The Dockworker watched Peader approach behind Jack and turned to Brynn. ’Bloody hell lass. How many ex-soldier uncles do you ave? Glad I never picked a fight.’ He laughed at his own joke then turned back to Jack.
‘They weren’t lookin’ for work. If they where, they would have come to me. They looked more like they were looking for someone. They didn’t ask too many questions though. All damn suspicious if you ask me.’

The Local
Harry Estor watched James enter the pub from a shadowed table in the corner. He knew it would only be a matter of time before his friend noticed him so he called for another drink to be brought over in advance and then shouted over ‘You lost lad? You look like the simple sort who would go and get lost.’ Harry spoke with a smile that betrayed his words as jest.


‘You lost lad? You look like the simple sort who would go and get lost.’ came a cry from the other side of the pub, moving over James replied "And you look like the sort who still can't pickpocket me." and then snatched his hand and twisted it round as he caught Harry's feeble attempt to pickpocket him, it was an old joke that went back to the time when James had stolen all of Harry's take for the day and walked off with it, Harry had vowed revenge, but it had since turned into a running joke between them. Going into a quieter section of the pub James leaned over as he sipped his beer. "As you might be able to guess this isn't just a social call. As you may or may not know some prince has gone missing, Italian I think, here to broker a trade deal and he did and decided to stay a couple of days and then he vanished, You have any info that could help me find him? Lot of money in the job, if you've got the answer I might be willing to split."


"Of course." Albert replied. Standing up, he donned his top hat, said goodday, and made his way out of the club and back onto the street.
This was frustrating, he had learned nothing except that Captain Frederick was hiding something, and the DI couldn't prove anything.
For all practical intents and purposes, it had been a complete and utter waste of time.
Hailing a hansom cab, Albert made his way to Scotland Yard, as much as he detested the thought, he needed to talk to the other investigators.



Albert might not have found much at Whites but something had found him. His expertly trained eyes glimpsed two shadowy forms moving in a nearby alley way. They clearly thought that they hadn't been seen but they were definately watching him. Steel glinted in one of the figure's hands.

The Local

'I really wish I did James' the pick pocket replied. 'If you were anybody else I would be tempted to make something up for the reward but as it is the grape vine is empty on this one. Do you have anything else to go on?'


'If you were anybody else I would be tempted to make something up for the reward but as it is the grape vine is empty on this one. Do you have anything else to go on?'
James sighed and replied "Making up info would be useless, I would pay you unless it solved the case and got me the reward." He then thought over the events of the day and if there was anything interesting he could mention, then as he remembered the insignia on the butlers jacket he replied "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. When we visited the Prince's house the butler tried to kill the inspector I was working with. He died in the ensuing fight but what was interesting was that he had the emblem of a sword and rose entwined together on his jacket, and there was one servant who was still alive, a boy who kept on muttering about the Sword and Rose and how the Sword hides the Rose. That mean anything to you?" James sipped his beer and awaited a reply


Harry's face went suddenly pale and placing a hand on James back he swiftly ushered him outside and into a secluded alley. All the while he said nothing but sweat beaded on his brow and he glanced around as if expecting an attack. Eventually they reached a place of privacy and Harry spoke with a shaky voice.

'The Rose hides the Sword my friend. I don't know much, just rumours but if they are true this is a dangerous topic. They say the Guild of Roses are immortals who feed on the lives of others. Whether this is true or not, they are very, very powerful with ties in the highest ranks of society. The Guild of the Sword are their servants. Soldiers and fighters who are dominated into protecting their secrets.
I really don't know what is fact and what is fiction but people have been found dead when they asked too many questions.'


"I don't suppose they ever happened to mention a name did they?" Jack asked at the dock workers mention of the soldiers looking for somebody "I ask because we're looking into a disappearance ourselves and perhaps we're looking for the same person?" if that the case then they would have to inform Flips of the situation as Jack doubted that these ex-soldiers had the princes well being at heart.


James listened with interest before hearing the part about immortals and scoffing, once harry had finished he said "Immortals don't exist, trust me, if it's living then I will find a way to stop it from doing so. However, what you say is interesting, thanks for the info. If I were you I'd tread with care now." Turning round he walked off out from the side alley and prepared to walk back the the Inspectors house.


Brynn continued to fidget slightly as the grown-ups talked around her. She scowled at the fire when Jack ruined a perfectly good lie, when he basically admitted to looking for somebody that might be involved in what the dock workers were already nervous about. She raised her eyes slightly to gauge how the workers reacted. Generally, official types weren't the most liked around this area, and Jack had basically just made himself look it.

Brynn coughed gently into her elbow, and then rubbed her hands as they already started to chill again despite having had them in her pockets. She glanced around the area, frowning at the stillness, but mainly paying attention to the shadows and alcoves. She was feeling very nervous, and generally trusted her gut with that feeling.


Albert's face did not betray any sign of emotion as he watched the two figure's out of the corner of his eye whilst waiting for a cab.
If they attacked, or he moved towards them, then he was as good as dead.
Thinking rapidly, he realised that the two figures had either been sent by Captain Frederick to kill him, or had been sent by some other party to kill both him and Captain Frederick.
They could be a valuable lead, and he couldn't afford to take miss this opportunity.
Albert's eyes moved around the street, searching for a policeman, there was bound to be one in a well-off neighbourhood such as this.
His hunch was right, and a copper was moving down the pavement on the opposite side of the street.
Albert crossed the street, and stepped in front of the policeman, as much as he detested interaction with commoners, this had to be done.
"You, policeman." He began, in a mild tone, taking care not to speak too loudly lest the figures watching him overheard.
"I am Detective Inspector Albert Worthington-Smythe of Scotland Yard, I require your immediate assistance."
The policeman stiffened, aware that he was standing in front of a superior.
"Do not look, but there are two armed men in the alleyway across the street next to White's club. I believe they are watching me, I shall wait here, I want you to fetch a group of policemen and surround them and arrest them. Return them to me when you have secured them." Albert ordered, this would be a gamble, but if it worked then he might just hit the jackpot.


(OOC: I am sorry but anyone already on their way back to Filps is a little ahead and I will update as soon as others have caught up.)

The Docks
‘They didn’t mention a name,’ The dockworker replied, glancing nervously at the two men and the girl. ‘They did have pictures though. Some swanky looking bloke with a stick or two up his backside. They didn’t say what they wanted him for and I am guessing you ain’t going to either. I’m also guessing you ain’t the lasses uncle.’

The dockworker didn’t look hostile but he was more than a little wary.

Outside Whites
The police man nodded to the DI and dutifully walked off down the road in the direction of the next police beat. Albert didn’t have to wait long in the street before he was greeted by the sounds of commotion in the alley followed by a sudden burst of two gunshots then silence.
Seconds felt like hours and no one seemed to emerge from the shadows until eventually a second PC emerged, coated from neck to ankles in thick red blood. His face was ashen and his hands shaking.
‘Sir,’ he said as he approached. His voice was cracked and stuttering. ‘We did as you ordered sir, only.... ... Well, when we got the jump on them like... ...they tried to shoot themselves they did. One damn well succeeded as well sir. Brains and blood all over the place it is.’
The PC took a deep calming breath before continuing. ‘We got the other one though sir, Smithy knocked him out cold but he is alive. What do you want doing with him?’


Jack had ruined the lie, and had gotten only a vague description of the man the soldiers were looking for. And now, they thought Jack wasn’t Brynn’s uncle, which he wasn’t, but they needed to get out of the area and into the safe house. “Excuse me, sir, if you and your niece are done here, we have a few other places to inspect, the and the barge is waiting.” Peadar walked over to the dock worker that was talking with Jack, and whispered in his ear. “This is all top secret stuff, so keep your mouth shut about it. The good sergeant and I are inspecting various docks for Her Majesty. His niece, he had to bring along, what with this being a sudden order, and her father being a lousy drunk. Since this wasn’t supposed to be dangerous, he thought it ok, and who am I to question the Sergeant’s orders? Since this is top secret, he just went with the first thing you brought up, looking for somebody. We still have a few more docks and warehouses to inspect, so we’ll be on our way. If the Sergeant and I concur, I think your dock is very up to snuff, and you might have a few more bob flowing into your pockets because of it.” Peadar hoped this lie to cover up a half truth would set the dock workers at ease, and prevent any potential conflict between the investigators and the workers.


"Handcuff him, make sure he can't commit suicide, I shall proceed to Scotland Yard, bring the detainee and the corpse there as well, when you arrive, request to see me, I shall handle it from there." Albert ordered.
Excellent, now they had a detainee, a point of investigation.
Hailing a hansom cab Albert climbed inside and gave the address of Scotland yard, before speeding off, leaving the constables to perform their duties.


Jack had messed up; he knew that much but it was nothing that couldn't be rectified with a few quick words and a smile. However before he could concoct an appropriate lie; telling the dockworker's that as well as being Brynn’s uncle he was also a PI hired by the mans wife to track him down Peadar intervened first with his own lie.
In truth he'd have preferred his method in the hope of gleaning more information from the men but as it was he felt it best to simply drop the subject rather than get caught out completely "Well thank you for your co-operation gentlemen and I’ll bid you good night...Come along Brynn" he said holding his had out for the girl before leaving the dockworkers to follow Peadar along the snow covered docks "I could have sorted that out myself you know" he grumbled to the Irish copper as soon as they were out of earshot "...I've talked my way out of worse situations...anyway what did Tommy have to tell you?" nodding his head at the response given Jack walks in silence for a few moments contemplating the answer before speaking again "I couldn't find any sign of the drunk must have slipped into another tavern, could be anywhere by now...I don't suppose you saw which way he went Brynn?" he asked remembering the whole reason that he'd left the Leaking Duck in the first place before becoming embroiled in discussion with the dockworkers as it was the chances of finding the drunk and the stolen pocket watch were looking increasingly slim.


Brynn listened to the next lie and hid her inward cringing. There was no way these dockers were going to believe anything they really said any longer, and was glad her present company had decided to part ways. She doubted they would turn violent on them, but there was no way Jack or Peadar would be getting anything more out of these folk; or others in the area for that matter once word spread. Brynn wasn't overly concerned about that loss, because she, being the undeserving poor, would probably be out of their minds just about as soon as she left the glow of the fire.

Brynn slid a surprisingly warm hand into his and walked away from the kettle with the man. She looked up at him as they moved out of earshot with Peadar and listened to his conversation with the other PI, and then his own questions to her. She frowned and looked around at the ground. She said, "I can't say as I rightly know guv'nuh. 'Ee smelled bad, and I wanted to get into that nice cozy inn 'afore I froze my lit'oh be'ind off I did." Gauging by the warmth of her hand, she was probably creating yet another farce, but still looked nervous none the less. She asked, "Why you wantin' to find that bloke anyway? 'Ee know sump'fin?"


Peadar shrugged at Jack’s insistence that he could have talked his way out of it. “We needed to get out of there. Tommy told me the location of the safe house he sent the Prince to.” Peadar looked around the dock to see if that drunk man was around. For some reason, Jack wanted him. Sure he had stolen the Prince’s watch, but what good would that do in finding the Prince? “Forget the drunk, Jack. We need to find the Prince. He might be in the safe house Tommy sent him to. I know the location. It’s half an hour downriver by barge. I say we go straight there.”


Ignoring Peadar’s insistence that he simply forgot about the drunk Jack looked down at the girl currently holding his hand and answered her question believing that there was no harm in explaining why, after all if she hadn’t seen which way he had gone then it didn’t really matter anyway "I believe this particular drunk stole a pocket watch from our snitch who in turn was given it by our prince, so finding it may prove useful" and if not then at least they would be able to sell it and make a quick few bob the idea of returning it to either of its two rightful owners never even entering his mind.
Pulling the collar of his coat tighter about his throat Jack silently cursed the weather once again before speaking to Peadar, his breath misting out before him in great plumes of smoke as he did so "Ok then where is this safe house in which our prince is hiding...I am assume you can take us there?" with any luck they would find the prince inside and then take him back to Scotland yard where it wouldn't be quite so damnably cold "I hate bloody snow" he quietly grumbled to himself as they continued to walk through the dark snowy night.


Peadar nodded. “Of course I can get us there. Follow me.” Peadar walked over to a pier, where there were a few waiting barges. “When’s this barge leave?” Peadar asked the pilot of the vessel. “Not until tomorrow. Just packing up. Sorry.” Peadar brought out his badge. “Change of plans, you’re leaving now. Down river half an hour to this warehouse.” Peadar handed the note with the safe house address on it to the pilot. “You’ll be compensated; don’t worry.” Peadar got on the barge while the flustered pilot was preparing to cast off. “You coming, dudes, or should I go myself?” he called out to Jack and Brynn.


(OOC; Name corrected. Sorry)

The Yard

DI Worthington-Smythe and Mr Esay both arrived outside Scotland Yard at the same time but from different directions. Their journeys had been delayed slightly due to a sudden and very heavy snow fall but thankfully it was getting so late (early hours of the morning) that the roads were almost empty. Only a few windows still shed light from the building. One of them being Filps' office.

The Docks

The boatman was more than slightly taken back by the strange collection of people he was expected to ferry across the icy river, especially considering the hour. He even began to object but soon thought better of it and began to get his vessel ready while the strangers spoke.
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(OOC: Bill it's Worthington-Smythe, there's an E on the end.)

Albert stepped down from his hansom cab, and after paying the driver, proceeded to quickly and smartly move to the main entrance of Scotland Yard, not taking any notice of Esay, who arrived at the same time.
Upon entering the building, Albert was met my Flips' butler, who escorted him to the DI's office.
Stepping inside, Albert began to speak loud and clear. "Flips, I have a most interesting development, after interviewing Captain William Frederick, who accompanied the Prince for most of his visit here, I was came under surveillance of two ruffians, I promptly sent a group of constables to arrest them, in the scuffle one of the ruffians committed suicide, the other however was taken into custody and is being transported here as I speak, as is the corpse of the other ruffian. It is my belief that the two were servants of Captain Frederick, who I believe to be a prime suspect, unfortunately he has a lot of contacts, thus arresting him would be an unwise and clumsy move, as such I suggest that we monitor his movements until such time as we can prove a case against him." Albert lectured, giving his full report on the events of the past hour.