1.23 Thanksgiving Quest


Quest Finished
There is nothing after the Turkey legs
My personal opinion: Thats a [crappy] quest :(

My personal opinion: It's a great quest.

1 attribute point is worth 62.5% of a level. You would have to do many, many hours of turkey-hunting and orange picking for it not to be worth it.
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9 turkey legs in 10 hours has to be an all time record :)

Job finished: Hunting turkey Today at 2:26 PM
Job finished: Hunting turkey Today at 12:26 PM
Job finished: Hunting turkey Today at 10:26 AM
Job finished: Hunting turkey Today at 8:26 AM
Job finished: Hunting turkey Today at 6:26 AM


On the beta I have gotten 1 in 8 hours :(

Quest Finished
There is nothing after the Turkey legs
My personal opinion: Thats a [crappy] quest :(
At Easter we at least got an Easter Egg. A turkey would be nice to have for this one.:blink:


its thanks giving...

So be thankful that the devs are giving...

I ain't a yank and I can appreciate it...


yeah that one is trye nateuk1 , why can't you guys
be thankful insteed?


hmmm, be thankful about a quest that is seasonal AND my w10 worker can't even complete? A quest for everyone, but not everyone can even do?
Now that doesn't even sound right.


I am only on part two of the turkey quest. Laying railroad tracks 10 hours..


I can't get the oranges, Elmyr put a spell on me for laughing, damn! I miss the high exp and luck jobs.


Thank God that I kept all the junk from my jobs in W10 or I would of never have gotten past the first part so fast :razz:.


i think that the AP at the end is cool, just the road to it is very bumpy.


I hate gathering turkey legs, and 10 of them is even harder than "The raid" to me :|


12h of hunt turkey and no legs , this game must hate me :mad:

I don't know how many hours I actually did it, but on the two worlds where I finished the quest I got my motivation down to 30 something and 40 something percent. The-Iceman found 9 turkeys in 10 hours on Beta.