Worst President of the 20th Century


Well so far GW is the worst president of the 21st century. I think we can all surely agree with that statement :D

we may also say he was the best president of the 21st century who finished his term(s) :D


Clinton with his huge sex scandal

I don't think Clinton's enemies maneuvering to get him before Congress solely to force him into a situation where he has to lie or confess adultery in order to impeach him for perjury really qualifies him as the worst president of the 20th century.


historians tend to agree that hoover and carter are 2 of the worst presidents of the 20th so im going with that


I do and my opinion is one of the 2 listed but i find it wise to not state which


You find it wise not to state which in a thread about discussing which... you know what? Forget it. This is hopeless.


nobody else has made thier case in beyond they are the worst so why should I?


Actually, mostly everyone else has but you, but if you want to continue making spam posts for the sake of raising your post count and participating in a discussion you probably don't understand, be my guest.


Its clearly hoover do to the great depression which he helped to create when he was sec of comerce and then made worse when he imposed teriffs on foreign goods lessening trade.never mind he jacked up income tax to staggering amounts during the great depression making it even worse


What is the point of this thread? Obviously the conservatives are going to choose one side and the liberals the other. Then it turns into a fight.

The only way constructive debate can be held on such a topic is if one thread is started for liberals only and another for conservatives only.


The only way constructive debate can be held on such a topic is if one thread is started for liberals only and another for conservatives only.

I disagree. I consider Theodore Roosevelt and Eisenhower two of the best presidents of the 20th century.


And I agree with Elmyr. As a matter of fact, JM, no one was even arguing to begin with. Good call.


What is the point of this thread? Obviously the conservatives are going to choose one side and the liberals the other. Then it turns into a fight.

The only way constructive debate can be held on such a topic is if one thread is started for liberals only and another for conservatives only.
And as usual, us independently minded citizens have no way to have our ideas voiced. Thanks for leaving us out. Both sides have repeatadly failed this country, so why should I support eighter side?


And I probably wouldn't put him #1, but Carter would be in my top 5 (bottom 5?) worst presidents of the 20th century. Like Bush the Elder, I respect him, but...


Just to be different, I'll say Gerald Ford. He was never elected to the office of president or vice president, and one of his first actions was to pardon Nixon. I really can't remember much else he did during the time he was in office, but I know he didn't do enough good to make up for the rest.


No one was worse than Carter.

As for the redneck comment, you say that based on what? Most people who are against the Iraq war supported a war based on a cigar being put in the wrong place and the war as something to chase the news media away from continually making stories about it.

In fact if you review most american wars, the anti war people have supported wars with Democrats as presidents and been against those with Republicans as presidents.


1.Carter, 2.Clinton, 3.Bush, 4.(O)Bama, 5.Hoover.

There, the bottom 5 worst presidents ;)