Western Unity vs City of Lost Angels


Anyone from these towns want to explain what this war is about?

I was going to ask in-game, but thought it might be more interesting out in the open.

I saw this on one of the profiles:

Chezzy's In-Game Profile said:
my town is at war with -WU- Western Unity i dont actually know who started it because i wasnt a member at the time. i heard about it from what was once a friendly foe pscspyder and who is now just a friend.

i asked if i could join as i wanted to be part of a war with players i respected, i have not been disappointed. however our enemies are a deluded group who can have all the facts in front of them yet still think that black is white.
here are the facts:
1. my town mates and i do spend the majority of the day in hotels
2.there are at least 7 towns in the western unity group and 5 in the EP group who are all at war with my town.
3.these 12 towns have sent their best duelers to set up a town called HOTEL INSPECTORS (do you think our one little town is causing the 12 of them problems?)
4.our town has never seeked help of anyone else in this war because we feel it is both successful and enjoyable
5.i have been attacked by towns that have neither unity or EP in their name however are listed as allys of them(i am not complaining its just a fact that the 13 towns(im including hotel inspectors now) still feel that they need to call upon help from their allys, but hey thats what allys are for i guess so good on them

Those are the facts feel free to draw your own conclusions

I got a telegram from one of the DCD founders that we are at war with City of Lost Angels. From this profile it seems we are only there as allies to Western Unity (which I was unaware of, but won't change anything anyway.)

Not many people for me to duel over there (I must have been late), so I've only been able to duel 3 people so far (and one of those took me 3 duels to KO!). But it looks like they have some decent duellers in thier midst so this may be an interesting war.

Anyone got any more info on this?

(Saw this....

City of Lost Angels Flag

Hotel Inspectors Flag
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Idk how it started but EP is at war with city of lost angels as well. They're cowards for one matter. They were also formally allied with a empire full of cheaters iirc.
My take on it anyway.


Are EP there because WU asked them?

They're cowards for one matter. They were also formally allied with a empire full of cheaters iirc.

What do you mean?


War update: Slow going at City of Lost Angels. The only three people not KO'd were asleep all last evening and have been asleep everytime I've been on today (which is a LOT of times!). No doubt I will lose should I get to duel them, but it's all pretty boring at the moment.

Jasper Stone 88 315 Is asleep right now Mantell 87 308 Is asleep right now chezzy78 245 Is asleep right now


They hit and run is what I mean when I say cowards.
A group of towns called "Gunshot gulch," they may not even have been an alliance between them anyway.


This is likely a waste of time, insults have already started to fly here, but I've been asked to make a post, and so I will. I will stick with the facts, though I may insert opinions and observations of my own. I've been involved with this since the beginning, it seems the members of our enemies don't really know why we're at war, and the leadership of their towns have likely kept it from them for good reason.

A member of ours dueled WU's top dueller, our member lost. He attacked nobody else (that I'm aware of) and he went home. He sent the WU member a telegram saying he'd try again another time. The WU member said he was busy attacking some other group they were at war with and to please not attack him while they're doing that. Our member said np, and he would come back when it was convinient for a rematch. The telegrams between them were very friendly. Two weeks later WU show's up and kills off as many people as they can and when talking to their "diplomat" they claim the reason is because of this attack. This is obvious no reason for a war (at least for any reasonable person), yet this was the reason their "diplomat" gave. I use "" on diplomat because a look at this person's profile clearly shows they are not qualified for this posistion.

Unrelated to this one of our members (diff guy)was doing jobs near the EL Paso towns, and hit several of their fighters (he didn't hit any targets more than once, and did not attack non-fighters, he was just getting xp, though this may have been the 2nd time he had done this) They decided they were going to come get us. They showed up and KO'd our workers and non-fighters, I don't honestly think this was an act of cowardice on their part they tried to KO our fighters too, they just lost badly, I honestly believe they were trying to KO our whole town and not just picking on the defenseless. We then went to their towns and KO'd them all. They said they were going to get their allies involved so we did the same. Our allies then KO'd them all.

It's about at that point when WU hit us, I would assume they hit us because of their ally El Paso, because that makes sense, yet their "diplomat" insists it had nothing to do with EL Paso and was because of the fight 2 weeks prior. In talks with thier "diplomat" they told me they played a character with a diff name on W2 that had dealt with us there. This made it very obvious who they were (given our conversation) on World 2 I have dealt with dozens of towns and hundreds of people, and have only ever had 2 run ins with what I would call unreasonable people and the "diplomat" told me the class they played and given the telegrams and the way things were going here it's an exact match. Upon checking it out several leadership members of WU are members of this world 2 town as well.

It's fairly clear to me, though for forum rules I cannot state it here, WU manages to watch our town constantly and if we're awake for 12 mins we're attacked by a swarm of guys. Allthough WU only has a handfull of competent fighters, enough bees stinging you will eventually take you down, and while I love they times they've hit me, (my proudest was being hit by 10 guys, killing 2 on the defence and getting over 1000 xp in less than an hour, over 700 in 12 mins).

When we fought their town on World 2 we beat them handily and they resorted to hiding in our hotel and attacking us, they only had 1 real good fighter and 2 mediocre ones so this really didn't bother us much. When it was revealed that these were the World 2 guys that did this to us it seemed only fitting we do the same to them. On world 2 it was 1 town vs. 1 town, but on world 5 it was now about 10 vs us, plus assorted allies they had from other towns.

DCD also an ally of theirs vowed to stay out of the fight, on world 2 we are DCD's longest and oldest ally. However recently the DCD leader contacted me and said he could no longer keep his men out the fight and would be joining WU (apparently they need 15-20 towns to our 1 to feel better). It really doesn't matter how many allies WU has as we'll just stay in the hotels and kill them over and over, but if you feel these guys need help, by all means come over and stare at our hotel. Many people from various towns have offered assistance because they've dealt with WU in the past, and this group has no shortage of enemies. So I suppose if you are one of the many towns they've wronged in the past send me a telegram. I love the fact that they outnumber us 20 to 1 and think resorting to calling us "cowards" makes any sense at all.

That pretty much brings us up to date. These events are all true and not exagerated, I have telegrams to back most of it up. A quick look at many WU profiles and the town "hotel inspectors" show's the immaturity of those players and the mental capacity of what we're dealing with. I know in this last paragraph I may be a bit insulting, know that I'm not insulting every member of WU. Most of you guys have no idea what all this is about, but now you can feel enlightened. I've talked to a few of your members so I know some of you are reasonable, and some of you are...less than reasonable people, but hey it's an internet game and it's bound to attract all types. Hopefully this post has been informative.

P.S. I should also say that I am not the diplomat of Lost Angels nor the Founder. I'm just the guy that gets to kill you when you mess with our town. I do however hold myself to a personal code of morales and ethics, which is probably why you won't find many (if any) people that can say something bad about me that's true, and why I've made so many friends in this game.
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Jasper great explanation, had me reading for a few minutes!
I'm not involved in the fight anyways. Reason one, I'm way too spread-out on w5 to compete with other pure fighters my level(I am also built for the soldier quest line)
Reason two, I prefer to stay out of fights where I don't think there's a "good side"
Good luck to all of you and spill some blood! Or better yet kiss and make up


Definitely...but it will have to wait because I've got plans today and they do not involve writing an essay as to why we are fighting City of Lost Angels.


Looks like there are several members of City of Lost Angels in WU-Western Unity, and I'm seeing a bunch of people ko'd. I'd have to give the current round to COLA.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I do tend to root for the underdog. Of course, I have no idea how this war started, but I predict it'll end with both sides declaring victory and going home.


Well I have been around since the start also but on the EP side. I dont know exactly how we got here but heres is where the very very start came from EP side.

We got our workers hit repeatedly by COLA Gutshot and some of their allied towns. we retaliated. and then a ton of gutshot members got banned and now no one is left in their towns really and Cola now has noone helping them.

After things died down for a while I heard something about Cola Taking over a ghost town right next to WU and attacking them. Thats when WU decided to repay the courtesy in kind and thus HI town was formed.

Thats a little more of whats caused the war.


Ok...we all know that there are always at least two sides to every story.

First off, Jasper says in the beginning of his post that he will "stick to the facts", then turns right around in the same sentence and admits that some of it may be personal opinions. We've found this kind of double-talk to be very typical of Jasper, and it's largely why this war has escalated to the point...or more directly...the duration that it has.

That said -

Our members do know why we are at war...at least those who pay attention to that sort of thing. Not all do, as in most large towns. We've never held anything back from them...there's been no need to do that. I've had members of Jaspers town ask me why we're fighting, too.

One of their members hit one of our members (me), and lost. This fighter and I had a friendly chat about it, then went on about our business. I hadn't paid City of Lost Angels much attention 'til that time. Of course, I'm not the only one in our towns who are finding themselves lacking in an abundance of local dueling targets, so posting the results of my duel put City of Lost Angels on our radar. 'Til this point, Jaspers comments are pretty accurate.

Not two weeks later, as Jasper claims...it was one week exactly...and one of our councilors noticed that our allies, El Paso and one of their towns, El Guapo, had both been nearly entirely ko'd. Upon asking me what happened to them, I took a look to see who was paying them a visit and found members of City of Lost Angels and the Gutshot Gulch towns camped out. El Paso did not need to ask us to come to their aid and they didn't. We saw they were in trouble and offered.

We started trickling in at City of Lost Angels and the Gutshot Gulch towns about a day later. While we were preparing to fight these five towns plus whatever allies they had at their disposal (not just one town...I'll touch on that again in a minute), we started taking hits from a few City of Lost Angels members...which was soon followed by the following mail from Jasper Stone, to our diplomat. Note the bolded and underlined portions...this was the deciding factor in -WU- stepping it up a couple notches.

"I see you're allies of El Paso. Since your listed on your towns diplomatic page, and I'm the Sherriff of Lost Angels, I figured I'd give you one opportunity. You may not be aware how this conflict started and not know what you're getting into. It started when El Paso showed up with several members and Ko'd a few of our workers (they hit some of our fighters too, but were creamed) we then returned the favor. As you can see by looking at their towns they're pretty much all KO'd. Since you may not be aware how this started I'm going to try to give you a chance to think about it. Please do not interpret this as fear in any way, I always try to use diplomacy first before KO'ing everyone. We are a town of fighters and if you choose to aid those trying to attack us we will treat all your towns the same way. We have many, many towns, we simply do not list them on our flag as theirs no reason to advertise our towns to those who are not members."
So here we are, coming to the aid of one of our allies, and Jasper has the nerve to threaten us and tell us to basically "stay out of it or die". Sorry, but that doesn't fly with us. We don't leave allies hanging just because someone threatens us. Any ally who did back down to such a threat would not be worth being an ally in the first place.

But lets go back to all these other towns. I'm hearing an awful lot these days about how there are x amount of towns fighting one town. It wasn't one town when it started. We'd already confirmed that among these "many, many towns" were the Gutshot Gulch towns who indeed had many strong fighters. However, by the time we had sunk our teeth firmly into City of Lost Angels and were moving over to the Gutshot towns, [removed for content]. Well, so much for "many, many towns". Even the allies they threatened us with have shown up only in the most minimal numbers.

After thrashing them repeatedly, their strongest fighters have gone into hiding mode so that has slowed us down a little. We do still catch them just not as often. We built the very tongue-in-cheek town, Hotel Inspectors, after one of their fighter/builders built a town right outside one of ours. Many of them had complained that we were all so spread out, so we figured we could fight a little fire with fire while making it more convenient for them at the same time. We gave this town a mix of strong fighters, mid level fighters/adventurers, and a small handful of builders...not "all of our best fighters" as claimed. They did try camping our new town out for about a week but it did not go too well for them, so they've reverted to hitting our adventurers and lower level fighters back at our main town.

We're at the point now where they hide while they are not dueling and are pinned down to only one task, while we go on about our games working, making money, dueling other towns here and there...by not having to hide we're still actively progressing. I don't see what they feel they are gaining from this, but they persist so we do, too. It's more like kicking away ankle-biting dogs than it is a war.

Honestly, the whole thing is really very silly and I try to treat it as such. I've conversed with a couple of their members aside from the leadership types over there, and these folks have had a pretty good sense of humor about it all. Why their leaders chooses to continue to beat a dead horse, I can't answer. A pride thing? Grudges from some old w2 business that barely relates to us on w5? I don't know. Their leaders take it all so seriously...I just have fun with it. It is a game, after all.

Our official diplomats have discussed terms of withdrawing but they insist that we surrender Hotel Inspectors before they will consider peace. That's not something that we are willing to do, and if peace is reached what does it matter where we have a town? We've been threatened, insulted, accused of cheating and had our ethics put in question...and we're supposed to give up a town and surrender after knocking the snot out of them for almost a month?

I don't think so. :laugh:

Hope that helps clear the hazy air for you, sdjx22 (and anyone else who might for whatever reason care). Although, you could have mailed your founder and found out. Our diplomat has remained in contact with and sent a detailed memo to the leaders of all our allies.
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Responding to points made:

Ok...we all know that there are always at least two sides to every story.

First off, Jasper says in the beginning of his post that he will "stick to the facts", then turns right around in the same sentence and admits that some of it may be personal opinions. We've found this kind of double-talk to be very typical of Jasper, and it's largely why this war has escalated to the point...or more directly...the duration that it has.

--not sure you know what double talk is. I stuck to the facts, but gave my personal opinions about certain things, these opinions were made very clear in the text, and their was no deception. As far as I can tell from your post here, you haven't really disputed anything I've said (though you have brought up additional stuff) so I really don't get your "complaint"

That said -

Our members do know why we are at war...at least those who pay attention to that sort of thing. Not all do, as in most large towns. We've never held anything back from them...there's been no need to do that. I've had members of Jaspers town ask me why we're fighting, too.

--many of your town members, as well as your allies have asked us what this is all about. I had thought about posting here, or more accurately having one of our town members that wasn't so close to the situation post here, but it was decided it would just degenerate into some internet flame war and wasn't worth it. I only posted here at the request of DCD.

One of their members hit one of our members (me), and lost. This fighter and I had a friendly chat about it, then went on about our business. I hadn't paid City of Lost Angels much attention 'til that time. Of course, I'm not the only one in our towns who are finding themselves lacking in an abundance of local dueling targets, so posting the results of my duel put City of Lost Angels on our radar. 'Til this point, Jaspers comments are pretty accurate.

--no debate

Not two weeks later, as Jasper claims...it was one week exactly...and one of our councilors noticed that our allies, El Paso and one of their towns, El Guapo, had both been nearly entirely ko'd. Upon asking me what happened to them, I took a look to see who was paying them a visit and found members of City of Lost Angels and the Gutshot Gulch towns camped out. El Paso did not need to ask us to come to their aid and they didn't. We saw they were in trouble and offered.

--Two weeks according to the reports, but either way it seems you are now saying this wasn't the cause of the attacks, which was my point anyways. El Paso told us they contacted their allies, I suppose they could of lied, but I don't see why they wouldn't contact their allies if they told us, nor why they would lie about it.

We started trickling in at City of Lost Angels and the Gutshot Gulch towns about a day later. While we were preparing to fight these five towns plus whatever allies they had at their disposal (not just one town...I'll touch on that again in a minute), we started taking hits from a few City of Lost Angels members...which was soon followed by the following mail from Jasper Stone, to our diplomat. Note the bolded and underlined portions...this was the deciding factor in -WU- stepping it up a couple notches.

--Myself and their diplomat compared duel times of attacks to be certain, and it was clear that there were several attacks on Lost Angels over 24 hours before there were any retaliations from us (at the time we were at war with El Paso and certainly wouldn't send people to hit you, at any rate the duelling reports clearly confirm this. With the obvious exception of the one that took place two weeks prior) There were more than 5 times, though I admit Gutshot Gulch were our primary allies, [removed for content]

So here we are, coming to the aid of one of our allies, and Jasper has the nerve to threaten us and tell us to basically "stay out of it or die". Sorry, but that doesn't fly with us. We don't leave allies hanging just because someone threatens us. Any ally who did back down to such a threat would not be worth being an ally in the first place.

--The message quoted is indeed the one I sent, though I get a completely differeant interpretation then a "stay out or die". The message was informing you to why your ally was at war with us, before you just blindly jumped in, it was attempt to avoid all the bs that has occured since that day, but I suppose those not involved in the conflict can see the message and make their own judgements.

But lets go back to all these other towns. I'm hearing an awful lot these days about how there are x amount of towns fighting one town. It wasn't one town when it started. We'd already confirmed that among these "many, many towns" were the Gutshot Gulch towns who indeed had many strong fighters. However, by the time we had sunk our teeth firmly into City of Lost Angels and were moving over to the Gutshot towns, [removed for content]. Well, so much for "many, many towns". Even the allies they threatened us with have shown up only in the most minimal numbers.

--[removed for content]

After thrashing them repeatedly, their strongest fighters have gone into hiding mode so that has slowed us down a little. We do still catch them just not as often. We built the very tongue-in-cheek town, Hotel Inspectors, after one of their fighter/builders built a town right outside one of ours. Many of them had complained that we were all so spread out, so we figured we could fight a little fire with fire while making it more convenient for them at the same time. We gave this town a mix of strong fighters, mid level fighters/adventurers, and a small handful of builders...not "all of our best fighters" as claimed. They did try camping our new town out for about a week but it did not go too well for them, so they've reverted to hitting our adventurers and lower level fighters back at our main town.

--We ko'd all but 2 members of this town, multiple times, we then moved on to their other towns, figuring KO'ing these people wasn't likely going to change anythnig. We'd much rather take the fight to WU.

We're at the point now where they hide while they are not dueling and are pinned down to only one task, while we go on about our games working, making money, dueling other towns here and there...by not having to hide we're still actively progressing. I don't see what they feel they are gaining from this, but they persist so we do, too. It's more like kicking away ankle-biting dogs than it is a war.

--We also do our jobs, we complete quests by either letting you KO us (I've let you guys KO me when my motivation gets low so I can do jobs) or by leaving town doing jobs, then rejoining.

Honestly, the whole thing is really very silly and I try to treat it as such. I've conversed with a couple of their members aside from the leadership types over there, and these folks have had a pretty good sense of humor about it all. Why their leaders chooses to continue to beat a dead horse, I can't answer. A pride thing? Grudges from some old w2 business that barely relates to us on w5? I don't know. Their leaders take it all so seriously...I just have fun with it. It is a game, after all.

--Every time a member is awake for 12 minutes several of your fighters attack them, this is what led us to the hotels, so I'm not sure who's beating a dead horse here.

Our official diplomats have discussed terms of withdrawing but they insist that we surrender Hotel Inspectors before they will consider peace. That's not something that we are willing to do, and if peace is reached what does it matter where we have a town? We've been threatened, insulted, accused of cheating and had our ethics put in question...and we're supposed to give up a town and surrender after knocking the snot out of them for almost a month?

I don't think so. :laugh:

--Obviously given your actions we can't allow someone as hostile as you to have a town right next to ours, nor given our history could I see why you would want one. I'm not sure why you chose to build up a duelling camp, but you did. We have offered a compromise, which is to trade you the town we built. I'm not the diplomat, but I'm certain we would agree to build the town to the levels to match the town you have placed next to us. I'm sure members of DCD could facilitate the trade since neither of our sides would likely trust each other enough(I'd nominate sdjx22 for hotel inspecters, and any you wanted for our town).

Hope that helps clear the hazy air for you, sdjx22 (and anyone else who might for whatever reason care). Although, you could have mailed your founder and found out. Our diplomat has remained in contact with and sent a detailed memo to the leaders of all our allies.
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There several points you try to make which are simply incorrect, but I'm not going to get into a forum war here, Jasper. Your best skill is distorting truths to fit your agenda, and that's exactly the kind of behavior from you that has perpetuated this whole thing. Nothing said here that hasn't been said in-game, so not sure what the point of all this is other than to turn it in to a propaganda war. Just not my thing. The more you talk, though, the more you'll show everyone here the same thing we see so please...be my guest. :)
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I'm more than happy with people reading our responses and seeing what we've been dealing with. I absolutely agree with you that these posts are very much like our messages that have taken place in game, so folks can see just how maddening it can be. The compromise offered by us, would return things to the status quo, which is simply the best and most realistic solution, yet of course this won't work for you, for unspecified reasons. Having this town of yours next to us is just a sticking point for you to try to prolong the war, as were your other ridiculous demands such as having us write a letter of apology for provoking you, nearly fell out of my chair when you asked for that.
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I would be happy to help facilitate a handover of towns if you wanted.

This thread is quite fun.


Our diplomat asked me to post this letter, which was directed at the person who actually is the diplomat for City of Lost Angels.

Gentlemen, I'm done posting on this thread after this. If you wish to continue the conversation I'll be glad to do so in-game, as it's been up 'til this point. Ball is in your court and has been, Jasper. You and I would be better off staying out of it at this point and letting our diplomats do their thing if peace is what you want...because left to you and I, it would never come. :laugh:

Hi Mantell,

As this war has now gone "public", I wanted to convey this to you before anyone here posts on the forum...basically because we've gone back and forth so many times, that it's time to summarize.

You'd already admitted that writing (Jasper's initial telegram) to our town and threatening us if we aided an ally was not a good idea, so condition #1. of our peace requirements has already been met in my eyes.

As far as Sid...you're right. His apology would hold zero meaning for me at this point anyway, so we'll focus our attention away from that since we know the truth.

That brings us to our third condition....which is simply that your fighters withdraw from our towns first or that we agree to a 24 hr. period of withdrawal since not all of our players are online at the same time to see or read that kind of directive.

Bottom line: I think we've been more than reasonable in displaying a willingness towards peace. Our understanding at this point, is that it is the City of Lost Angels who wishes this to continue solely because we will not forfeit ownership of Hotel Inspectors.

Why won't forfeit Hotel Inspectors:

1. We never would have built it to begin with had your town not built Greater Athens on our doorstep. Hotel Inspectors was built as a counter reaction to Greater Athens. Actions result in reactions...and when you are responsible for instigating that reaction, you must be more flexible in accepting the result.

2. Whether the town bears a DCD flag or a -WU- or -EP- flag, we are one and the same alliance so it makes no difference. You said yourself, that the town could bear the DCD flag and we all could still remain in the town, so requesting a flag change is just meaningless red tape as we'd be here anyway.

3. If we come to terms of peace, then whether we are two minutes away or two hours away becomes moot, because we wouldn't be fighting to begin with.

4. If we give our word towards a peace agreement, we wouldn't break it, so unless your town plans to break that peace agreement, then again...it's a moot point.

5. We've too much invested in the building of this town in an effort to perhaps get new store items for our residents to simply let it go ghost.

I think that pretty much sums it up. So unless disagree with any of what our understanding is here on your town's peace expectations, then we'll be posting this on the external forum. People seem to want to know what's going on, so I think that's it in a nutshell.

Cheers and hope you're enjoying the weekend.



yup, it's already been addressed in game, and I referenced it here as well. For obvious reasons number 1 is simply not acceptable, we've offered several options that are acceptable, so the "ball" has been in your court for a while now. I think all of our offers were reasonable, and frankly there are no reasons posted as all as to why you would find an offer unacceptable. We would obviously have to flesh out an offer once we could figure out which type you were more interested in (but at the moment you seem mostly interested in the one that gets us sticking around KO'ing your people, that is staying in the town right next to us). Our offers were to simply build you an identical town elsewhere, or to have DCD (a much more reasonable group of people in our opinion) run the town you've built instead of you. Either of these options would have some strings attached to make sure the spirit of the agreement was not violated (ie: we build you another town only to have you then found yet another town right next to us, or your people hanging around as members of the DCD town, though of course you'd be free to shop there assuming DCD is ok with that which I assume they are). The fact is the relationships between our towns are extremely volitile and it is a horrible idea to call "peace" while allowing the either of us to have a town right next to the other as this peace will surely be broken in short order when some member of one of our towns goes and shoots the other. (either because they are new, vengeful, or some other reason)
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I feel that that there is nothing left for COLA to lose under the current siege and very little for WU & allies to gain to maintain the siege. I suggest that both sides stop focusing on who owns which town and right/wrong etc...

Attacking someone that attack your workers is the right thing to do. Assiting allies whether they ask for it or not is also the right thing to do, unless the ally specifically ask you not to get invovle.

I suggest that all parties invovled in this war starts with a ceasefire for 48 hours.

Let everyone have a chance to do their stuff. If this is agreeable on both sides, we then extend this by setting an NAP (the details can be agree in game) no farming, no workers etc... Normal duel apply or a FULL NAP.

No terms just an understanding.

I believe that both sides have now prove their points and we should all look forward to enjoying the game.

NB. I am allied to WU and have been part of this war too. However, the lack of targets only diminish my interest. I don't like long war cos it gets boring, perhaps peace can be achieve here.