Website - English support


Site is very slow since new design. :(
In case this post comes from your first impression, don't worry ;)... When opening the page in the new design for the first time, your browser has to download all the new graphics (and yeah, there's quite much of it). But later it likely (depending on your browser's settings) won't have to download all of it, so loading the page will be much, much faster.
I hate to say it, but it's a huge improvement over West Stats. I wish I had the counts by item type when I was keeping "Do you have everything?" updated. It would have made things a lot easier. It's also nice not having to strip to import everything.
Thanks for the feedback :). If you (or anyone else) ever have any idea of further improving it, please let us know. I'm not personally using the feature that often, but a regular user will definitely have much more practical experience concerning what is OK and what needs more work...


abedy info set item

hello abedy

info set item is only background grey no sets like mexicano indian set info.

can you fix it ?

tanks niklas81


Suggestion: add sort by attribute bonuses to gear. I think a lot of people would find that useful for the Animal Spirits quests.

Edit: Another suggestion. I love the quest giver finder, but it would be very helpful if mousing over a quest giver pic on a quest page gave a micromap showing its location.
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Thanks for the suggestions... As for the first one, I really hope this is what you meant :D...

We reworked the whole feature and it was definitely worth it even if you meant something else... I made the code pretty faster, more secure, more functional and less resource-consuming, players can also choose maximal level and restrict their character class. Hopefully, set items will be later involved as well, the calculation without that is not as much useful.

As for your second suggestion, I think I could easily add a minimap popup to the text (like Place: Steve Chuck) if that's OK...

Also, we optimized some of the graphics, I hope the page will load a tiny bit faster...


Thanks for the suggestions... As for the first one, I really hope this is what you meant :D...

Damn, that would have made my Animal Spirits gear thread much easier.

As for your second suggestion, I think I could easily add a minimap popup to the text (like Place: Steve Chuck) if that's OK...

Mockup! Something like this. I should have probably put "Mugridge" in the popup, but you get the idea.



If anyone could make a "All Jobs" (or most jobs) skill guide, it would be the boys at TW-DB.

How about it?


Well, this is something we are planning to create. Its in demo stage at this moment (lets say I was testing it for my soldier/female character). When we finish unfinished stuff, we can start working on this :)


If anyone could make a "All Jobs" (or most jobs) skill guide, it would be the boys at TW-DB.

How about it?

Theoretically that can be done but I dont think its realistic.
Problem is, should you calculate with every item there is ? (for example, should Boone's Axe be included, or William Tilghman's Pistol Belt ?)
If yes, Im sure the all-job build is possible, but if you cant include those rare special items it could be impossible. And then a most-jobs build would be I think useless since adding for example a not-so-very-rare item like Hernando's could do the trick.

So it would require calculations with most lilely all items excluding all named ones, where each person should be able to check (checkbox) which specials he or she owns. And even that is possible but then there is the problem : What else would one need ? Adding 1 item could make it totally different......


Minimap mouse-overs should be working, although I placed them over the text like I said in my last post... The reason is that there is at least one quest which has more than one place requisites (actually I'm not even sure if that's right) and also because it was easier to do :).

Thanks for your suggestions, guys ;)

Ahh, perfect. It took me a while to find it, then I felt stupid when I did..."duh, place." ;)


Gryph, not all rare items are really necessary (Billy Kids pants for example) as they would just boost your LP towards some jobs but you can use buy-able items which will give you enough points but still won't let you do all jobs (unless you buy few extra points or wait for new quests with some AP/SP rewards.

This is just an example soldier/female (I took away most rare items in the game), red number in the brackets is bonus from items towards particular job.

and for testing skills

This will be (hopefully) part of new feature we are thinking of.
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That's a good question Elmyr, I think this could be optionable same as rare items and other special items, but as I said before, first we need to finish other things.


An option would be good. It obviously wouldn't be for jobs in regular rotation, where you'll want more LP anyway, but it would be helpful for new quests.

Edit: And a correction. The map for "The smell of the meat" needs to be equipped, not in inventory. I didn't realize you had the badge showing in inventory in "Successful hunt", and did it with it equipped, so I don't know if that's right.
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Theoretically that can be done but I dont think its realistic.
Problem is, should you calculate with every item there is ? (for example, should Boone's Axe be included, or William Tilghman's Pistol Belt ?)
If yes, Im sure the all-job build is possible, but if you cant include those rare special items it could be impossible. And then a most-jobs build would be I think useless since adding for example a not-so-very-rare item like Hernando's could do the trick.

So it would require calculations with most lilely all items excluding all named ones, where each person should be able to check (checkbox) which specials he or she owns. And even that is possible but then there is the problem : What else would one need ? Adding 1 item could make it totally different......

What items you want to include in the calculations should be entierely optional.
Ill agree that adding rares might make a change, but perhaps not as big us you'd think.

But this would firstly be about where to place your skills. Since the "All Jobs" build, is not really all the jobs, but just most of them, id expect to see more then one build depending on what jobs you want the most.

Needless to say, the requierments for this is somewhere between 110 and 120. And must own all store buyable items.



"but perhaps not as big us you'd think.",
I know what difference it makes and for what jobs, I agree not all make a big influence but some do like Buffalo Bill's Soft Leg Guards and William Tilghman's Pistol Belt. Those 2 make a big difference for some of the hardest jobs there are.

"Since the "All Jobs" build, is not really all the jobs, but just most of them"
Is that a fact ? (I dont know). After the update when you do the Animal Spirit quests, you will have another 12 Attribute Points.

I have (almost) all possible store buyable items (just finishing the last ones), all best items for all jobs. I am level 120 so have the max amount of SP and AP from that, and currently 3/4 Animal Spirits quests finished.
I am wondering if there does exist an "All job" build with these AP included, atm Im not so sure there is not.

Edit : With Crafting items I think an All Jobs build is possible, with the Gentleman's Dinner that includes 60 LP on all jobs.
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I got build with 2 jobs missing (Dig for rare gemstones and Rodeo) with less than 50 LP so with Gentlemans dinner you are able to do these too, but this is just temporary.


Interesting, Im working on it myself too but still searching for a build that will be for all jobs without the crafting.


Well, good luck, I've spend hours doing combinations. With all quest rewards and best items, not better than 2 jobs. Soon or later, this will be possible as we get more quests :) And you can still buy missing products from market.