Through Dust [RPG]


The End of the World has come and gone. Long enough for society to rebuild itself, in a mockery of what it was before. Disease roams, killing selectively and forcing the people left to find ways to beat it.

Evolution being the easiest.

A few humans have evolved into something different, darker, and much tougher to beat. They have powers armies would fight over, if any nations were large enough to support one. They wander the lands that have been deserted by humans and reclaimed by the world, wild jungles of New York, grasslands filled with buffalo.

Some want to rule the remains, and others want to rebuild.

Rules (Yes, there will be some)
This is about 50-70 years after the End of the World. Electricity and cars are gonezo.
No guns. And your power can't be something like "making guns". I mean NONE.
One power per person.
Your character must have flaws.
Maximum of two characters per person. We don't want the story just be about your characters.


Name: Liza
Age: 26
Power: Super speed/reaction
Bio: Liza feels like she has always been running. She has, her mistrust of people in general aiding that run. She is pretty, but cold, not trusting anything anyone says, much more likely to run.


Name: James
Age: 29
Power: Control of Electricity/Lightning and can produce electricity from own body
Bio: James is a survivor. He has made sure nobody has known of his power. He kills to protect himself, and feels by himself in all this horror.

One Armed Ninja

Well-Known Member
Name: Kael
Age: 17
Power: Able to make gateways to other parts in the world using thought, takes at least 10 minutes and cannot be interupted while doing so.
Bio: Kael is a loner, outcast from his family when "not moving" from his rooms yet acquiring horrific burns to the left side of his face, through messing with his powers. Now wanders alone, not knowing where he'll next end up.


Age: 21
Power: To appear from one place to another (Jumper)

Bio: Jordon figured out his power when he was looking in a magazine and he appeared there now he doesn't bother walking he can jump from place to place in an instant, When he builds it up.

E.g running towards you but jumping instead it can be very powerful.

Only one flaw, Electricty messes it up.


Name: Alex
Age: 13 ( Yes my youngest person ever! )
Power : None.
Bio:I was one of the newest, sinse i was born only twelve others have been born as well, Life is preety rough, some of the elders show pictures of the past, God.. I wish we lived then and not now, man-kind seems to be going through a evoulution, all of the sudden folks are haveing thease " Powers " I'm just a kid though, if an animal or something attacks me, I'm stuck with this old axe, my father used it to help build a small settlement. I'm just going to have to make it through now.

( OCC: Typos in Bio are ment to be there due to his age :) )


Name: Bobby Hendrix
Age: 19
Power: Make stuff in pictures or thought up real, if you read Song of Susannah, the same power Sheemie Ruiz has, and near perfect memory
Bio: Wandering around one day in the wastes, he saw part of a crushed CD, with the name Hendrix on it. He liked the name, and adopted it. He saw a poster of a man playing a guitar a day later, and for a moment, he was there, playing the song, 'Fortunate Son'. He knew since he was born that he had extraordinary powers. He could remember everything, but now he could make things real. He practiced, and now he can make things exist for a few minutes, depending on the size. He has to have seen complex things before to make them, and since he has perfect memory, he can remember complex stuff.


Name: Teigron
Age: Cats have nine lives
Power: Night vision, super-agility, claws
Bio: Meow


Woot, finally in time to join a new RPG!

Name: Lazander
Age: 16
Power: Invisibility (Power has a lot of flaws though)
Bio: Lazander doesn't know much about past. Well, at least not about his parents. He clearly remembers his brother, Ikael. And he clearly remembers the day on which they were torn apart.

Name: Ikael
Age: 15
Power: Copying. Ikael has the ability to copy himself max. 10 times and control the other 10 bodies. The other bodies however, dissapear when they are damaged.
Bio: Ikael has a past he does not talk about. He does not even talk about his brother, Lazander. Especially since Ikael left Lazander.


Name: Orleans
Age: He's not quite sure, but probably somewhere in his early 20's.
Power: Can breathe underwater, can see underwater, immunity to most diseases, can release 'Swamp Fever'* into the air (but only once a day).

Bio: Born on the Louisiana bayou, Orleans was one of the lucky ones who learned to read. His mother had taught him before she died. He had no name until he wandered into New Orleans, and read the name on a broken sign: ELCOME TO ORLEANS. Since then, he has spent most of his life in the swamp, where he gradually developed semi-aquatic mutations. He can release 'Swamp Fever' into the air at will, but it takes time to produce enough fever to do any damage with.

Because he spent most of his life alone, he doesn't know how to interact with other people properly.

*(Swamp Fever is the name of the infectious, humid clouds which have begun to appear in swampy areas. It kills most nearby animals or people. Orleans can release a cloud of it at will.)


Name:Jean Lafitte
Power:X-Ray Vision- This vision allows Jean to see as through as far into an object as he wants, however if he does not wear his dark glasses he always has to see through thin objects, I.E lacking glasses he will never notice paper, cloth, and other thin items. With the dark glasses on he cannot use it at all and mantains excellent normal vision.
Bio: He was born in Boston and over the years discovered he had x-ray vision, which could be nice at parties and such but not all the time, one day he discovered sunglasses made sure that he had normal vision but could not practice his x-ray ability. Of course he made his way robbing safes and being an excellent robbber all around. When he finally ended up in New York he managed to steal a longsword, which though clumsy effectively hacked through thin walls when it came time to break into a place. It was also useful for hacking guards, he also fashioned together a crossbow, he only uses it for hunting though usually since he finds it clumsy during robberies. Out in the open though it was good for stopping posses.


Jean, New York doesn't exactly... "exist" any more, for about 60 or so years. It's just ruins, pretty much...
But other than that, let's get started!

Liza slid to a stop, a cloud of dust behind her. With a slight huff, she settled her hair, knocking out some of the bugs in it. She pulled her jacket back on, because the cold of evening was setting in. Zipping around the area, she quickly found a patch of rocks, dropping her bag by one of them before running to pick up some sticks.
Putting them in a pile, she lit them, and crouched by it, and as she heard the slight grumble in her stomach, wishing, for not the first time that day, something to eat.


Two men were walking in the distance. One of them was ragged, tired, dirty, and exhausted. The other was near perfect, stage outfit, flashy guitar, perfectly clean. There were only tho things out of place. One, he was shimmering, and two, he was floating along. From him, the chords of All Along the Watchtower wafted through the wastes. A minute later he was gone, and Bobby sighed. He was able to keep Jimi there for five minutes, but he wanted Jimi there for as long as he felt like keeping Jimi there. He looked up, and saw a woman in the distance. He ran up to her, panting from the jog. "Hey. How are you? I'm Bobby. Haven't seen too many people here."


Jordon looked around at another crumbled building, Jordon remembered a lake where he used to go to as a child, Jordon appeared there.

It was once a beautifull lake filled with fish and the colur was a blue, Now it was green with moss covering over it, It was toxic. Jordon sat down next to lake and looked up at the sky, Waiting for something to happen.


Name: does not remember his name but he calls himself Noface
Age:Not sure but most likely late teens early twenties
Power:has the Abilene to jump extremely high and is very good at acrobatics. Can glide on the air for a short amount of time and his jumps take a lot of energy.
Bio:To this day he has no idea how he survived with no parents or anyone to take care of him he just sort of did. He doesn't have much motivation so he can be persuaded to be evil/good or other things.
(Let me know if this is good or not)

Noface stood perched on the remains of what looked like a pile of cars but Noface wasn't sure. Nowadays he was never sure. He looked around for something he could munch on but so far he had no luck. He started walking down the broken road hands in the pockets of his ragged leather jacket. His jeans were torn and dirty and the white shirt under his jacket was stained with dirt and mud. One of his hands was bandaged due to a rabid dog attacking him. He wore an old baseball cap that he wore backwards on his head. He walked down the road some more then he found some plants on the side of the road that looked edible. He picked them and started munching.

(Sorry for just jumping in)


Orleans was lost. He had stumbled away from the bayou, and hadn't seen the swamps he was used to for days. It was dusty out here, and he didn't like the dryness. Eventually he came to a sign, and he sat down to read it. The top had been ripped off, but the last word was still there.

"Arkansas" he read, but he pronounced it 'Are Kansas'. He kept walking for a few hours, hoping that he would eventually get to another swamp. It was getting cold, and he had no jacket. In the distance, he saw someone start a fire.

He had only seen one fire before, when lightning struck a tree in his bayou. He knew 2 things about fire: it was hot, and it burned. He was scared to approach it, but he knew he needed to keep warm, and he had no other option.

There were two people next to the fire - a girl and a guy. Orleans hadn't seen people for years. This was the best thing that had happened to him for a long time. He sat down and produced three dead rabbits. The people warmed up to him then, and they began to talk.


Swish, Swish

Teigron was running through a field of tall grass. The tall grass flowed back and forth like waves with the wind.

His head was low and his body crouched. Across the field were a few deer. One doe looked like a perfect meal. He crouched lower and circled around them. They were unsuspecting; he had kept his sent out of the wind.

He crept in closer: ten feet . . . eight feet . . . six feet . . . then he pounced. He flew through the air; his hands extended. At the last second, razor sharp claws flew out and sliced into the doe's neck. They tumbled to the ground and he sunk his teeth into her neck. Holding his grip, he froze -- listening to her body. She was dead.

Teigron stood up and looked around. The other deer were just making it to the edge of the field. If he had wanted, he could've sprinted after them and taken them down too. But he had enough food. Picking the deer up, he walked back to the woods.

He had found a cave in these woods. It was his den. Outside was a fire pit which needed lighting. He sat down and got to work with his flint.


Jordon awoke, He went back to city centre where he was before and saw two people near a campfire and one walking towards it.

"Amatures" Jordon said as he popped up next to the fire, He looke around then he vanished agin this time he was stood outside a house, His house. He went inside to look around everything was still there his couch his tv, He went to check if the heating worked, It didn't.

Jordon went upstairs grabbed a few blankets and popped back into the centre of the city, He handed the three people there blankets then he sat down next to the fire keeping quiet for the rest of the night.


Sooo, my little friends who is on the menu today? Said Jean as he stood in the shadow of a building and looked through it probing for a vulnerable buffallo. There's one! Quietly Jean crept around the building, then he saw something move. Hmmm... Jean looked closely at the spot and he saw a man, a man with a club waiting to strike. Well, I can fix that. Jean pulled out his bow, notched an arrow, and watched as it drilled into the man's body and how it affected his innards. Very good work if I do say so myself. Ahhh, so he has food, in fact it is bread and jerky how wonderful! Jean opened up the trashcan the man was hiding in and takes his sack of food. You won't be needing this anymore my friend, said Jean as he crashed the lid back on scaring the buffallo. As he rummaged through the sack he stumbled on something odd, itt was titled how to make a gun. He started reading and then he said, What stupid fiction is this, how to make something that can automatically shoot something a distance at high velocity with saltpenter, lead, and oh well this is all junk. Jean throws the book into the can with the dead man. Have fun reading! Said Jean as he exited the alley and approached a building that was identified as the town hall.