The West Classic - Coming Soon


It's a shame that the classic version is only running for a month since I did enjoy The West more than Tombola Simulator. Really looking forward to the month though, should be the most fun I've had in-game in a number of years.

It's also a bit of a shame that it's being based around a race for exp, since I can almost guarantee that the top pages of the exp rankings will be made up entirely of pure trappers. Doesn't feel right to reward a player who's just spammed beavers, coyotes and grizzlies for 30 levels while their townmates built them somewhere to sleep and unlocked items for them. IMO rewarding the town with the most points would be a better option since it requires actual coordination and teamwork between players.

Personally I'll be ignoring the reward altogether and taking advantage of the month that we've been given to enjoy some good old fashioned duel wars. Hopefully most players feel the same and we should be in for a really enjoyable event (and maybe we can convince them to keep it open for good :p).


Gonna be busy for the first few days once it kicks off but will definitely sign up, if only to see how it was back when real men didn't wear pants!


Since it has got no mention in game i have a funny feeling there wont be a lot taking part . Surprised there is no mention on sign into the NET worlds.
Do your part to spread the word, it's been announced on every other server, so there should be a good number, and I guess we need to take the initiative to make players aware of it here.
Hopefully there's an ingame announcement planned for the server opening day.


I do understand the thrill that so so many are stating about the "new" The West Classic that is coming, I think though there are many of us who are almost pure fort fighters, who wish there was a world where forts were reset periodically to enhance fort battles, as in taking the forts and drop them to either having to be rebuilt totally with no one owning them to start, and forts took damage during a battle, and had to be rebuilt to a point, the only gear would be from shops, and quest, no tombolas, fort battles were one of the best things ever to happen here. In my thoughts, upgraded super gear from too many tombolas has not helped.

I do hope the Classic World is a total success, but many like myself will not be there, would love to see a fort world.. as our worlds dwindle to almost non activity except the scramble for a full friends bar, in game currency from the current tombola, and the drive to get the best gear.

SO cheers to The West Classic, glad to see it, even if it is not my thing. :cool:


Do you have to use a current account with the classic game or can you create a brand new one? I can't log into the game with a brand new account name.


Will Joxer be there?

If so, count me in!

Some of the best times playing the west was back when I got to annoy him and his cronies :)

I guess this version doesnt have the update where you can be duelled while sleeping ;-)
I might give this server a try..


Damn - still won't let me register although it's showing as having 39 players so far
That's just the world that's been used to test the classic version since around February. It will be reset before being released to the public, which should be around noon server time, so you're not missing out on anything :)

I guess this version doesnt have the update where you can be duelled while sleeping ;-)
I might give this server a try..
Yeah, not to mention that you can duel an entire town from their saloon. Hopefully after all these years of having in-game chat people still remember how to send hate mail :p


Just managed to register .... World not open yet ... Getting closer :D