I do understand the thrill that so so many are stating about the "new" The West Classic that is coming, I think though there are many of us who are almost pure fort fighters, who wish there was a world where forts were reset periodically to enhance fort battles, as in taking the forts and drop them to either having to be rebuilt totally with no one owning them to start, and forts took damage during a battle, and had to be rebuilt to a point, the only gear would be from shops, and quest, no tombolas, fort battles were one of the best things ever to happen here. In my thoughts, upgraded super gear from too many tombolas has not helped.
I do hope the Classic World is a total success, but many like myself will not be there, would love to see a fort world.. as our worlds dwindle to almost non activity except the scramble for a full friends bar, in game currency from the current tombola, and the drive to get the best gear.
SO cheers to The West Classic, glad to see it, even if it is not my thing.