The rep system

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I don't really have a problem with the system. But I see what you mean ir.ufis. Ive been here for a little under a year, and I can of course see how people like elmyr would have so much rep. But, who the hell is John Rose, and how did he get so much rep? I don't see him too often and when I do its to tell blondie or l8dygaga to shut their pie hole (or someone else idk). Who the hell knows, maybe he did earn it by posting in the ideas section or the campfire stories. The two places that I never visit.

Anyways I do get kinda tired of seeing them "green rep threads". Not quite sure what it is, it's just annoying. Or maybe it's because it's those kinds of threads that help throw this rep system a bit off.


I don't really have a problem with the system. But I see what you mean ir.ufis. Ive been here for a little under a year, and I can of course see how people like elmyr would have so much rep. But, who the hell is John Rose, and how did he get so much rep? I don't see him too often and when I do its to tell blondie or l8dygaga to shut their pie hole (or someone else idk). Who the hell knows, maybe he did earn it by posting in the ideas section or the campfire stories. The two places that I never visit.

Anyways I do get kinda tired of seeing them "green rep threads". Not quite sure what it is, it's just annoying. Or maybe it's because it's those kinds of threads that help throw this rep system a bit off.

JR never said that to me...


I'm John Rose.
I've been around for a long time.
Been active in ideas, misc world forums with some P&P, and then some.
Thomas Franklin once described off-topic as "JR's Personal Kingdom".
Amusing in a way I suppose, but that together with debates are the two sections I do bother to read.
I've long since lost touch with the game, and the level of the debates around here are rather uninteresting at best.

If you want to know who I am, or where I post, a search and quick look will give you a few pointers.

Now that should be out of the way, so quit running after Johnny Red Herring, and get back on track.

There can be no doubt that the reputation system is deeply flawed and easily abuse-able.
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JR never said that to me...

Ah, my mistake. Then it was probly blondie14.

And as far as options go, I would simply ignore it. Because there is not much you can do to stop one person giving rep to someone else for a dumb post or what ir.ufis was talking about. And if you are conscious enough to not want a red bar or to get receive neg rep then I'd go for turning off rep on your own end (if possible, im not quite sure it is doable or not).


I'm John Rose.
I've been around for a long time.
Been active in ideas, misc world forums with some P&P, and then some.
Thomas Franklin once described off-topic as "JR's Personal Kingdom".
Amusing in a way I suppose, but that together with debates are the two sections I do bother to read.
I've long since lost touch with the game, and the level of the debates around here are rather uninteresting at best.

If you want to know who I am, or where I post, a search and quick look will give you a few pointers.

Now that should be out of the way, so quit running after Johnny Red Herring, and get back on track.

There can be no doubt that the reputation system is deeply flawed and easily abuse-able.

amen, green rep for that!
erm where do u see the rep of peeps who have posted anyway?
do you have to go and look at a personal profile?
get a life!


The rep system is a game within the forum, that's all. It serves no function, other than to entertain or annoy. On occasion, people abuse others with it and are penalized as they would if they had abused someone on any other part of the forum.

As to persons in particular, this forum has been ongoing for years and people have been receiving green or red rep here for ages. There is a reason why some have red, or only one green after being here many years, just as there is a reason why some here have 5 or more greens. Whatever actions they commit to in the forums today may or may not reflect how they were in the past but, suffice it to say, more green rep means you're winning the rep game. hehe

Anyway, it's a nice bit of entertainment and I, for one, see no good reason to get rid of it. I does no real harm, adds a bit of levity, and has sparked many a conversation.


Hey black penny just was stating that you were not, and your courage to stand tall is all my friend.I very very rarely ever give bad rep I think 3 times ever for me but I always leave my name good or has a better solution for the problem @ hand it's worth hearing out I believe.
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The reputation system is not just for entertainment purposes. It has a place in the Forum Rules.

"Spam and off topic comments will be deleted. This includes comments such as “In before Lock” and one word posts. If you wish to let the poster know you approve or disapprove of their post, please use the reputation system."


The rep system is a way for idiots to express themselves without being held up to ridicule by other forum members. Ignore it and let the monkeys keep pushing those buttons and making noises. It is entertaining for them.


disable it?
i dont mind a red rep,,

but some people could take offence to it.
please find out how..and post

infiniti99 ...some people forget,,that there are people who cant handle the back lash,,inbox full o insults and a rep system doing like wise .
and to some,,they call it a "game". you say,,stand tall..and hit em harder back.
if you cant handle it,,get a mod,,if still no luck,,,,well ...yell fire.....and watch how fast,how many people show up to "watch" a burning house,,and then ten min after,,they ask "you" to dial 911,,,

(in the dark ages,,those people would be sat on top of the hill watching the battle until its over,,,only to loot it)
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Well, I've talked to john rose and think he's a cool guy. (The rep is from the onion posts, which I have no clue if they are still around, ill check) He deserves a lot of that rep. I have around 600 posts (most of which are helpful, most are good quality, unlike a certain person in this conversation) I'm not complaining about having less rep than a person with 100 posts am I? It really doesn't matter.


The reputation system is not just for entertainment purposes. It has a place in the Forum Rules.

"Spam and off topic comments will be deleted. This includes comments such as “In before Lock” and one word posts. If you wish to let the poster know you approve or disapprove of their post, please use the reputation system."
Betsy brings up a very important point. The reputation system also serves (and may very well have been instituted) as a means to allow people to post one-liners, quick praise or guff. The rules are clear, in that we will remove or penalize for spam and off-topic comments within a thread. The rep system provides you an opportunity to impose your spam or off-topic comment without distracting from, or derailing, the ongoing discussion.

So, it's not merely a cute little feature, it has a useful function in this particular forum.


The rep system is a game within the forum, that's all. It serves no function, other than to entertain or annoy. On occasion, people abuse others with it and are penalized as they would if they had abused someone on any other part of the forum.

Whatever actions they commit to in the forums today may or may not reflect how they were in the past but, suffice it to say, more green rep means you're winning the rep game. hehe

Anyway, it's a nice bit of entertainment and I, for one, see no good reason to get rid of it. I does no real harm, adds a bit of levity, and has sparked many a conversation.

I think those 3 statements are enough.

Thats what it really means to you.


So, it's not merely a cute little feature, it has a useful function in this particular forum.
The function of the reputation system should be clearly defined, and adapted to fit with that definition.

If it is intended as a tool to spam and keep one liners out of threads, then remove the positive and negative aspect of it, only allowing neutral reps. This way it can be used as a comment/spam tool.

If it is to be used as a mini-forum-game, change the name, as it is misleading. New users may refer to rep to see who could help them out. And not everyone with high rep is helpful, nor does everyone that is helpful have high rep.

If it is to be used as a measure of actual reputation in context of the game (and not just popularity) then the system should be modified to better facilitate it - see the OP for some ideas there.


It is a combination of the above, so your wish to have it defined as one or the other is invalid. It is what it is, it serves a purpose and sparks plenty of discussions/debates, which means it is demonstrating itself to be a catalyst for continued dialogue in these forums. You may not like it, others may not like it, but it is a popular feature and it does demonstrate general leanings within this community.

I don't neg rep people just because I don't like them. Hell, I hate everyone equally. I neg rep them because they say something stupid or they behave in a manner I consider offensive in the hopes they'll take a hint and adjust their posting habits.

I don't green rep people just because I agree with them, nor just because I like them (especially considering I hate everyone equally). I green rep them because I appreciate their insight, their argument even if I disagree, they make me laugh, or their posts are otherwise pleasing to read.

That's my use of the rep system, and I think it's far better to use that than it is to quote other people's comments and follow up with a spammy "ftw" or dissolve into other juvenile one-liners.

Anyway, you don't like it, we get that. But for someone who likes to throw out red rep left and right, I find your arguments hypocritical and am thus not altogether moved by them.


... it serves a purpose and sparks plenty of discussions/debates, which means it is demonstrating itself to be a catalyst for continued dialogue in these forums...
Of topic one liner flames. That is what it sparks. Responses to reputation messages ONLY is testament to that. And then when dialogue sparks there, it gets deleted, because it is dialogue and not a response to rep. So where are these "plenty of discussions/debates" that you refer to?

If it is used as intended, or if the community leaders are happy with it's use then simply say so, but do not try and con people with the crap you try to sell above.

I am convinced that if you get everyone's opinion on the rep system you will find that it is a very small percentage of the forum users that is using it and/or happy with it. Claiming it is a popular feature because a handful of people keep on talking about it in Off Topic is a false conclusion. There has been several people that has mentioned their dislike of the system and I bet many more that will not dare post their opinion after the reaction the other received. I fear that once again your conclusion is based on your view of the situation and not the broad opinion of the forum users.

A popularity system (as the rep system is currently used by most) is always fun for those that are, well, popular. And because they are happy with it they assume everyone should be. This is however not the case. If you really look into it I am sure you will be surprised at what you will find.

But for someone who likes to throw out red rep left and right, I find your arguments hypocritical and am thus not altogether moved by them.

–noun1.a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2.a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Now based on your accusation that my arguments are hypocritical, and the given definition of hypocrite, and the statements I made here, please explain how you came to the conclusion that my statements here is hypocritical.
I move that 95%+ of the rep I give (both green and red) is based on the content of the post, which is what I am trying to advocate. And unless you can show otherwise you are just sucking things out of your thumb and needlessly flaming me, trying desperately to discredit me.


Are you asking for a poll?
Is that all you got from that whole post?

How about replying to the requests for clarifications on the baseless accusations you made?

I have bolded the above so that it does not slip your attention and you only focus on the part below.

If you can run a poll that is responded to by the majority of the forum users, then yes, run a poll. But if you run a poll and 100 people vote on it it will not mean anything - seeing as there are more than 2500 active members. So a poll will only be useful (regardless of the outcome) if you can get at least 1000 of the active members voting on it. Or at least every active member that has given or received rep.

A reminder: How about replying to the requests for clarifications on the baseless accusations you made?
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