The rep system

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Is there anyway I can get/bribe/pay/intimidate/blackmail/beg an admin to turn mine off? Completely disable it?

The rep system on this forum, as just about every other forum where it is used, is quickly losing any form of credibility. It is fast becoming a tool that is more akin to high school cliques than any form of reputation system.

The way I see it is that the reputation system should show (mostly new) people who is reputable on the forum. It should show them who could be depended upon to give good answers to questions.

Instead it has degenerated into some popularity contest where even blatantly rude people has their friends showering them with positive rep for picking on the "unpopular kids".

It also favours those people that makes 100's of posts in the Off Topic / Games forum.

Lets look at a couple of examples:
You have someone like Da Twista that is helping people out a lot, answering questions and making a good contribution to the community. Yet he sits with 1 green bar on the reputation scale. His recent promotion to mod may change that as more people will start to look for his favour (Lots of people just look for favour from those people with some measure of power). Edit: Going by contribution to the community, he should have more rep.

Then we have Elmyr Always helping out and very rarely getting involved in heated debates. He sits with a long string of green bars - as it should be.

Then on the other side we have John Rose He makes his name by insulting people, picking on the "unpopular kids" and just being generally unpleasant. Not much of a gain to the community. Yet his green bars almost match those of Elmyr. A classic case of the bully being "supported" by people just so that they do not get bullied themselves.

And then there is the various people that blatantly beg for green rep and shower green rep on anyone they see just so that they can receive green in return.

The whole rep system is not working as intended. If the current use is the intended use, please change the name to "Popularity", as that would be a more true description.

Some suggestions to improve the rep system and have it better reflect the reputation of the user:
Increase the number of users you have to rep before being able to rep a previous user significantly. 50 or even 100.
Reduce the amount of rep you are able to give per day to 1 or 2.
This will make people think a bit more before repping someone, and hopefully lead people to positively rep those posts that are of value, and not just willy-nilly.

Alternatively look at another system that does not promote the popularity concept like it is now. Something like Thank you hack.

This was posted in Debate and discussion. Please treat it as such.
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Have you actually told an admin you want to Opt-out?
At the start of my previous post :)

The difference between reputation and popularity is that reputation can be negative.
So can popularity. Believe you me, popularity can go way into the negative.

The problem, as I see it, is that people rep people and not posts. Bob and Sam are buddies. Bob will now give Sam positive rep every time he is able to, no matter what Sam posts. Sam can be a jackass and still Bob will give him positive rep, and negative rep to anyone that opposes Sam, no matter if the opposing post is of good quality.
So it becomes a popularity contest instead of an indication of quality and/or useful posting.


And you cannot just rep the same person all the time. You do need to give others rep before you can rep whoever you are planning to. Mostly it's only one point at a time so it's going to take a heck of a long time to get a proper rep figure.


there is a small group that buddy up on this forum ...look very clearly,,,there are only a few posts per day by the same people...yet those "few" people go up in leaps and bounds,,and then read some of the messages they write,,,,they actually get good rep from bad language and ill behaviour.

its has been mentioned many times about it,,,many people are even afraid of the forums, have left the game due to it,,and even worse.

i really really doubt anything will be done "that" side o the forums.

best thing to do it find some one who has played the game a few times and ask via via there,,faster and a more correct answer.

the rep, is built around the bully tactic,,so is farming and other,,,a one way game play if you understand me...

two players ,,one is being farmed,,,one then your left with only one player........same with the rep....
flawed system.
its built around an old school yard principal..where people can monitor certain motions and likes,,,but its not used here all to well...and it is a popularity thing..
again,,a flawed system
where only a select group rep each other and diss-reo everybody else.

what are you left with ???

high school stuff,,,George Orwell 1984.
lord of the flies.

would be cooler if they had a simple inbuilt game,,shoot people thing.
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the rep system is like a lil game,,where you can post about people comments,
leave notes ,,and bump people..back and forth with reputation.

read the developers blog of a few months ago,some one complained about the forum being rather hostile,,,not really the rep system,,but the whole thing.
the idea built around punishing people and throwing comments at one another

when i said rep system,,i meant as in the "whole" and as in worse,,i heard some one died and everything got turned up side down,,and some one was said to have cried wolf ..getting negative rep,,and did not post anything else,,the situation then went out of hand and she has left playing all together ......she was hounded out.

few other things i cannot mention,,as you can now understand the "maturity" of certain subjects.

but in short.
the rep system is all about bumping people...i only discovered the ity bity button the other day myself,,the idea is ok,,not brilliant,,but ok,,that you can be green for good,,and red for bad,
other forums dont have that system,,or other options that relate to the game,,,not a system bolstered around personal "appeal" to the world

i say ,,its pointless,,nobody knows of it or uses it,,,so scrap it...instead on a few people running around throwing secret insults at people ,,,coz thats all its used for at the mo
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Would you like cheese and crackers to go with your whine?

If it annoys you so much, ignore it. Or as Nashy said, message an admin if you have serious concerns. Whine threads decrease the validity of your arguement. The rep system has it's problems, but so do most systems.


i like wine and cheese ,,
does not really annoy me ,could not be bothered ...only found the button few days ago,,
and besides,,i think the admins have there hands full..i quite enjoy reading some o the things posted ...
not my problem,,,but your correct,,if things do get out of hand,,,dont just sit there are play dumb,,,,coz within seconds things can be turned around against you...

message the admin,,and tell him the problem.

tell you the truth,,im just posting so that some people see my name on this thread,,,i dont hide behind computers throwing child like insults and randomly attacking people and get rewarded for doing some rather nasty sadistic behaviour (beating people)
and illegal in very many states.....
im the kinda idiot who opens doors with a gun..forget the handle (saw a movie once,,where this dude did everything with his gun,deals,driving,communication,problem solving)

like i say,,scrap the insult based rep thing.
im giving everybody good rep on this thread..tada..!!
coz its true,,there is a rather mounting group of people very dissatisfied with "one" or "two" few unhappy shopper is a once in there life time shopper.(never again)
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black penny: Report insulting red rep. It's like insulting mail. That's clearly in the rules. Don't complain about it being used as an insult if you don't report it.


Back to the subject of this thread.
Can ir.ufis please opt out f the rep system?
Then this thread can be locked as it will have satisfied its criteria.


ir.ufis makes a valid point and I agree with most of it.The way the current system is works but some aspects still drive me nuts but I can deal with it.there is always a better way and the grass is always greener on the other side so time will tell.


Just ignore it. The whole system is a joke. I have no idea what my rep is nor do I care. I will look at it once a month just to see if there are any abusive comments but other than that it is pointless and irrelevant.


Speaking of rep, i just got negative rep for my post three posts above this.

It said "not contributing to the thread".

Ok, maybe im annoyed about people always complaining instead of talking about a game which, in my opinion, is great. But what i was doing was getting back to the original post about opting out. How is that not contributing?

Another shining example of rep systems being abused.


Agreed. Current rep system is a beauty contest at the moment, and frankly I have hairy legs :p
Regardless what has been said here it is the only form of appreciation I can give. Sending one green to thread owner for your insight.


Back to the subject of this thread.
Can ir.ufis please opt out f the rep system?
Then this thread can be locked as it will have satisfied its criteria.
I believe that you should re-read the first post. It is about much more than me wanting to opt out of the rep system. It also touches on the shortcomings (in my opinion) of the system and steps to correct it (in my opinion).
Thus simply pushing one agenda and then calling for the thread to be locked is not contributing to it.


what the ideas?
coz the forum does need an upgrade ,,maybe even a resort,

wahay!! i was just called a doormat ..or wasnt called a doormat!!wahay !!
ether way !!!

can be fun if used well,,,but the idea has kinda morphed,and is under abuse by a few,
people now use it to be rude and insult you in secret rather just shoot the person in some weird odd childish but fun game.
i mean cousin has just been playing these brain dead flash games for an hour,,and its way cool...

we need to some how a way to get the community a bit..happier and with a group spirit,,all fun but no harm done.
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