Sir Krane
The attackers made their move. Half of them ran straight out towards the guards, but at the last moment they jumped into the air, somersaulting over the outstretched spears.
The other half of the attackers simply ran straight. Now the circle of guardsmen was being attacked from head on, and from within.
Half of the guards were killed outright by the rapid flashes of steel, however the survivors put up a fight, a few of them even managing to score hits on their assailants.
Two figures rushed directly at Krane, with their halberds outstretched, intent on slashing him in half from both sides.
The arrow found its mark, felling one warrior. Guards passed him at intervals, some stumbling as they rapidly tried to fasten their breastplates onto their mail covered chests.
Arriving at the King's chamber, Oren found Raerrith, Leo and Shyther along with a party of ten royal guardsmen, in addition to the king's own protection detail.
"Oren!" Raerrith bellowed, his sword was drawn, and a mixture of anger and fear lay beneath his stony face. Leo was talking to Count Cladenhon, evidently working on the defence arrangements. Meanwhile Shyther just stood by. Something didn't look right about him, he looked distant, and did not move an inch.
"We are under attack." Raerrith stated the obvious. "What the hell is going on? Daniel has been shot, Dist is unconscious, Lord Stallar is dying and there are two dead cultists in the armoury. And now two dead guards and the corpse of Lord Liemorder has been found. What have you been doing?" He shouted.
The attackers made their move. Half of them ran straight out towards the guards, but at the last moment they jumped into the air, somersaulting over the outstretched spears.
The other half of the attackers simply ran straight. Now the circle of guardsmen was being attacked from head on, and from within.
Half of the guards were killed outright by the rapid flashes of steel, however the survivors put up a fight, a few of them even managing to score hits on their assailants.
Two figures rushed directly at Krane, with their halberds outstretched, intent on slashing him in half from both sides.
The arrow found its mark, felling one warrior. Guards passed him at intervals, some stumbling as they rapidly tried to fasten their breastplates onto their mail covered chests.
Arriving at the King's chamber, Oren found Raerrith, Leo and Shyther along with a party of ten royal guardsmen, in addition to the king's own protection detail.
"Oren!" Raerrith bellowed, his sword was drawn, and a mixture of anger and fear lay beneath his stony face. Leo was talking to Count Cladenhon, evidently working on the defence arrangements. Meanwhile Shyther just stood by. Something didn't look right about him, he looked distant, and did not move an inch.
"We are under attack." Raerrith stated the obvious. "What the hell is going on? Daniel has been shot, Dist is unconscious, Lord Stallar is dying and there are two dead cultists in the armoury. And now two dead guards and the corpse of Lord Liemorder has been found. What have you been doing?" He shouted.