The Church of the Glorious 42

  • Thread starter Thomas Franklin
  • Start date


Was going to say something about freedom of speech, but I just cant be arsed.
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Who dares question the amazing John Rose? John Rose is so exceptional that even Elmyr is a follower of JR's Church of Onion. Onion frowns upon those that frown upon John Rose. Blessed be all those that accept him as is and follow the true path of Onion.


Who dares question the amazing John Rose? John Rose is so exceptional that even Elmyr is a follower of JR's Church of Onion. Onion frowns upon those that frown upon John Rose. Blessed be all those that accept him as is and follow the true path of Onion.

HellO? John Rose is so exceptional that I follow the Onion in its grace and majesty


Me. Because I think he's a jerk with an undeserved good reputation.
And this is NOT the place to glorify the Onion, this is 42!

Oh noes!
Celxius thinks I be a jerk

My day in ruins
happiness shattered
by a total stranger
on the interwebs


I'd try to console you a little, but you look like you're being sarcastic.


This is an example of the oppressive older religions terrorizing younger, peaceful ones (which often results it in a backlash). The Jews and the Catholics, the Catholics and the Protestants, the Protestants and Scientology. Now its Onions and 42.


Did you just say Scientology?
I don't know if that's a religion or not.


TWRRC Rulez! -English
TWRRC i5 1337! -n00bz

edit- I think he means what ever you call the religion for atheists


Scientology is being debated whether or not, mostly because it seems like a money making scam to the non-Scientologists (then again, so is Catholicism). But people believe in it, so I'm counting it as a religion.

If you've read the book Godless it mentions this system of persecution (there it goes Jews-Catholics-Protestants-Chutengodianists).


Scientology is being debated whether or not, mostly because it seems like a money making scam to the non-Scientologists (then again, so is Catholicism). But people believe in it, so I'm counting it as a religion.

If you've read the book Godless it mentions this system of persecution (there it goes Jews-Catholics-Protestants-Chutengodianists).

We have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about... so again:



It's more that he has absolutely no idea of what he's talking about, yet again.


Okay, you all are to stupid to understand it.

You (except Trainman)= Persecutors