The Church of the Glorious 42

  • Thread starter Thomas Franklin
  • Start date


Peanuts: 24-78
The Second Coming of 42 is an event where 42 will appear on Earth in a human form, give us a speech, and then the universe will fizzle away into nothing. Then, based on the quality of people's lives and their reverence, be sent to the appropriate section of Afterlife. (see Macadamia: 11-96)


I hope this isn't the church that Solo prophecised would bring down the Onion.


"Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"


I didn't realize that I got the post number 42 (laughs). 42 rewards those who serve her with miracles.

For example, today I was at a school event and the people chose me to come down from the bleachers (and help). Coincidence?

And by the way, Oisin, I very seriously doubt John Rose gave the Onion any thought when he invented it.


I didn't realize that I got the post number 42 (laughs). 42 rewards those who serve her with miracles.

For example, today I was at a school event and the people chose me to come down from the bleachers (and help). Coincidence?

And by the way, Oisin, I very seriously doubt John Rose gave the Onion any thought when he invented it.

Then do prowl the forum for the history.


42 isn't actually the "answer" to life, universe, and everything. It is meant that the wieght of the universe (i have no idea how they figured it out) is the number 3 followed by 42 zeros, which i guess is how people got the idea that 42 i the answer to the universe.


Oh, so that's where Adams got it from.

I still refuse to denounce my beliefs. Trainman, you are now officially a Lesser Idolater.


If you're in the Church of the Onion that makes you a "Greater Idolater". John Rose is the King of the Idolaters, because he is the person most-hated by 42 on here.



Your posts are both ridicules and pathetic.
John, how would you like it if someone came along to the church of the onion and labelled you a failure, idiot, etc. every other post?
Because I think that's what you're doing here.
Lay off for once and leave Thomas and everyone else to have their church.


John, how would you like it if someone came along to the church of the onion and labelled you a failure, idiot, etc. every other post?
Because I think that's what you're doing here.
Lay off for once and leave Thomas and everyone else to have their church.

Oh, I don't apprecaite that at all, but newsflash;
People stop by spam it all the time, and several people have done their best to spam it to death.


Gte off your pedestal.

Creating a Church to worship something mentioned in the books of an atheist is ludicrus,
and you know it.