The Brain Farts - Brainstorm of ideas here

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 1278415
  • Start date


wonders what would happen if shooting/relex affected damage of fort guns.....kinda boring with all the gg's floating around.....


Fort Shops

I know this has probably been mentioned before but what if we had some sort of shop in the forts. It could sell things like bayonets, graphite lubricant, Weapon chains, cooling cloths etc. Players could even supply the items to the shop. and the prices would be based on how hard the items are to make.


Fort shops have been in the works for some time now. We don't know exactly what will be in them.


We don't know exactly what will be in them.

Neither do the devs, that's why we don't have fort shops. They were on Beta briefly when forts were new, but they never had any stock.

I actually do kind of like the idea, as long as it doesn't sell crafted items required for other recipes. Their prices would have to be raised though.


Given what is implemented into the game thus far and what will be soon, what would the shops contain? Maybe randomized items? Or unique items? Fort battle buffs like +5 atk bonus to all defenders for $10000? who knows.....


Ashock recently posted on devblog he has an idea on how fort shops will work (means - they won't behave like town shops nor NPC trader) but didn't give out any real detail.
My guess, since he loves to put steel boxes as rewards everywhere, is that you'll be able to trade with boxes in it.


'Small' addition to the ingame forums, how about adding another tag: [equipment]. Then we could include items into our posts (preferably as text and on mouseover you see the item-information), very useful in trading and dueling/ff/questing/etc guides.

It could simply work like this:
[equipment]mexican bandana[/equipment]



'Sure why not?' is what I would say if I knew how much would be required to code this....


Quick Idea

The thought popped into my head, how you have the recipe sheets on how you can learn to do new things with your crafts i was thinking maybe have sheets just like the recipes but, instead of learning something for crafts, these could boost your skills and maybe for a rarity your attributes. These sheets could be simply found in high luck ranked jobs and maybe from a quest or two.


crafts already boost your stats temporarily and a permanent boost would be unbalancing imo.


Reduce duelling level

You should implent a way to lose duelling lvl, either by losing it when losing a duell, or being able to buy reduction with nuggets, just my branfart :)


'Small' addition to the ingame forums, how about adding another tag: [equipment]. Then we could include items into our posts (preferably as text and on mouseover you see the item-information), very useful in trading and dueling/ff/questing/etc guides.

It could simply work like this:
[equipment]mexican bandana[/equipment]


I think this should be taken further. It would be useful if the pop up had some sort of indication of whether or not you have that item and, if so, how many. That would help when reading a guide to see which of the recommended items you have, and also when responding to market requests.


sounds good, futu.....though it doesn't sound like a minor idea anymore ;)


I will tell you what involves your idea.

1. Level of duel = Level of your character + Sum of all points gained by duel

This sum has a correspondent in a table. A part of the table is shown below:

Sum of duel points ----- Level Value
47 ========> + 1 Level
148 ========> + 2 Level
290 ========> + 3 Level
468 ========> + 4 Level
679 ========> + 5 Level
920 ========> + 6 Level
1189 ========> + 7 Level
1486 ========> + 8 Level

If your character level is 50 and also you have 30 point gained by duel =>

Your level o duel = 50 + 1 = 51

2. Second, points gained by duel are calculated using the formula:

Points = (7 * level of defeated player) - (5 * level of winner player) + 5

Based on this formula we can determine the range of players who can attack.

Example: Always points obtained by duel must be greater than zero. =>

(7 * level of defeated player) - (5 * level of winner player) + 5 > 0 =>

To solve this equation => (7 * level of defeated player) - (5 * level of winner player) + 5 = 0

After that, we can we can determine the range of players who can attack. [the range of players who can attack based on above formula was posted by first time by warrigal in old post in January 2009]
In summary:

a. If we decrease the character level because also want we to decrease level of duel => we can do the game missions corresponding to our level.
Example: my character level is 67, after decrease become 60 level. We can do quests and missions for level 67 just only missions for 60 level.

b. If we decrease Sum of all points gained by duel because also want we to decrease level of duel => the top list of duellist become inconsistent.

Frequently I talk with Geronimo about duel:;)


Again. In summary:

Level of duel = Level of your character + Sum of all points gained by duel,

because of this formula we have 2 options to decrease level of duel.

If we decrease the character level because also want we to decrease level of duel => we can't do the game missions corresponding to our level.
Example: my character level is 67, after decrease become 60 level. We can't do quests and missions for my real level 67 only missions for 60 level are available for us now.

b. If we decrease Sum of all points gained by duel because also want we to decrease level of duel => the top list of duellist become inconsistent.

My English is bad. I hope it's better now:(