survival of the Coven 2 (RPG)


(ohh siry, didn't see name >.<)
BOB"so do you know where the soul is, does a student, someone else, is it writen somewhere,etc."


Anu look at bob a little funny "It out there." she point to the group of like 500 students at the gate. "One of them know ware it is or is the key to get it. But witch one witch one...."
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BOB"and are you sure just them, any other people that arn't students, and are you sure you don't know which one. Also, is that why you brought me here, to find out which student knows where it is so we can protect it."
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Anu look at bod again "I know are coven not like it once was be for the fire but those kids out there and use are the only survivor now." She look sadly at bob "One of those students know ware it was hind in or will have the power to revival ware it is ."


BOB"very well,thats alot of students for me too keep and eye on though."


"I's sorry, Marm," he said as he made his way down the poplar. " I's taut I ker get a bit of a ber looksy, what." He quickly dusted himself off and straightened his hair. It was long and out of sorts and odd silver tinge streaking here and there. It made him look older than he was. "If's you can forgive a feller for bein nosey."


James walked into the building. He walked up a flight of stairs and knocked on a few doors. He then sat down next to the last one and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.


*senses theres someone in the building(James), cause even teachers are out of the building and come later tonight for supper.*"I'll go great the students and have them come in and get to the dinner table..."*Anu stops BOB before he leaves.*
Anu"you can't do that cause you need to act like a student, now go and do whatever with the students."
BOB"right."*leaves room and teleports outside of door of the Jame sis behind, walks in.*"your not supposed to be in here"


James stood up quickly and said,"Ahh so your the shapeshifter?" James hiccuped and continued,"James at your service. Master of destructive magic, teleporting, and comedic jokes. Oh and occasional drunk. Where's the headmistress?" James held out his left arm to shake hands with the man.


*shakes hand*"and do i know you, an what do you want with the HeadMisstress."


Ben was still standing at the gates. "When will this gate open up?"
He read the lettre over and over. "I'm not to late I hope or...early?"


Nettax Look at the boy Iggy "did you get a letter to come to this school to?" She look at that boy that was reading his letter and waning if he was on time. Treads began to come to here eyes. She look away from him and back a Iggy.

Anu hearing people talking out say her office door came at Look at the tow man "I'm the headmistress and you ware just say you one of the teacher I sand for?"


"Sure ting, Marm, I's gots a letter here, what." He said as he fumbled around in his pockets until he was able to produce the letter in question. "Are you alright, Marm?" He asked, wondering what he could have possibly done now to upset this woman whom he had never met before. "I swears I dint hurt der birdsy Marm"


(occ Nettax is only 16, she one off the students to was here way of ask if you go to the school too.)

Nettax "I'm Nettax I'm new to the school too." She look a round.


"well here you are sir,I goto go do stuff."*BOB teleports to the side of the school and changes too(little)bob, and bob walks around the wall where all the kids are standing and waitng.bob goes by a tree and sits next to it.*


"Yeah. Im one of the teachers. Pleased to meet you," James smiled and held out his left hand. He then said,"So what other teachers are there? And are classes seperated by kind of magic or ability to use that magic?"


Anu Look at James "Well first of all my Name Anu" Shake his had "and you is? I thanks we have to first meat the students It may be a little hared to put them in the right class with out first getting to know there skills. But All the teacher will be teaching the skills there best at. What are yours?"


"Anything that lets me make things go boom. Fire, eleltricity, storms, weather, I control alot of things. Tornado's are fun to mess around with. Make wind spin around and around. But when I mess with it, its somwhere isolated. But no power to teach as of right now," James smiled. "Nice to meet you Anu. Let's meet the students shall we?"


Anu look back into her office "Just one moment need to luck this up first. Would not do for the students to go in there right away." Anu close her office door and luck it up. "O.k. I'm ready to go."