Script Several GM scripts


A problem with the notepad. If you make more than one note, all notes clicked show the last note you made. Is this something you intend on fixing?
Yes, I know about it, someone in SK The-West told me yesterday. I (hope) will fix it in the next update.
Ah YES..........I wondered what surprises there might be, thanks! :D

I've disabled the "script with surprises", now but the "Notepad" script isn't working at all. :sad:
The joke with map is there just for 30 minutes, I think :laugh:
I tried to disable the Surprises-script and Notepad was working. What was wrong with "your" script?


I tried to disable the Surprises-script and Notepad was working. What was wrong with "your" script?

Nothing happens when I click on the "Notes" label.:sad:
I've un-installed the "Surprises-Script" and the "Notepad" script then reinstalled the "Notepad" script and refreshed everything but still nothing happens with the "Notepad".


Interesting. Have you tried to install the Surprises script again?

And do you have Mozilla Firefox 3.5?


Personally wanted to say thanks for the hardwork in compiling this info. It really does add to the game, makes managing your player less of a pain. Good job!


On No. 5, it is not working. Uninstalled, reinstalled. The added web pages at install initially lists just *. I've added every possible page I could think of, and I am not getting anything remotely or close to the screenshot.


Found a different file of yours on one of the GM script hosting sites. Installed and it worked out fine.


Interesting. Have you tried to install the Surprises script again?

And do you have Mozilla Firefox 3.5?

Yup - I tried reinstalling the Surprises script and refreshing - still nothing from Notes.

I'm using Firefox/3.0.13 for Linux


So here is the problem.

I wrote it in the first post, this script requires Firefox 3.5 (I don't know why).

//EDIT: I know about the problem with Fullscreen script and version 1.22. I'll fix it after new version of Notepad script, until then you can do this:
Open GreaseMonkey menu (right-click on the monkey on the right-bottom), click on "Manage user scripts", choose The-West Fullscreen skin, click on "Add" next to the Exclude pages, then put into the modal dialog "*" and press enter.

//EDIT: The previous string to put into the modal dialog wasn't right, it's corrected now.
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Hey Mate.

Your English is better than any foreign languages I ever tried speaking, you do very well!

As for the Notepad script, I'll come back to it again another day and see if I can get things working.

Thanks and good luck.


One addition I'd like to see to the town buttons script: sign post.

Somebody else thinking the same way as myself.
I asked if this would be possible in a post some time back, I hope it does eventuate. :)


One addition I'd like to see to the town buttons script: sign post.
Me too but to do that the scripts would have to be public and experice from a game where you could edit/completely control scripts has alot of problems with infected scripts that will ruin the entire game and make it unplayable. (literally) So i think the scripts should stay to to the programmer only :)


Me too but to do that the scripts would have to be public and experice from a game where you could edit/completely control scripts has alot of problems with infected scripts that will ruin the entire game and make it unplayable. (literally) So i think the scripts should stay to to the programmer only :)

I don't understand your complaint. I'm asking Shulik to add a sign post (to walk to town) to the town buttons. Anyone can edit a GM script themselves once it's downloaded, it's just javascript.


oh,sorry i thought you meant the game programming scripts used to make the button and the game do all of its thing


I'm working hardly on new version of Notepad script with possibility to save notes to my hosting. But it's difficult, so I need some testers.
The developer version of the script is here to download:

There might be critical errors, but I hope they will not. :)

I nearly totaly rewrote the script in this version (nearly just interface is the same). I added possibility to save notes on my hosting. You can also save and read data from your computer - rightclick on the monkey, choose "User scripts menu commands" and click on "Change disposal site for notes" (maybe stupid name, tell me a better one, please :)).
Your current notes should be visible in the new version too, but I think it would be better to make a back up :unsure:
I'd also be happy if someone would check and correct the English in the script (That translated me, so there is certainly a lot of mistakes).

Try, please, if the notes are really visible, if the hosting saves data, if editing and deleting works right.. And then write here a feedback, please :)

If you wouldn't like the dev version, you can download the older version by following the link in the first post.

You can also try it with Firefox 3.0 or 3.1 (maybe it will work wit them now, but probably no :D), if you have it, but if it wouldn't work, it isn't a bug. The script Probably works just with Firefox 3.5 and higher.

I hope this post is understandable, I'm tired and my brain tries to switch itself off :D
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I have registered on your site (I must say the confirmation number and letter system was way too complicated, please consider changing it to a more convenient one), and logged on with the new notepad script.

The graphic button "Notes" could be centred to be more in line with the text of the rest of the buttons.
I can confirm the problem with using "enter" in a text.

Otherwise I haven't noticed anything yet.
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Is it possible that the notepad script asks you to confirm when you choose to delete a note? Clicking on the cross straight away deletes the note and if someone accidentally clicks on the cross instead of the edit button, then they may lose important notes.