Russian Anti-Putin Protests


Show me what I can "read up a little" to see the arguments and evidence indicating it's indeed not a fabricated conspiracy - I'm all ears.

Dare say there are books out there but cant be bothered to go look anymore than you can Dig, however.,_2004 gives the stats as you can see very close explores the vote switching broke down in great detail. youll have to scroll down to the 2004 election for details but it gives good information.

Conclude what you wish, incompetance or intended, it was close to the point that state i believe could or would have swung it. In truth it mattered not which one won, both are the same boys club members anyway, it was more a case of both candidates being backed by the same sponsers. A win win situation so really who cares....


Omg, you're a spitfest! :p

Someone apart from Keanu Reeves will do. Ya know, a good old fashioned source that actually has some authoritative voice. Surely someone has written an article or book on the issue, unless these Bush vote rigging ideas were just pulled from a random anus. Show me what I can "read up a little" to see the arguments and evidence indicating it's indeed not a fabricated conspiracy - I'm all ears.

I'll try with Michael Moore and see what i get.

Yes he has a tendency to be full of crap sometimes but he is also right on many issues.