Rhyme it!


Alright, this is a game where you edit a sentence (for laughs) while still rhyming.

For example:

Post 1:
I like to eat cake.

Post 2:
I aim to meet Jake.

Hurry, let's see Big Ben.

Post 3:
Ferrari in the pig pen.

Your Majesty is a twit.

Post 4:
Your badger stinks a bit.

Get the idea? I'll start.

Planet Venus has a flying pig.


I won't fall for your traps... It doesn't take a rocket scientist what you were trying to get me to say!

Sorry for being off topic, but I tried for almost 20 minutes to think of something that rhymes with that, and the only one I came up with was less than PG-13...

Can I start another one? If someone can rhyme his by all means, ignore this post... otherwise:

My uncle smokes a pack a day.


I won't fall for your traps... It doesn't take a rocket scientist what you were trying to get me to say!
Was it really that obvious?
Genus rhymes with Venus too, if you still wanted to do it.

My uncle smokes a pack a day.
I saw a Mario Bros. hack today.


I moored a boat just off the jetty.


By Genus you mean Genius? At first, I had: "Damnit, Genius is a lying fib" - but it didn't make ANY sense at all :p

Can you not post two sentences? It is making this game extremely confusing.


Hey there Fabio, hows that play?


Huh? I didn't post two sentences.
I posted an answer to the smoking one, and then a new one, the boat one.

Oh, whatever.

I'd gone fishing and caught a cray.


My watch goes around in an endless loop.
↑ Answer that one.


My cool car is considered a coupe.


I like to eat lamas...


This topic fails. Can we PLEASE start over, using words that are POSSIBLE to rhyme?

Also, can we not have two sentences? This topic wreaks of SABOTAGE.

Staying on topic:

I write to defeat drama.


I can rhyme mine... I had dinner with a obama. Done, wasn't hard at all. And you are supposed to use two sentences. One to answer the above, and one to keep the game going. And what you wrote rhymes, so I don't see a problem with it.

You forgot to use a comma.


I threw the body in the sack.


I have a particular keenness toward that mall

We walk away with the money


We shall all rob a bank and get caught by the fuzz.

Not great, but at least it's better than nothing (That's my sentence)


The bait feast was huffing.

The person below me has the wrong thread.


That's true, I was looking for Left 4 Dead.

Did you see that man, on top of that rig?


I see that can, doin' that jig.

Coach is the best, bu for burger tank he must rest.


Oh yes, I have GLADOS to thank for the test.

You'll surely avoid scurvy if you eat an orange.
...No, I jest. Here's the real one.

The bomb is made from yellow cake.


The somb(?) is mellow, Jake.

Ellis' freind is Keith, who ain't so meek.
Rochelle is hell.


please, for the love of God, don't be a geek

i farted on your mother.