Pure Skills


Hiders have better luck jobs than traders, including ones that are more worth doing for other reasons. If you're looking to find a note part 1 and respec, hider is still a better choice than trader.


I just joined world six to be a pure trapper. A couple of my buddies are joining that world to be "pures" as well.


Pure hiding is fun, I unlocked treasure hunt the other day, I`ve done 10 hours of it and didn`t get any item, today I`ve protected track of settlers and hunt wolves and i got 3 items in a row. I hope items from treasure hunt start landing soon but it`s still good, it has few nice exp jobs and later on great luck jobs. Trapper/shooter is great, I`ll do that or some dueler when they implement new world probably


Inquiry. What counts as pure?
I have half of my points in dexterity, aim and shooting; the other half are spread around.
What do you call a character like that?

And what if someone had all their points in horseback riding?


Inquiry. What counts as pure?
I have half of my points in dexterity, aim and shooting; the other half are spread around.
What do you call a character like that?
A pure is someone who puts all there points in To one skill and one attribute for example if you were going to be a pure hider you would put all SP to hiding and all AP to Mobility. You call that character whatever you like...lol

And what if someone had all their points in horseback riding?
That would be called a pure horseback rider.


How well do you think a pure horseback rider would do, then?
I think he'd have a big speed advantage, at least.

Also, I propose a name for player's with half-pure designs: Arrows.
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A pure Horseback Rider gets Pony Express at level 29 naked. That isn't a bad job. I don't think it would be the most profitable pure route to go but they all have their advantages.


not as good as traper but can work, u can go catch some horse soon


I think I'll play a horseback riding arrow on my next world.

...Which world should I play next, anyway? I'm only on world 8 right now.
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Pure trapper = pirate. Pure hider = ninja. Discuss. (Among yourselves, I'm out of here.)


I think I'll play a horseback riding arrow on my next world.

...Which world should I play next, anyway? I'm only on world 8 right now.

I started this build recently, well not exactly pure HR but HR until i got catching horses and after that I started putting all points in leadership. It should work pretty well


Good to know.

...But I said an arrow horserider.
An arrow is something I coined on this thread, it means a character who has half his attributes/skill points in one thing, and the other half spread.


I saw it earlier in this thread but not it that post specifically, I just woke up and still haven`t drank my coffee.


Thanks for the responses, folks!

So, hiding seems a popular pure choice. As does trapping and trading.
Since no one has mentioned "leadership", and just to see how it goes, I'm trying that route in one of the worlds.
Celxius, check back in here in a couple of months and let us know how your "arrow" is doing.

You gotta love a game that gives you so many different ways to have fun.


Thanks for the responses, folks!
Since no one has mentioned "leadership", and just to see how it goes, I'm trying that route in one of the worlds.

I started this build recently, well not exactly pure HR but HR until i got catching horses and after that I started putting all points in leadership. It should work pretty well

I have;)


Ok so I've decided that I want to be a trapper. I'm only on lvl 1 he he he

However my 3rd quest requires me to fish which doesn't entail any trapping skill to have enough labour to do the fishing. Does pure trapping mena you have no other skills or is it fine to go a head and add other skills that I need for quests?


How about we all join world six and do different "pure" builds and compare them as we go along? Sound like fun? :)


Ok so I've decided that I want to be a trapper. I'm only on lvl 1 he he he

However my 3rd quest requires me to fish which doesn't entail any trapping skill to have enough labour to do the fishing. Does pure trapping mena you have no other skills or is it fine to go a head and add other skills that I need for quests?

Pure trapping=all AP in dexterity and all SP in setting traps but you can put 1 SP in swimming in order to finish introduction quest. At lvl 14 you unlock quest chain that will allow you to move points(take one from swimming and put it to trapping etc.) shaman guide and shaman quest chain. So if you want to go pure, don`t throw around your AP and SP for quests, just for introduction and no other(you can finish shaman with some gear or at later levels when you have a lot of AP)